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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Aswe can see, thispassageisa disaster report on the American s 911 event. Since this event is such a seriousemegerncythatsweepsthroughtheworld instantaneously, theauthor adpots the most frequently used structure inbreakingnews writing theinverted pyramidf

2、orm.Inthisstructure, events arewrittenindescending orderofimportance. Itksnowntousthatmost newspaper leads are summary news leads, which usually include all the 5Ws and one H of the news. However, in my perspective, at the begining of this passage, the author uses a suspense lead without providing t

3、he complete element of news for us, which adds suspense interest to the story.After setting up a suspense lead, the author offers us the details in the following paragraphs which consist of the body of this passage. Using a large number of direct or indirectquotationscanhelptoshowmaximum objectivity

4、 and to decrease the color of personal slant. In addition,theauthoralsoadopts interpretativewayof writingsuch as theeighthparagraph whichpotraysa vivid scene before us. 第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Invertedpyramidstyle:itisthemostfrequentlyused structure

5、in news writing.Inthis structure, events are writtenindescendingorder ofimportance. Firstofall,a terse lead isformed.The lead offers the most essential elements telling who, what, when, where, why and how of the story.Advantages: First, it is convenient for editors to decide the news value and cut t

6、he news from the bottom; Second, it is convenient for journalists to meet the deadline without missing any key facts; Third, it can help readers to find the main facts of the news quickly.Disadvantages: First, the main facts all frequently appear intheheadline,leadandbody,whichwouldbe suffocativetom

7、ost readers; Second, the writingisnottightlyorganized and fullydeployed, what msstyle is top heavy and lack of suspense interest.8. News value determiners A: timeliness or freshness;Importance/consequence/impact/significance; Prominence;Proximity/locality/nearnessore, the 第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - -

8、 -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Unusualness/bizarreness/oddity/novelty Human interest;Conflict大量事例的排列 Hard news spot news/straight news: Events that are timely and are covered almost automatically by print and electronic media. They are often very serious and important news.11. News s

9、tructurePyramid style/the chronological styleItis composed bythree parts, they are beginning, body and ending. To write a piece of news in pyramid style, a beginningisgivenfirstand events are writtenintime sequence. Writerscan take advantage ofnarrativeand descriptivewriting,soitflowsbetterandinvolv

10、es readers. At the meantime, it adds suspense interest to the story.List techniqueWallStreetjournalformula:Ittendstofocuson individual.12. Forms of reportingFollow-ups/follow-upstoriessecondcyclestories/ development stories 第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ad

11、vantages:First,itattractsreadersat tentionbyaccentuating on one important fact of the news; Second, it tends to fully deploy the news from different aspects, which can well make up for the contradiction in terms of freshness and integrity; Third, it helps to form the public opinion.Content: Facts th

12、at are not mentioned in previous stories or some background of events.The developments of the events;Different opinions from people of all walks of life; The prediction of the events;Important facts that previously reported.13. Features of leadsA: Succinct. A summary lead should outline a news story

13、 in no more than 35 wordsInformative. A summary lead should contain the 5Ws of news.Intriguing. Leads are sometimes called“ grabbers” ,means it serves the duty to grab the readers attentio What smore,leadsshouldalsobestraightforward,varied, clear specific and active. 第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归

14、纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -That swhyEnglishjournalistsstruggleforthebestwording and leave no stone unturned千方百计 . 14.Types of leadsSummary lead/roundup lead Main fact leadDescriptive lead Direct address leadQuotation lead full quotation lead/partial quotation lead Suspense leadDelayed

15、 lead/multi-paragraph lead Contrast leadQuestion lead Anecdotal leadCombined lead/multiple element lead Label lead empty lead17. Sources of news reportingAccurate news sources: withthe name oforganization, people or agency;Implied news sources: people who do not want to be told the name, or sources f



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