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1、牛津学校英语 3B Unit 2 Yes or No 教案( 其次课时)教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词key, watch, clock;2. 娴熟运用 Is this /that a/your?进行提问并回答:Yes,it is. /No, it isn t.3. 能正确地使用感叹句What a nice.和口语Can I have a look.4. 能正确地书写四会单词key, watch, clock,尝试编写小对话;教学重点:四会单词的朗读与正确拼写,娴熟运用Is this /that a进行.问答;教学难点:巩固 Is this/that a中明白这个问句的含义;句型

2、.的基础上加入物主代词your;让孩子在情形对话教学预备:老师: 多媒体课件、课文磁带、单词图片、卡片、人物头饰、带锁盒子、钥匙、手表;同学: 戴好手表,不透亮的带子教学过程:Step 1Warm UpT: Good morning, boys and girls. I have a little rhyme. Listen.Tick, tock. Tick, tock. I m a little clock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. It s nine o clock.Can you find me in the classroom.Ss point to the c

3、lock on the wall.教单词clock,仿照钟摆摇动的样子说单词;出示单词卡片,拼读单词;书空单 词;拿出教具钟,让个别同学在钟面上用手指写单词;T: Let s say the rhyme tthoegre. And move your body! 老师转变钟面的时间 Step 2Revision1. 电脑屏幕显现一个房间,里面有各种家电用品 T: Look at Gao Shan s room. What can you see.Ss: A telephone/ computer/ walkman/ radio/ camera/ TV/ T: Let s read the wo

4、rds together.2. Guessing Game. What s inamndy.hT 拿出很多卡片,选一张让同学猜,可以做一些动作提示同学;A: Is that a telephone.T: Yes, it is. Have a look. 想看一看吗? Here you are. A: Thank you.(在嬉戏中复习旧单词和句型,并渗透新句子Have a look.)Step 3Presentation1. T:take out a locked box Look at this box. It s a present from my parents. But itlocke

5、d now. What do I need. I need a key. 重读 key,同学跟读;Ss: Key, key, where s the key.T:拿出一些文具用品 Is this a key. Ss: No, it isn t. It s a pencil.T: What s that on the TV. Can you see. Ss: Is that your key.T asks a S to pick up the key A: Is this your key.T: Can I have a look.A: Yes.T: Oh, yes, it is my key.

6、 Let s use the key to open some things.Ss: Key, key, open the door/ box/ car/ bookcase2. T: Let s open the box. Oh, how nice. Can you guess what s in it. Ss: Is that a.T: No, it isn t. It s a nice watch. Who wants to have a look. You can say Ca a look.Ss: Can I have a look.T: Sure. Here you are.(请几个

7、同学上来看盒子里的手表)Sa: How nice. / What a nice watch. Sb: Can I have a look.Sa: Sure. Here you are. 传盒子,操练句子 3. 比较 watch 与 clock.T:take out the watch Is this a clock. Ss: No, it isn t. It s a watch.T:point to the clock Is that a watch. Ss: No, it isn t. It s a clock.Ss: Clock, clock, the clock is on the wa

8、ll.Watch, watch, the watch is on my wrist.4. New Sentence Is this/ytohuart. 1) T: Do you have a watch. Can I have a look. Tto a student: Hello. Is that your new watch.A: Yes, it is.T: Can I have a look.A: Sure. Here you are.和其他同学重复同样的对话,将他们的手表放到事先预备好的桌子上,也可以示范两次后由同学自己对话;2) T: Oh, I have lots of nice

9、 watches here. But they re not mine. Whose are they. Let s find out.老师扮演小模糊或用手偶来表演,假装记不清是谁的手表;T: Hello, xx, is this your watch. Sa: No, it isn t.T: Sorry. Is this your watch. Sa: Yes, it is.T: Here you are.Sa: Thanks.Step 4 Consolidation1. A game. Lost and found.T: Now, some students lost their nice

10、 watches. We should help them get the watches back. Let s have a race. Who s the best policeman.每组请一个同学扮演警察,从盒子中拿出手表,大组一起问Sa:少了手表的同学 Policeman, I lost a watch.可以由老师帮着说 S1pick one upG1: Is that your watch.Sa: No, it isn t.看哪一组用最快的速度帮失主找回手表,第三、第四组也可以把手表换成带钥匙圈的钥匙; (用一个失物招领的嬉戏进行问答的操练,人人都想争当正确警察, 积极地投入活动

11、中,句子自然练得琅琅上口了;)2. Practice in pairs. 在不透亮的袋子里装一文具用品,让同桌摸了猜,猜对可以拿出看,表演对话,老师先请一位同学协作演示A: What s in the bag.B: Is this a pencil.A: Yes, it is.B: Can I have a look.A: Sure. Here you are.Step 5 Text learningT: Yesterday, Nancy visited GaoShan. She found an interesting camera in his bedroom. What did they

12、 say. Let s listen and read the text again.Ss read after the tape together.Ask two or three pairs to act the dialogue.T: Let s move on the part B. Read the new words after the tape.Ss read the words together.Ss talk about the items in the pictures in pairs.T: Now, time for some writing practice. Let

13、 s wkrietey,thcleocwko, rwdsatchinyour copybook. And try to write two dialogues according to the pictures I give you. 让同学每个单词在本子上抄六遍,提示他们书写工整、规范,电脑出示四幅图, 让同学选择两幅编一问一答两个对话;句首大写,句末加点;eg.Is that a clock.No, it isn t. It s a watch.Is that a key.Yes, it isn t.Step 6 Homework1. Read Part A and B after the tape 3 times.2. Copy the three new words and make another two dialogues.3. Practice the dialogue we learnt in class with classmates.4. Bring some clothes or toys next class.板书设计:Unit 2 Yes or NoclockIs this akey.Yes, it is.yourNo, it isn t. watchCan I have a look.Sure. Here you are.


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