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1、湖南省永州市杨村甸乡中学2022年高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. It is _ for children to learn to take care of themselves if they are going to camp for two weeks by themselves. A. aware B. fundamental C. active D. reliable参考答案:B2. Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales, please.Aanyone Bsomeone Cwhoever Dno matt

2、er who参考答案:C试题分析:句意:我可以和负责国际销售的主管说话吗?此处指无论谁负责都行,引导宾语从句用whoever 不用no matter who引导,故选C.3. We should learn from those- _ are always ready to help others.A. who B. whom C. they D. that参考答案:A4. Look! It is not _ we expected. Lets get on the bus !A. crowded as a bus as B. as crowded a bus as C. as a crowd

3、ed bus as D. as crowded as a bus参考答案:B5. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.A. which B. where C. who D. that参考答案:B6. -Oh, must you leave? Stay a bit longer. Its been such fun having you here. -Thanks, anyway. Ive got early start tomorrow mornin

4、g. A. /; the B. a; an C. /; an D. the; a参考答案:C7. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still the traditional customs.A. perform B. possessC. observe D. support参考答案:C试题分析:考查动词词义辨析。动词perform表演,做;possess占有,拥有;observe观察,遵守,庆祝;support支持,养活;句意:尽管很多这个人在国外生活了很多年,但推门仍然庆祝一些传统节日。本句中observe表示“庆祝”,符

5、合句意。8. The director is going on business next week and the department will be left _Jack.A. in charge of B. taking the charge of C. taking charge of D. in the charge of 参考答案:D9. The _ smile on his face suggested a _ journey he had with his son. A. delighted; delightedB. delightful; delightedC. delig

6、hted; delightfulD. delightful; delightful参考答案:C10. What do you think of his latest novel? -_ on a true moving story, it attracts a lot of readers. A. Being based B. To based C. Basing D. Based参考答案:D略11. Today, traditional Chinese snack, spring rolls enjoy worldwide _. They even served as the starter

7、 for the Hollywood stars at this years Academy Awards.A. protection B. celebration C. similarity D. popularity参考答案:D12. Anne was a Jewish girl _diary has been read widely all over the world.A. whom B. who C. whose D. that参考答案:C13. Im sorry, but we dont have enough books for _. A. anyone B. everyone

8、C. someone D. no one参考答案:B14. - It is said that free health system will soon be carried out in our city.- _!AOh dear BIt couldnt be worseCThat couldnt be better DIt cant be good参考答案:C【详解】考查情景交际。句意:据说我们的城市将很快实行免费医疗制度。那再好不过了。A. Oh dear 天啊; B. It couldnt be worse没有比这更糟的了;C. That couldnt be better那再好不过了

9、; D. It cant be good 这不可能是好事。结合句意可知答案为C。15. Joe, the music. Why you dance like crazy at 2 oclock in the morning?Aturn up; couldBturn on; shouldCturn down; mustDturn off; would参考答案:C略16. I have been looking for my lost cat for three days, but I still _ it.A. didnt find B. dont find C. hadnt found D.

10、havent found参考答案:D二、 完型填空17. Sadiman,a 67-year-old man,single-handedly restored an entire forest to save his village from hunger. He is a(n)_11_ in Dali village,Indonesia. The Gendol hill was seriously deforested because of widespread logging(伐木)activities and a series of forest fires that took plac

11、e in the 1960s. The extreme deforestation made the Gendol River. _12_,leading to serious water crisis.He came up with the _13_ to restore the hill when he was working there to make _14_ meet. Sadiman started to _15_ banyan(榕树)trees on about 500 hectares of the forest. He has been doing this for the

12、last 21 years all by himself and his sacrifice is _16_ surprising. His poor _17_ conditions didnt stop him spending his hard-earned money _18_ the seedlings for plantation to restore the forest. A banyan tree seedling _19_ about $5. 00,which was much money for him. To meet this _20_,Sadiman began to

13、 plant clove(丁香)tree seedling in his yards. Ten clove tree seedlings were worth a banyan tree seedling. Sadimans devotion was beyond. _21_,yet he was called a crazy person and some of his seedlings were _22_ pulled out of the ground by irresponsible people. _23_,this didnt stop him from planting the seedlings.Non-stop since the early 1990s,Sadiman has _24_ on planting trees and taking care of them to ensure they grow strong and healthy. _25_ his continuous hard work,the forest has started to recover. More and more spri


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