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1、湖南省永州市舜皇岩国家森林公园中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The old worker has been fired and now a young man _.A. took place B. has taken the place C. has taken his place D. takes place of him 参考答案:C2. You must know that the job is rather difficult._. I think I can manage it anyhow.A. Thats right B. I dont mindC. Dont

2、 mention it D. Forget it参考答案:B3. With the recent increase in tourism, our hometown has _ a new look in recent years. A. taken up B. taken on C. taken in D. taken off参考答案:B4. In 2013, eBay, a famous website where people and sell things said that 70 percent of their problems were with people who sold

3、things that did not exist, or who lied about the products they . A. bought;sell B. buy;are selling C. bought;sold D. buy;were selling参考答案:D5. Aki doesnt like her mirror, does she?_. She has got used to looking into it whenever she doesnt feel confident in class.A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesntC. Y

4、es, she doesnt D No, she does参考答案:A6. After his journey from Beijing during the National Day, Tom returned school, _. A. exhausting B. exhausted C. being exhausted D. having exhausted参考答案:B7. The old man is very popular among the children because he is good at _ jokes. A. making up B. opening up C.

5、setting up D. turning up参考答案:A8. -Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? -Im afraid _ day is possible. A. either B. neither C. some D. any参考答案:B略9. Warm-blooded animals live an active life even in freezing winter,which helps them to _ their normal body temperature.A. keep up B. build up C. bring up D. p

6、ick up参考答案:A10. Ms. Smith is a talented and experienced engineer, so she was _ head of the department.A approved B. pushed C. appointed D. agreed 参考答案:C11. It was in the lab -_ was taken charge of by Pro. Harris _ they did the experiment. A. which; where B. that; which C. which; that D. where; that参

7、考答案:C12. The beam that is _ by a laser differs in several ways from the light comes out of a flashlight. A. emitted B. dazzled C. sparkled D. twinkled参考答案:A13. -Did Linda see the traffic accident?-No, no sooner than it happened.A. had she gone B. she had gone C. has she gone D. she has gone参考答案:A试题分

8、析:考查部分倒装句:这是固定句式:No soonerthan, “一就”,而且no sooner后面的句子都是过去完成时的倒装句,句意:-Linda看见交通事故了吗?-没有,她刚走,就发生交通事故了,所以选A。考点:考查部分倒装句点评:一些如scarcelywhen, no sooner than, hardlywhen引导的主从复合句主句要求使用过去完成式。注意:在部分倒装句中,只有助动词、情态动词或连系动词to be可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。14. The party last night was success. We sang and danced until it

9、came to end. A. a; the B. a; an C. the; an D. /; /参考答案:B略15. Its none of my business. Dont involve me _ your problem.A. to solving B. to solve C. in solving D. for solving参考答案:C16. As soon as he heard about the case, he _ looking into it.A. set out B. set up C. set about D. set off参考答案:C二、 完型填空24. M

10、ichael and l hardly noticed when the waitress came and placed the plate on our table .OurExchange was livelyAs our sweet 1 continued,my eyes glanced 2 restaurant,Stopping at a(n) 3 couple sitting at the small corner table. 4 drew my thoughts to themWas their undisturbed silence. It seemed me that a

11、sad emptiness 5 their little cornerAsThe conversation between Michael and I varied form 6 to whispers,much to my surprise,thiscouples 7 even caught my attention. How sad,I thought,not to have anything to 8 What if that happened to us?Michael and I 9 our bill and got up to leave the restaurantAs we 1

12、0 by the cornwhere the old couple sat,I dropped my wallet! 11 Bending over to pick it up,I 12 thatunder the table,each of their 13 hands was gently placed in the others. They had been 14hands all the time!I stood up and felt ashamed by the 15 act of connection I had witnessed. The mans gentlecaress(

13、爱抚) of his wifes tired fingers filled not only what I had 16 recognized as an emotionally empty corner,but also my heartTheirs was not the uncomfortable silence on first date.No,theirs was a comfortable,relaxed ease,a gentle 17 that did not always need words toExpress 18 They had probably 19 this hour of morning with each other for a long time,and maybe today wasnt that different from yesterday,20 they were at peace with that,and witheach other. Maybe, I thought,it wouldnt be so bad if someday that was us. Maybe, it would be kind of nice.1Aintroduction BconversationCassociation



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