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1、江苏省南通市通州通海中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. - I cant stop playing computer games . - For your health , I m afraid you _ . A. can B. must C. will D. may 参考答案:B2. - A lovely day, isnt it?- Yes. I love when the weather is like this. Why not have our lunch outside?Athis Bit Cone Dthat参考答案:B3. _ you eat the corre

2、ct foods _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.AOnly if;will you BOnly if;you willCUnless;will you DUnless;you will参考答案:A4. Why are you crying? Today is your birthday!_. I am so excited with so many friends surrounding me. A. Just cant help itB. Dont mention itC. None of your businessD. Thats all r

3、ight参考答案:A23. The recognized symptoms of depression _ to be crying a lot, feeling sleepy, perhaps even not being able to get out of bed.A. contribute B. correspond C. turn D. tend参考答案:D略6. I have been staying up until midnight since Monday, working on my paper. I need to _ some sleep this weekend. A

4、. catch up onB. live up toC. get along withD. make sense of参考答案:A7. - What bad luck that we _ the football match in the last 3 minutes! - Especially when we _ so hard in the past two months Ahad lost; trained Blost; have been training Chave lost; have trained Dwere losing; had trained参考答案:B8. - Did

5、Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?- Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time. A. didnt see B. wouldnt see C. hasnt seen D. hadnt seen参考答案:D9. As to the “996 work schedule”, _ employees work from 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week, Peoples Daily commented that valuing hard work does not m

6、ean forcing employees to work overtime.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when参考答案:C【详解】考查关系副词。句意:在“996工作时间表”中,员工每周工作六天,从早上9点工作到晚上9点,人民日报评论说,重视努力工作并不意味着强迫员工加班。分析句子可知, “996 work schedule”为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作地点状语,所以关系副词为where。故C选项正确。【点睛】定语从句的关系词的选择可考虑以下三点:(1) 一看先行词的意义,即分清先行词是指人、指物、时间、地点还是原因(如指物时不能用who或whom,指人时通常不用

7、which等)。(2) 二看关系词的句法功能,即分清关系词是担任什么句子成分,是作主语还是宾语、是作定语还是状语等(如作定语通常用whose,有时也用which;作状语要用when, where, why);(3) 三看定语从句的种类,即分清是限制性定语从句还是非限制性定语从句(如that和why通常不引导非限制性定语从句)。分析句子可知, “996 work schedule”为先行词,在后面的定语从句中,作地点状语,所以关系副词为where。故C选项正确。10. Excuse me sir, could you tell me how to go to the railway statio

8、n?Sorry, youd better ask, Im afraid, is a native Asome one Bwhoever Cwho Dwhomever参考答案:B 11. It is known to all that gunpowder is _ Chinese invention, as is the compass, _ instrument that you use for finding directions. A. a; theB. 不填; anC. a; anD. 不填; the 参考答案:C12. The father,along with his four ch

9、ildren,_hangzhou.When they will be back_fixed.A. have gone to;isntB. had gone to;is notC. went to;arentD. has gone to;has not been参考答案:D【详解】考查的是主谓一致性及时态。句意:这位父亲和他的四个孩子去杭州了。他们什么时候回来还没有定下来。along with,together with,as well as, with引导并列主语时,谓语动词与前面的主语保持主谓一致,根据When they will be back_fixed.可知,说话时他们不在现场,应使用

10、have/has gone to“到某地去”;When they will be back是主语从句,谓语动词应使用单数形式,结合从句中的时态可知,此处应使用现在完成时,表示对现在的影响。故选D。13. The boy went swimming in the deep lake, his mothers fear for his safetyA regardless of B apart from Cbut for D instead of参考答案:A14. Are you afraid to drive home?Yes. I wish _ snowing.A. it had stoppe

11、d B. it stops C. it would stop D. it will stop参考答案:C15. Researchers have found clear and convincing evidence _ happiness is the key to better health and longer lives. A. where B. whether C. how D. that参考答案:D16. What clothes do you think I should wear for the ball?Dress _ you like. A. what B. whateve

12、r C. how D. however参考答案:D. 17. A fast food restaurant is the place _, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly. A. which B. where C. there D. what参考答案:B二、 完型填空18. In the early spring of 1974, the now world-famous photographer Stephen Wilkes was a 16- year-old reporter and cameraman for

13、 his high schools television station. His best friend was also a reporter for the _, and together they came up with the wild idea of_some of the great news broadcasters and journalists of the age. So they wrote personalized, hand-written letters to dozens of them.Nobody _but perhaps the greatest news broadcaster and journalist of them all: Walter Cronkite, who generously offered to spend a full _ with the boys. Stephen and his friend understood that this would be t



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