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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -牛津译林版初二英语下学期(8B)Unit 4-6重 点 词 组only if除非advertise on the Internet 在因特网上做广告give out leaflets散发传单donate money捐钱 organize a charity show 组织慈善表演return to school回到学校 choose me to be the host 选我做主持人because of由于start working on the show 为表演开头工作introduce each sta

2、r介绍每个明星 practise a lot练了许多at the right time在正确的时间 in the beginning一开头a little bit easier简洁一点点 keep asking myself不断问我自己make a lot of noise制造噪音 volunteer to do理想做set up the stage布置舞台 design the poster设计海报pocket money零用钱be used to doing习惯做used to do过去经常too weak to walk太虚弱不能走路mostly in poor countries大部分

3、在贫困的国家 medical treatment医学治疗a flying eye hospital一家飞行眼科医院 volunteer doctors理想者医生watch the operations on video 在录象上看手术 during my visit在我拜访过程中operate on 150 patients给 150 个病人做手术 be really grateful to you真的感谢你carry on with our work连续我们的工作 send donations to捐款给fund-raising activity筹款活动care about other pe

4、ople关怀别人train for a charity walk为慈善行走训练 a tough hike一次艰巨的旅行an excellent chance一次极好的机会 learn team spirit学习团队精神be recorded被记录 support teams支援队keep you comfortable让你保持舒服at least至少go up hills上山 the process of growth成长的过程look down on看不起 pay attention to留意mobile phone移动电话provide somebody with something给供应

5、raise money for Project Green Hope为期望工程筹集资金 have a lot of support from local businesses从当地企业得到许多支持 80 per cent of the cases of blindness80%的失明病例group themselves into a team of four people把他们组成四人小组 walk two days and nights without sleep走两天两夜不睡觉 walk through eight country parks走过八个乡间公园plan what you ar

6、e going to carry方案你要带的东西support development projects支持进展方案finish walking a 100-kilometre trail within 48 hours在 48 小时内走完100 公里语 法 精 讲 第 1 页,共 17 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1. Only if you sleep less during the day.除非你在白天睡的少点;Only if的意思是“除非” ;如:Ill come only if you

7、 promise me that you wont invite her. You can be a host only if you practice a lot.2. The Class 1, Grade 8 students want to raise money for charity.八年级一班的同学想为慈善事业捐款;raise money for charity的意思为“为慈善组织筹集资金”,介词用for ;而 donate money tocharity 的意思为“为慈善组织捐款”,介词用to;如: organize a charity show:组织一次慈善表演help wit

8、h a charity show:帮忙组织慈善表演3. It was exciting buy I was also very nervous because of the TV cameras.我特别兴奋,但以为电视镜头,我也特别紧急;1) because of 意思是“由于” ,后面跟名词,代词和动名词;如:I came back because of the rain.She walked slowly because of her bad leg.2) Because 的意思也是“由于” ,但后面跟从句;如:I came back because it rained heavily.S

9、he walked slowly because she hurt her leg.4. It is my job to introduce each star.我的工作是介绍每个明星;It是形式主语,动词不定式to introduce each star 是真正的主语;句型结构为:It+be+ 形容词或名词 +动词不定式;It is my duty to take care of my brother. It is difficult to learn English well.5. Slowly, everything became a little bit easier渐渐地,每件事都变

10、了简洁了一点;a bit意思是“有一点” ,“略微”,可以修饰形容词,动词,介词短语;a bit of 意思也是 “有一点”,但只能修饰不行数名词;如:I am a bit tired./My foot still hurts a bit./Hes not a bit like that really. Let s have a bit of music.I give the birds in the park a bit of bread every morning.6. Everyone was very generous and we had a lot of support from

11、local businesses每个人都很大方,我们从当地的企业得到很大的支持;support 在这里是名词. 如 9A 中有一个词组:have parentssupport 有父母的支持support 也可以作动词使用;如:Which football team do you support.7. hope 和 wish* hope 之后的宾语从句,谓语动词常用一般现在时或一般将来时;表达的期望是能够实现的;如: I hope she likes will like the flower. 第 2 页,共 17 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - -

12、 - - - - - - - - - - - -I hope I will become a doctor when I grow up.* hope之后也可跟一个动词不定式,这一结构可以表达更有把握的期望和方案;I hope to spend a year in America after I leave school.* wish 之后可以跟一个动词不定式;如:I wish to go abroad for further study.* wish 之后的宾语从句,谓语动词用虚拟语气,所表达的愿望是无法实现的;如:I wish I were a bird.I wish I hadn t s

13、ay that.* wish somebody to do something.如: I wish the manager to be informed at once.* wish后面跟形容词,名词;如:I wish you well.I wish you good luck.I wish you a happy journey.8. Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poorcountries.失明影响了全世界约四千五百万人,大多数在贫困国家;affect 在这里的意思是“影响” ;如

14、: Different colours can affect your moods. Smoking affects health.Mostly 在这里是副词,在这里意思是“主要地”;如:The students are mostly from China. She uses her car mostly for her job.9. ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital to visit poor counrries.奥比斯使用一做飞行眼科医院来拜访贫困的国家; a flying eye hospital一座飞行眼科医院 flying: 飞行的a flying o

15、bject飞行物 flying在本句中是形容词,仍有其他的固定用法,如: flying visit:特别短暂的拜访Get off to a flying start:旗开得胜flying仍可以做名词,意思是,飞行,如:I don t like flying. It makes me feel sick.10. Volunteer doctors perform operations on patients理想者医生给患者做手术;1) volunteer doctors:理想者医生,volunteer 是名词;volunteer仍可以做动词,意思是,自愿做某事, 主动做某事;He volunteered to help me move.My


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