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1、江苏省泰州市湖头中学2022年高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. When Peter speaks in public, he always has difficulty _ the right things to say.A. thinking ofB. to think ofC. thought ofD. think of参考答案:A2. -What about going out for a walk after supper?-_. Walking after meals is good for health.A. I couldnt agree more. B. Im a

2、fraid not.C. I believe not. D. I dont think so.参考答案:A3. -How many elephants have you seen? - _.A. No one. B. None. C. Not many ones. D. Not many.参考答案:B4. - _ go out for a picnic with us this afternoon?- Id like to, but Ill be busy preparing for the test.A. Do you feel like B. Would you like C. Why n

3、ot D. What about参考答案:C5. We will never forget the days _ my family visited Shanghai together .A. which B. that C. when D. where 参考答案:C6. Though iPhone 4 is such a hit product, I wont buy one unless its after service _. A. was improved B. gets improved C. is improving D. had got improved 参考答案:B略7. Th

4、e teacher together with the students _discussing Reading Skills that _newly published in America. A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was参考答案:D略8. Just now Jerry helped to work out a difficult problem for Ms. Smith.He _ others.A. was always helpingB. is always helpingC. always helpedD. had a

5、lways helped参考答案:B【详解】考查时态。句意:刚才杰瑞帮史密斯女士解了一道难题。他总是帮助别人。根据语境可知,表示现在的情况,用现在时,而且现在进行时和always连用,表示“总是,一向”。故选B。9. Wouldnt it be a wonderful world, if all nations live in peace with one another?What _ pleasure to live in _ world!A. /, such a B. a, suchC. /, such D. a, such a 参考答案:D10. He needs_ breakfast

6、every day.A. to eat B. eatC. eating D. eats参考答案:A【详解】考查不定式。句意:他每天都需要吃早饭。本句中不定式短语to eat breakfast做行为动词need的宾语,且主语he和不定式构成主动关系。故选A项。11. AIDS control and prevention is a challenge to China _ the whole world.A. as well B. as well asC. as good as D. as far as参考答案:Bas well as“也,又”。12. Why didnt Angus come

7、 to school today? He _ his leg while playing football yesterday. A. beatB. kicked C. knockedD. injured参考答案:D13. _ number of the villagers is five thousand and _ number of them are good at farming.A. The, the B. The, a C. A, a D.A, the 参考答案:B14. Ningbo is no longer the city _ it was ten years ago. Ho

8、w beautiful it has become! A. which B. where C. that D. as参考答案:C15. The job will be offered to _ the employers believe has previous experience as well as a strong sense of duty.A. no matter who B. no matter whomC. whoever D. whomever参考答案:C【分析】考查名词性从句。【详解】句意:老板们相信将这项工作将提供给有工作经验和工作责任心的人。介词to后接宾语从句,the

9、 employers believe 在从句中作插入语,whoever在从句中has previous experience as well as a strong sense of duty.作主语,故选C。16. Up to now nobody able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin. A. is B. has been C. was D. will be参考答案:B略17. At last,the judge sentenced him _on the farm all his life.A.for working B.to work C

10、.working D.to working参考答案:D二、 完型填空18. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 It was in the autumn that I saw the longhaired sitting at the end of the station. Her eyes 36 with a special good 37 and trust. She was 38 . “Hi,” I said. She came over, 39 her tongue over my hand carefully, 40 herself to b

11、e scratched(抓)for a time, waved her tail and lay down again. I remembered thinking there are times God puts a 41 in front of you. I took the dog. She was 42 when she understood the news, 43 up to kiss my face. To get her home safely, I had to 44 her like a baby. She lay in my arms, eyes calmly 45 on

12、 mine as if to say, “Hey, this is a nice idea. Why didnt you think of it before?I named the dog Elizabeth. Height: about 30 inches. Weight: 35 pounds. Eyes: brown. Tongue: rich. She never barked. In 14 years, I heard her voice 46 three times.At night Liz and I stayed up 47 dawn(黎明), watching TV. She

13、 liked 48 than to sit at my 49 . After a while, my place became a dogs room. She kept herself 50 . She also ran away 51 . If you opened a door or window, she was out of it. It was a good thing I lived on the 52 floor. Liz loved to run, that was it. I would take her to a 53 sports ground, and she would run at full speed. Then Id 54 her in the back of the car, 55 shed sleep. It was a dogs, too. 36. A. showed B. appeared C. flashed D. glowed(发光)37. A. nature B. ability C. habit


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