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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年4月江苏南京农业大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】The country was a place where men worked from dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness. A、在农村,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者并不是沐浴在阳光下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。 B、在农村,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是沐浴在阳光下,而是贫困和黑暗。 C、在这个国家,人们从早到晚都得

2、干活,劳动者不是生活在阳光下,而是挣扎在贫穷和黑暗之中。 D、在这个国家,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是沐浴在阳光下,而是贫穷和黑暗。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题考查的知识点为理解原意。有些很普通的词语,我们很熟悉,一见到,便首先想到他们最基本的含义或最常见的含义。在此题中,“country”并不是“国家”,而是指“农村”。第2题【单选题】_ his age, the little boy read quite well. A、Considering B、Considered C、Consider D、Having considered【正确答案】A【答案解析】consideri

3、ng为介词,作“就而论;考虑到”解。第3题【单选题】My dictionary _.I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it. A、has lost, do not find B、is missing, do not find C、has lost, have not found D、is missing, have not found【正确答案】D【答案解析】lose是个及物动词,如果要表示某物丢失了,只能用被动语态。A项与C项使用的都是其主动形式。missing是形容词,其词义是:lost ; not to be found (丢失了的)

4、,据此,第一空缺处应填入is missing。根据语境,第二个空缺处应填使用现在完成时的否定形式,因为它可以表示目前还未发生的动作。第4题【单选题】Facing growing costs and shrinking tax_, the government is now threatening to cut funding for environmental protection programs. A、budget B、collection C、profit D、revenue【正确答案】D【答案解析】revenue “收入,税收”,尤指国家的岁入。根据题意,正确答案应为D。第5题【单选题

5、】The heat was so _ from the fire that the firemen could not enter the building. A、intense B、tense C、intensive D、violent【正确答案】A【答案解析】intense强烈的/挚热的。tense紧张的。intensive深入的/细致的。violent暴力的。第6题【单选题】The government _ on purchase of cars was 80 billion yuan in 2008, and use and maintenance amounts to around

6、300 billion yuan a year. A、spending B、spent C、cost D、costing【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查的是现在分词的用法,spending on purchase of cars在这里是一个现在分词短语。句意:2008年政府花费了800亿用于购车,并且一年的使用和维护费用则高达3000亿。第7题【单选题】Actually industry can vary a good deal over the centuries. A、alter B、improve C、alert D、perish【正确答案】A【答案解析】vary 改变;improve

7、 改善,增进;提高的价值。第8题【单选题】The country was a place where men worked from dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness. A、在农村,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者并不是沐浴在阳光下,而是生活在贫困和黑暗之中。 B、在农村,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是沐浴在阳光下,而是贫困和黑暗。 C、在这个国家,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是生活在阳光下,而是挣扎在贫穷和黑暗之中。 D、在这个国家,人们从早到晚都得干活,劳动者不是

8、沐浴在阳光下,而是贫穷和黑暗。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题考查的知识点为理解原意。有些很普通的词语,我们很熟悉,一见到,便首先想到他们最基本的含义或最常见的含义。在此题中,“country”并不是“国家”,而是指“农村”。第9题【单选题】You will be liable for any damage caused. A、liberal B、responsible C、profound D、rectify【正确答案】B【答案解析】be liable for 有责任;有义务; responsible 负责的,可靠的;有责任的。第10题【单选题】A large_ of the sun

9、light never reaches the earth while infra-red heat given off by the earth is allowed to escape freely. A、ratio B、proportion C、rate D、fraction【正确答案】B【答案解析】proportion“部分,份儿”,指部分与整体的关系,如:A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die. 根据题意,正确答案应为B。第11题【单选题】Once _, it can never be f

10、orgotten. A、seen B、seing C、is seen D、have been seen【正确答案】A【答案解析】分词作状语时,是用现在分词还是过去分词,要看它与句子主语的关系。在此see和it的关系是被动的,所以用过去分词。句意:一旦见了那件东西,它就永远不会被忘记。 第12题【单选题】Belts of parklands line three sides of the area and four large open squares of lawns and trees break the regularity of the city buildings. A、三面有公园环绕

11、,区内四大广场有草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的规整性。 B、三面有公园环绕,区内四大广场有草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的单调气氛。 C、带状的公园为这个区域画了一条三边的线,四个开阔的广场的草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的规整性。 D、一条条的公园环绕着这个区域的三边,四个开阔的广场的草坪和树木,打破了市区建筑的单调性。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题考查的知识点为增词或减词。有时为了行文的需要,可以在译文里增加几个词,或减少几个词。这是因为有些词在一种语言里可能是必要的,而在另一种语言里就会显得多余了。第13题【单选题】Many species, for example, originate

12、 in small populations. A、轮廓; B、发源 C、器官 D、选择【正确答案】B【答案解析】originate vi. 发源;发生;起航。第14题【单选题】Dont involve other people _ your trouble. A、in B、against C、to D、for【正确答案】A【答案解析】句意:别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。involve sb in sth:把某人卷入中,答案选A 。第15题【单选题】This thesis led to a radical change of labor policies. A、temporary B、termin

13、ate C、essential D、reserve【正确答案】C【答案解析】radical 根本的;essential 基本的;本质的。第16题【单选题】The western media was astonished to see that Chinas GDP_ by almost 40% just in two years time. A、flourished B、floated C、soared D、roared【正确答案】C【答案解析】soar“高涨,猛增”。根据题意,正确答案应选C。第17题【单选题】I wish that I _ with you last night. A、we

14、nt B、could go C、have gone D、could have gone【正确答案】D【答案解析】could have done表示“本来可以”。第18题【单选题】My teacher once said to me, “If you dont quit, you will win”. I have no desire to quit writing as Im having too much fun. My thanks go to Associated Content and the Yahoo! Contributor Network for all my progress in writing! And to my fellow writers thank you so much for your support and friendship. May we continue to support each other for many years to come!We can learn from the passage that _. A、the author thinks writing on the Net is v


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