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1、2022八年级英语听力测试 从初中二年级甚至初中一年级下学期起先,学生的英语成果呈悬殊态势,两级分化现象渐渐严峻。不少学生对英语不感爱好,丢失信念。笔者通过调查后认为:中学生英语过早两极分化的现象与英语听力教学有很大关系。下面小编为大家共享,希望对大家有用。M1 U1Tonys mum: Tony, your room is very untidy. Can you tidy it up, pleaseTony: OK, Mum.Tonys mum: You need to find somewhere to put your collection of model cars. You hav

2、e so many now!Tonys dad: I collected cars too when I was your age. And I also collected stamps.Tony: Well, I have a collection of tickets. A stamp collection is too expensive for me.Tonys dad: Yes, I spent a lot of money on some special stamps.Tonys mum: My hobby was collecting dolls at that time. O

3、h, and I also had a collection of fans-you know, Chinese fans. But they took up less space than your collection of cars!M1 U3Girl: We have some interesting results from our survey on teenage hobbies.Boy: Whats the most popular hobbyGirl: Well, boys and girls have different hobbies. The girls like si

4、nging and dancing, but the boys prefer playing football, and they like watching it, too.Boy: Oh, I see. Is there anything that boys and girls like doingGirl: Yes, both girls and boys enjoy playing table tennis.Boy: Why do teenagers like their hobbiesGirl: They like to learn about new things, and to

5、develop new skills. For example, collecting stamps helps them learn about other countries, and playing chess develops thinking skills.Boy: I see. My hobby is growing vegetables. Is that a popular hobbyGirl: Yes, it is. This hobby helps the whole family.M1 WBAlice: My names Alice. Hobbies Well, I don

6、t really have any hobbies. No, thats not true. I read a lot and reading is a hobby, isnt it But I dont play chess, or tennis, or things like that. Ive got a lot of friends and I spend a lot of time with them. We talk about all kinds of things-people, our friends, school, our teachers, our family. An

7、d I spend a lot of time with my family-we do most things together. We watch quite a lot of television. I work hard at school-very hard-I love science and want to be a doctor. So I dont really have much time for other things. But as I said, I read a lot-thats my hobby. What about youMike: My names Mi

8、ke. Ive only got one hobby and thats football. My schoolwork is OK. Im quite good at it, but its football thats important to me. Ive got three or four friends, and they love football, too. We talk about football all the time, and play every day after school. Id like to play in a real football team o

9、ne day. My sports teacher says its possible if I really practise. I would love that.Linda: Yes, Im Linda. My hobbies Ive played chess since I was eight years old. My father taught me. He is in a chess club and hes one of the best players there. Because of this, Ive become a very good chess player, t

10、oo. In fact, Im better at chess than my father now. He gets quite angry when I say this, but its true. I love playing chess. I like things that are difficult-I get bored if somethings too easy-Ive always been like that. Ive joined my fathers chess club and I can beat almost everyone there! Maybe one

11、 day Ill become a champion!M2 U1Receptionist: Good morning, Radio Beijing.Sally: Hello, is Chen Huan thereReceptionist: Hold the line, please.Secretary: HelloSally: Hello. Is that Chen Huan speakingSecretary: This is Chen Huans secretary speaking. Sorry. He isnt here right now. Can I take a messageS

12、ally: No, thank you. Ill call back later.Secretary: Whos calling, pleaseSally: This is Sally Maxwell speaking.Secretary: Can I help youSally: Yes, please. Can you ask Chen Huan if I can bring a friend to the interview next weekSecretary: Im sure thatll be OK.Sally: Great! Thank you.Secretary: Bye!M2

13、 U36 Im Charlie. Ive been best friends with Sam for over ten years since we were at primary school. But now that we are teenagers, we seem to be changing. We dont have the same friendship any more, and I miss it. I want to stay friends with Sam, but Im not sure its going to work any more. What shoul

14、d I do Should I make new friends Or should I try to get our friendship back again7Boy 1: I just want to say to Charlie, best friends come and go, you know. Nothing can stay the same forever, not even a long friendship of ten years. When you grow up, you change, and you want different things. You are

15、 not the same as you were ten years ago, and your friend isnt the same, either. Dont think about the past so much.Girl 1: The same thing happened to me once. I met Jenny when we were about six, and we were best friends until the beginning of junior high school. She went to a different school, and st

16、arted making friends with some of her classmates. They werent very nice people. And she changed. She became unkind, too. I was lonely, but I knew that she was different. She wasnt the same friend any more and I didnt like the new Jenny.Boy 2: Do something special together, just you and Sam. Plan a WHOLE day to do something fun. Or just do things together that you enjoyed in the


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