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1、江西省上饶市六都中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The written record of our conversation doesnt _ what was actually said. There are a lot of mistakes.A. appeal to B. correspond to C. match to D. relate to参考答案:B【详解】考查动词短语辨析。A. appeal to呼吁;B. correspond to相符合;C. match to相搭配;D. relate to涉及。句意:我们谈话的书面记录与实际所说的不相符,有很多错误。根据“T

2、here are a lot of mistakes”判断此处表示“不相符”,故B项正确。2. Sarah looked at _ furnished apartment with _ delight.A. /; a B. a; the C. the;/ D. the; a 参考答案:C3. He looked around and caught a man _ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting参考答案:D略4. Shall I invite Tom to

3、my party? Yes. Itll be nice if you .A. to B. invite C. will D. do参考答案:D略5. His suggestion that you_ once more sounds reasonable. Atry Btried Cmust try Dcan try 参考答案:A6. Its reported that most of the lakes and damaged dams were safe but the risks of heavy rain and aftershocks _.A. left B. keptC. save

4、d D. remained参考答案:D【考点】考察动词辨析leave离开;keep保持;save节省;remain逗留,停留;本句如果选择A项,要在前面加上are,形成be left留下,剩下;BC两项后面要接表语,形成系表结构;本句中的remain是一个不及物动词,在句中单独做谓语。7. Thompson had two ways, neither of _ seems to have worked well.A.whom B.that C.which D.them参考答案:C8. 根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)-61 -Going sho

5、pping is always boring 。-62 There are many things to choose from.-63 We spend a lot of time but come back without anything。-64 -I have always been afraid to bear you say “I am sorry I have changed my mind”.-65 I prefer to stay at home watching TV .A. So you must go by yourself.B. Would you like to g

6、o shopping with me now?C. Do you remember the last time I went shopping with you?D. You are a nice person.E. Sometimes I really have trouble choosing among so many things.F. But without you I cant make a decision on what to buy.参考答案:略9. He hasnt turned up yet; something unexpected _ to him.A. can ha

7、ve happened B. must have happenedC. should have happened D. neednt have happened参考答案:B10. _that her fifteen-year-old son disappeared while walking home from school,she suddenly burst _ tears.ABeing heard;out BHaving been told;intoCTo tell;away DSeen;out参考答案:B11. Rich countries have a responsibility

8、towards poor countries and must do _ they can to help others.A. no matter what B. whatever C. all what D. that参考答案:B7. _Esmes website, and youll get a list of childrens books for different age groups.A.Visting B.to visit C.Visit D. Having visited参考答案:C略13. The air is badly polluted because some fact

9、ories dont the rules to protect the environment.A. appreciate B. regard C. honor D. respect参考答案:D14. Its the governments considered opinion that price control is one of the top focuses_for 2011.A. scheduled B. suggested C. promised D. discussed 参考答案:A略15. -Where is the monitor? - I dont know. He _ t

10、o the school library. A . went B. must have gone C. might have gone D. should go 参考答案:C16. Mr. Smith recommended that she_ a lot of reading in Chinese.A. do B. will do C. does D. doing参考答案:A17. -Would you like to play bridge with us? -Sorry._.A. With pleasure B. No problem C. It isnt my cup of tea D

11、. It is a piece of cake参考答案:C二、 完型填空18. 完形填空 (共20小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)阅读下面短文. 掌握其大意, 然后从所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中, 选出最佳答案。My First DayI was still shy in the presence of a crowd. And my first day at the new 36 made me a laughing stock of the classroom. I was sent to the blackboard to write my 37 . I knew my n

12、ame, and knew how to write it, but standing at the blackboard with the 38 of so many pupils on my back made me 39 inside and I was unable to write a single letter. “Write your name,” the teacher called to me. I 40 the white chalk to the blackboard and, as I was about to write, my mind went blank;I c

13、ould not remember my name, 41 the first letter. Somebody laughed and I became 42 .“Just forget us and write your name,” the teacher called and walked to my side, 43 at me to give me confidence.“Whats your name?” she asked. “Richard,” I 44 .“Then write it.”I turned to the blackboard and lifted my hand to write, but then I was 45 again. I tried to 46 my senses but I could remember nothing. I realized how totally I was 47 and I grew weak and leaned my hot forehead 48 the cold



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