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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载冠词冠词是英语所特有的词类,在汉语中是没有冠词这一说的;虽然它看起来简洁, 左右不过是 a ,an ,the三个单词,但是正由于中国人的语言习惯大不相同,要 完全把握和用好冠词,仍是不简洁的;众所周知,冠词分为定冠词(the )和不定冠词( a, an );它们都置于名词之前,用来说明名词所表示的人或事物;它们不能离开名词而单独存在;虽然国内的高中英语教学常强调定冠词the表特指,而不定冠词 a/an表泛指,但实际上两者皆可表示特指和泛指,而且都很常 见;假如肯定要区分的话,最明显的区分,

2、是a/an兼有“一”的含意,是比较弱的 one ;下面几个例子给出了the和 a/an分别表示泛指和特指的情形;e.g. The lion is roaring.(特指,确定的某只狮子)e.g. The lion is the king of the beasts.(泛指狮子这一类动物)e.g. A tiger has escaped.(特指,确定的某只老虎)e.g. A tiger can be dangerous.(泛指老虎这一类,指任何一只老虎) 从上面四例中, 你是否晤出了些什么呢?下面我们具体叙述一下定冠词和不定冠词在用法上的区分和需要特殊留意的地方;(一)定冠词的用法强调特指作为定

3、冠词的基本用法,在以下三种情形下,名词前肯定要加the ;第一,当名词所指的东西已经特别明显;其次,前面已经提到的名词,再次提到时;第三, 当该名词由短语或从句所修饰时;举例如下;e.g. My friend is waiting for me at the end of the street.(所指的街道说话人和听话人都知道)e.g.Onceuponatime,therewasatemple.A monklivinginthe temple was very kind.( temple在上文提到过,所以再次显现时,要加 the )e.g. This is the book I promise

4、d to lend you.(the book由后置定语从句修饰,要加the )从上面的例子可以看出, 这三种情形最根本的要点是当名词有明确所指时或明显被限定时,一般要用the ;也就是说,这里强调了the的特指作用;另外仍有两种 the的固定用法也强调特指: 当用在 独一无二 的宇宙天体之前(如:the sun,the sky),及用在某些专出名词之前(如:the Yellow River, the Times, the Ministry of Education)等;固定用法下面几种情形中, the的固定用法很难说明,请考生记忆;第一、在表示方位和方向的名词前面,一般要加the ,如:Th

5、e sun rises in the east and sets in the west.其次、在乐器名称前面要加the ;如: play the piano;第三、在形容词最高级或序数词之前肯定要加the ;如: the first,the best,等等;表示全体总称(泛指)名词或者形容词前加the ,可表示该事物的全体,如thepoor指“穷人”;这一用法本身并不难,难在这一全体所表示的“数”上;在一开头所举的例子中, the lion指的就是这“一”类,表示的是单数的概念; 但在下面这个例子中, theold 又用单形表示了复数概念;The old are apt to catch c

6、old.这其中的区分特别精微,甚至很多语法书上也没有明确的区分;好在在TOEFL 第 1 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载考试中, ETS为了防止麻烦,一般出题时所表现的单、复概念特别明显,如下例:The cow is a useful animal.在写作中假如遇到这样的情形,建议考生换一个比较牢靠、不会出错的说法; 仍以上句为例,可以轻松改为:Cowsareusefulanimals;再上一句可改为: Old people are apt to catch cold;

7、这样就肯定不会出错;另外,定冠词the在词组中的显现不胜枚举;这些只能靠考生平常多加留意,逐步积存;这里聊举数例如下:to tell the truth, to go to the theatre, tokeep the peace, with the exception of, in the morning2.5 冠词位置1) 不定冠词位置不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前;留意:a. 位于以下形容词之后:such, what,many, half, I have never seen such an animal.Many a man is fit for the job.b. 当名词前的形

8、容词被副词as, so, too, how, however, enough修饰时,不定冠词应放在形容词之后:It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. So short a time.Too long a distance.c. quite, rather 与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后;但当 rather, quite 前仍有形容词,不定冠词放其前后均可;如:quite a lotd. 在 as,though 引导的让步状语从句中,当标语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放形容词后:Brave a man though he i,s可见到蛇仍是颤抖

9、;he trembles at the sight of snakes.他尽管英勇,当名词被比较级形容词修饰时,不定冠词通常置于比较级形容词之后;2) 定冠词位置定冠词通常位于名词或名词修饰语前,但放在 all , both,double,half,twice, three times等词之后,名词之前;All the students in the class went out.班里的全部同学都出去了;冠词有关冠词的考题在TOEFL 测试中所占比例较小,但显现频率较高,而且是单一题型反复再现,即不定冠词a 和 an 混淆错用;这类题目全部集中在Written Expression16-40题

10、中;其次,定冠词the 的用法也是考试范畴;冠词常考题型及解题要点1.不定冠词 a 与 an 的区分解题要点 “a”后面接以辅音开头的字词 “an ”后面接以元音开头的字词; 当 A、 第 2 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -学习必备欢迎下载B、C、D 四个挑选答案中显现有a 或 an,应第一观察它后面的单词,以判定此不定冠词是否正确;全真例题分析( 1) The Montreal International Exposition,“Expo. 67 ”was applauded for

11、 displaying an degree of taste superior to that of similar expositions.答案 B改为 a degree ;If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine chemically with other atoms.答案 A 改为 an atom(3) Since the beginning of this century the United States government has played an ro

12、le in the supervision and use of the nations natural resources.答案 A 改为 a role(4) A electric current can consist of charges that are positive, negative, or both.答案 A改为 An election2.可数名词前面通常要有冠词或其它限定形容词, 非泛指的可数名词一般不能独立存在;全真例题分析( A) A march is highly rhythmic piece of music first used by military bands

13、 to accompany marching. 94.1答案 A名词短语piece of music前面应加不定冠词: a highly rhythmic pieceof music(2) The sonometer is instrument used to study the mathematical relations of harmonic tones. 93.8答案 A 改为 an instrument, instrument为可数名词,前面应有冠词;( 3) Accounting is described as art of classifying, recording, and

14、reporting significant financial events.答案 A名词 art, 表示“一门艺术”这个概念时,应加冠词;此句应改为an art ;3.冠词的错误使用或遗漏全真例题分析(1) ) The Yukon River, which fllows into the Baring Sea, gives its name to a region of Alaska and a territory of the Canada.答案 D 删掉定冠词 the. Canada是专出名词,无需加冠词;表示“国家”“城市”“人物”等概念的专出名词前不加冠词;(2) ) Langsto

15、n Hughes, a prolific writer of the 1920s was concerned with the depicting the experience of urban Black people in the United States.答案 C删除冠词 the ;动名词前不应加冠词;特殊是当这个动名词带有宾语,它的动词属性更剧烈,因而不能加冠词;(3) Some geologists predict that, by end of the next century, movement along the San Andreas Fault will have caused part of California to separate from the continent 88.1答案 A加入定


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