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1、山东省烟台市莱州过西中学2022年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Once the sufferings _, youll realize that things arent as bad as you first thought.A. wear outB. wear offC. wear onD. wear in参考答案:B【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:一旦痛苦消失,你就会意识到事情并没有你最初想的那么糟。A. wear out穿破,耗尽; B. wear off (药性、感觉、感情等) 逐渐消失; C. wear on缓慢地进行,时间消逝; D. wear in磨合。结合语

2、境可知,该处表示当痛苦“逐渐消失”时,你就会意识到事情并没有你最初想的那么糟。故选B。2. 参考答案:A略3. The meeting _, all the students went back to the classroom. A. comes to an end B. to come to an end C. has come to an end D. coming to an end参考答案:D4. You like travelling, _ you?A dont B wont C didnt D havent参考答案:A5. Prices of daily foods _ thro

3、ugh the Internet can be lower than those in stores.A.are bought B.bought C.been bought D.buying参考答案:B略6. My strongest _ is the long race and came out first in the sports meet held last week. A. event B. accident C. thing D. item 参考答案:A7. -Hi, Jim .Dont you remember me?-I am sorry, but_A. how come? B

4、. your name escapes me. C. it is not my cup of tea. D. what do you reckon?参考答案:B8. It was in the village he once lived he got his junior education.A. that; where B. where that C. which; where D. where; which参考答案:B略9. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to _the changes. A. ad

5、opt to B. adapt to C. apply to D. devote to 参考答案:B略10. _ the old mans sons wanted to know was _ the gold had been hidden. A. What; where B. That; whatC. What; that D. That; which参考答案:A26. Professor Smith, along with his assistants,_ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.A. work B. have w

6、orked C. is working D. are working参考答案:C略12. My uncle suggests I abroad. -I would rather you at home. A. go; stay B. went; stayed C. go; stayed D. went; stay参考答案:C13. If I a lot of money now, I would help the poor people.A.have B.has C.having D.had 参考答案:D14. Only at that time how much time she had w

7、asted.A. Mary did know B. did Mary know C. does Mary know D. Mary does know参考答案:B15. We must accept the possibility _ one, although working hard, may fail to reach his goal.A. whether B. what C. that D. how参考答案:C16. I cant say which wine is best . Its a(n) _ of personal taste.A. affair B. event C. m

8、atter D. variety参考答案:C二、 完型填空17. Despite the great progress in medical science, human beings are constantly attacked by cancer, which means death. A woman named Bonnie suffered a 41 of discomforts caused by the treatment of cancer. She didnt consider cancer as a 42 disease, but a laughing matter. Sh

9、e treated it in a humorous way. To put it in 43 way, she is teaching people that although cancer isnt 44 , we can treat it in a humorous way. Her second child was going to be born three months away 45 she was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer. Suddenly, a 46 mother turned into a helpless woman afraid for h

10、er own 47 . It was after she had had her baby 48 that she had an operation. 49 came chemo(化疗)and her life seemed to be made up of fears and 50 . And the 51 moment in her life came after she lost all her hair and a free wig(假发) arrived. She 52 it on as her older son Kyler watched. “That was when I de

11、cided how to 53 it: crying over this bad wig or laughing about it. 54 way would make 55 remember it.” Bonnie said. She spent a lot of time looking for anything funny from cancer patients. She got a lot out of collecting 56 stories. She started laughing a lot, finding it the perfect medicine. Using h

12、erself as a bald (光头) model, Bonnie 57 to design her own greeting cards and calendars, making fun of the sufferings of chemo.To have joy, we 58 to laugh, she said. Clearly, you can increase your confidence to 59 over any disease and trouble by means of 60 . 41. A. groupB. seriesC. wayD. pack42. A. d

13、eadlyB. seriouslyC. terriblyD. fearfully43. A. the otherB. otherC. othersD. another44. A. seriousB. sorrowfulC. funD. fierce45. A. before B. when C. while D. until46. A. happyB. sadC. fortunateD. sick47. A. son B. illnessC. life D. operation48. A. madeB. takenC. attendedD. opened49. A. HereB. ThenC. ThusD. Later50. A. failuresB. lonelinessC. tearsD. wonders51. A. highestB. greatC. lowestD. ugly52. A. woreB. carriedC. fixedD. tried53. A. meet withB. agree withC. go withD. deal with54. A. BothB. AnyC. NeitherD. Either55. A. myselfB. my sonC. everyoneD. my husband56. A. imaginativeB romanti


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