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1、湖南省衡阳市红坪中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Most of the food we buy in the supermarket is _in some way.A. polished B. processed C. edited D. disposed参考答案:B2. Without the air to hold some of the suns heat, the earth at night _, too cold for us to live. A. will be freezing cold B. would be frozen cold C. can fre

2、eze coldly D. would be freezing cold参考答案:D3. _such heavy loss for a long-term drought(干旱),the farmers didnt expect to have a good harvest.ASuffering BHaving suffered CSuffered DTo suffer参考答案:B4. _ series of facts show us that _ Diaoyu islands (钓鱼岛)belong to China.A. A; / B. The; the C. A; the D. The

3、; /参考答案:C5. The Smiths bought a new car, which was the of their neighbors. A. envy B. dislike C. respect D. desire 参考答案:A6. It _ Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car. A. may be B. might have been C. must have been D. could be参考答案:C7. A better plan was _ by the headmaster.A.

4、 put out B. put away C. put forward D. put on 参考答案:C略8. I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child. A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame参考答案:A9. The traffic is heavy right now. I _ arrive a bit late, so could you save me a place? A. can B. must C. need D.

5、 might参考答案:D10. He explained the question again to make it easier _.A. to understand B. understanding C. understood D. understand 参考答案:A11. It was_ she went back home_ Kate realised she had left her schoolbag at school.A. when; thenB. not; untilC. only; when D. not until; that参考答案:D12. He didnt come

6、 on time, it impossible for us to hold such an important meeting.A. madeB. having madeC. to makeD. making参考答案:D13. Gunpowder is generally believed _ in ancient China. A. to have invented B. being invented C. to have been invented D. having invented参考答案:C略14. As is often the _, the housewife gives th

7、e house a thorough cleaning _. A. matter; every two days B. situation; each second day C. same; each two days D. case; every second day 参考答案:D15. They were _ the point of leaving the club _ a former schoolmate called them.A on; while B in; as C on; when D on; before参考答案:C16. They overcome some diffi

8、culties and completed the work ahead of time, _ was something we had not expected. A. that B. which C. it D. what参考答案:B二、 新的题型17. Are you afraid of making mistakes? Learn to accept mistakes as opportunities, and then youll feel less stressed and fearful and youll be more confident. 16. So what shoul

9、d you do?Be open to making mistakes17. Be open to making mistakes and consider them as opportunities to learn valuable life lessons. If you are open to leaning from your mistakes, you will be able to move on rather than wallowing in (沉湎于) regret.Be aware18. Be aware of what you are doing, why you ar

10、e doing it, how you feel, and how you make others feel. Sometimes, your words are not understood exactly or you say something but it is not what you meant to say. 19. By being fully aware of how you impact (影响) others, you maintain an open state of learning which allows you to constantly practice be

11、ing a better person.20.Whenever you make a mistake or you are involved in a misunderstanding, take responsibility. There is always something to be learned or improved even if the other person is wrong, too.ABehave yourselfBIn short, you will benefit from the mistake.CAccept full responsibilityDIn ot

12、her words, look for areas of improvement.E.People have difficulty expressing what they really mean.F.Accept that youre human and that each of us will make mistakesG.Repeat your words so that others can learn from your mistakes.参考答案:16 B 17 F 18 D 19 E 20 C 【分析】本文为介绍说明文。人们都害怕犯错误,但是学会把错误当成机会来接受,这样你就不会

13、感到那么紧张和恐惧,也会更加自信。文章就此方面,提出了几点建议。16考查上下文和句意理解。根据上文Learn to accept mistakes as opportunities, and then youll feel less stressed and fearful and youll be more confident.(学会把错误当成机会来接受,这样你就不会感到那么紧张和恐惧,也会更加自信)可知,B项“简而言之,你会从错误中获益”符合此次语境。故B选项正确。17考查上下文和句意理解。根据设空段落的小标题Be open to making mistakes(勇于犯错)及下文的描述可知

14、,F项“承认你是人,每个人都会犯错”符合此处语境。故F选项正确。18考查上下文和句意理解。根据设空段落的小标题Be aware(要注意)及下文Be aware of what you are doing, why you are doing it, how you feel, and how you make others feel.(要意识到你在做什么、为什么要做、你的感受,以及你让别人的感受)可知,此处应在讲反思自己、查找原因,故D项“换句话说,寻找需要改进的地方”符合此处语境。故D选项正确。19考查上下文和句意理解。根据上文Sometimes, your words are not understood exactl



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