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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年2月北京林业大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】It is our _ policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means. A、consistent B、continuous C、considerate D、continual【正确答案】A【答案解析】通过和平方式获得统一是我们一贯的政策。consistent“持之以恒的”;continuous“持续的,不间断的”;considerate“周到的”;continual“时断时续的。答案选

2、A。第2题【单选题】Unemployment seems to be the _ social problem in this area and may undermine social stability. A、prevalent B、primitive C、previous D、premature【正确答案】A【答案解析】prevalent“普遍的,流行的”。根据题意,正确答案应选A。第3题【单选题】The little boys face, his look of fear and desperation, his cries for helpthe choice was made in

3、 our intrinsic love for children. A、那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。 B、那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱使我们做出了选择。 C、看一看那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,听一听他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。 D、看到那孩子的脸,脸上害怕和绝望的表情,听到他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们做出了选择。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。本题考查的知识点为增词或减词。原文是三个名词词组,译文为了行文的需要,加了“看一看”和“听

4、一听”。第4题【单选题】It is necessary that a college student _ at least a foreign language. A、masters B、should master C、mastered D、will master【正确答案】B【答案解析】It is necessary (clear / true / strange/ important /wonderful / possible / likely) that,这类主语从句中,谓语动词多为“(should)动词原形”,即要用虚拟语气。 第5题【单选题】She was a _ girl and

5、did not panic. A、specific B、dominant C、sensible D、epidemic【正确答案】C【答案解析】sensible 明智的;通情达理的;合乎情理的;意识到的,能感觉到的。第6题【单选题】Water is absent in this area. A、ample B、assiduous C、affluent D、deficient【正确答案】D【答案解析】absent 缺少的;deficient 不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的。第7题【单选题】The pair of legs that carried him rickety, and there was

6、a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. A、支着他的两条腿老是摇摇晃晃的,他走路的姿势里,又总有一种倾斜的趋势,使他或多或少地往一条直线的左边歪。 B、他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路的步法又总是倾斜着,使他有点歪向一条直线的左边。 C、支着他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路时又总是倾斜,使他有点往一条直线的左边歪。 D、支撑着他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路时又总是倾斜,使他有点歪向一条直线的左边。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题考查的知识点为选词。文学作品语言生动,其中选词是一个

7、重要方面。动词carry有许多含义。此处译文具体化,译作“支着”。第8题【单选题】“People disappear in that river every year,” one of the policemen said to me that afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A、“年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个人半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 B、“这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C、“这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D、“这

8、条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。本题考查的知识点为成语。英语和汉语都有许多成语。汉语的成语大多由四个字组成。英译汉时,适当地使用成语,译文显得简洁、生动,可以增加文采。第9题【单选题】And yet although the Mayas knew about the wheel,they never used it. Neither did they use metals other than copper. What is ever more surprising is that they suddenly aban

9、doned(抛弃) many of the cities and built new ones in the jungle. Some time around AD900,Mayan civilization collapsed. By the year 1200,their last great capital,Chichen Itza,was deserted.One of the most surprising findings about Mayas was that _.、 A、they developed accurate system measuring time. B、they

10、 knew how to build pyramids with stones. C、they deserted their cities and moved to new ones. D、they built cities which they never lived in.【正确答案】C【答案解析】对应点为What is ever more surprising is that they suddenly abandoned many of the cities and built new ones in the jungle.是对原文语意进行了转化,最高级代替了比较级。第10题【单选题】

11、Many researchers, whose work depends on ocean sounds object to a limit of one-hundred-twenty decibels. They say such a limit is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean.According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the

12、future? A、They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution. B、They will protect animals from harmful noises. C、They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels. D、They will study the effect of ocean noise pollution.【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。They will protect animals from harmful noises. 本段的最后一句话是答案的出处。第11题【单

13、选题】_ me to give you some advice. A、Purchase B、Essence C、Permit D、Bound【正确答案】C【答案解析】Permit 许可;允许。第12题【单选题】Drug use accounts for approximately three-quarters of all reported cases of HIV in the country. A、possibly B、roughly C、generally D、specificly【正确答案】B【答案解析】approximately 大致地,近似地。roughly大体上,大致上。参考译文

14、:在那个国家,在所报道的所有艾滋病病例中,吸毒者约占75%。第13题【单选题】For their own safety, household pets should be confined to their own yard. A、tamed B、regained C、restricted D、contained【正确答案】C【答案解析】confine 限制。restrict限制,约束。参考课文:为了自身安全,家养究物应该关在主人自己的后院中。第14题【单选题】He is always telling lies, so most people _ his promised with compl

15、ete disbelief. A、look out B、look after C、look into D、look on【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。本题考查词组。look on意为“看待,旁观。”第15题【单选题】This is the magazine _ I copied the paragraph. A、that B、which C、from that D、from which【正确答案】D【答案解析】copied the paragraph from the magazine. 第16题【单选题】_ men have learned much from the behaviour of animals is hardly n


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