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1、精品文档二年级上词汇及句型Unit one What day is today.话题:星期与活动词汇:星期: Weekends Sunday, Saturday,weekdaysMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 打球: play ping-pang/,消遣活动: go swimming/.拜望探望某人: go to see my grandparents/ uncle/ aunt/ brother/ sister.句型: 1. What day is today. 今日星期几-It s Tuesday. I play ping-pang

2、today.It sSaturday. Letsgotosee yourgrandma.2. What day is tomorrow. 明天星期几 It s Thursday. I go swimming onThursday.留意: 活动不同,表达方式不同go to see, play, go.星期的词汇首字母大写;精品文档精品文档Unit two What do you do on Sunday.话题:活动词汇:去某地go to the park/ cinema/ bookstore/ museumzoo, farm 以及表示活动的短语表达;句型:1. Do you go to the

3、parkon Saturday, Kate.-Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Do you go to see your grandparentosn Saturday, Kate.2. What do you do on Sunday.-I draw pictures. ( I go to the museum.)留意: 1. 留意活动表达的固定搭配go to the zoo, read books, go to see a film.2. 句子划线部分可以进行替换3. 在星期几用on 表示,on Monday, on Wednesday4. 一样性: do you 提问,回答

4、就是do 和 dont.精品文档精品文档Unit three What s your number.话题: 数字,询问对方号码词汇:1-20 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. 十几词尾 teen,几十词尾ty ,区分 twelve12,twenty20句型:1. Whats your number.-My number is tw

5、elve.What s his number.His number is eleven. 他的 Whats her number.Her number is twenty.(她的)2. How many pigsdo you have on your farm.-I have sixteen pigson my farm. 复数How many girls/ boys do you have in your class.- We have nineteen girls/boys.留意: 名词单复数变化,数量 =1 单数表达,数量大于等于2 复数表达,单词加s或 es ;Unit four Th

6、ere are many animals.话题:动物精品文档精品文档词汇: elephant, monkey, panda, cat, dog, bird 鸟, bear 熊, tiger, kangaroo, fox, zebra, hen 母鸡, pig 猪, cow 奶牛, horse 马, sheep 绵羊, rabbit, giraffe, lion, fish 鱼, duck 鸭子,句型: 1.Are there elephantsin this zoo.-Yes, thereare four.动物园里有吗?Yes, thereis one.No, there arent. The

7、re are bears.2.Do you like cats.-Yes, I do. I like dogs, too.是的,我仍喜爱你喜爱吗?No, I dont. I like pandas.不,我喜爱留意:动物名词单复数,是否需要加s;例句中横线部分可以进行替换;一样性: are there 提问,需要用 there are/aren t回答;Unit five I have long arms话题:身体部位及其描述词汇:身体部位: ears耳朵, eyes眼, nose 鼻, mouth 嘴, hair 头发, head 头, neck 脖子, body 身体, arms手臂, ha

8、nds手, legs腿, knees膝盖, footfeet 脚, tail 尾巴形容外表的形容词: big-small 大小, long-short 长短, fat-thin 胖瘦, strong 强壮句型: 1. Whats this. 这是什么?It s an elephant.2. It has a short tail.-Is it small.-Yes, it is./ No, it, isnt.精品文档精品文档它长着它有3. Do you have long arms.-No, I dont. I have short arms.Yes, I do.Please guess. W

9、hite hair, big eyes its black.留意:身体部位单复数,是否需要加s谁有什么 has/ have 表达, I have , it has, she has, he has,一样性: do you 提问,就用 yes, I do./ No, I dont回答;Unit sixIt s Christmas Day.精品文档精品文档话题: 节日及活动词汇:形容词 pretty, lovely, nice, cute, happy活动 make a snowman, make a card, watch the fireworks, sing and dance.句型: 1. Happy birthday to you.Thank you.2. Merry Christmas.- Merry Christmas to you, too.3. Happy New Year.- The same to you.4. Lets make a snowman.Ok./ Great./ Good 邀请别人一起做某事5. Look at the card.How nice it is.6. How old are you.- I m eight.精品文档精品文档精品文档


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