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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年6月四川大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】The number of the people who _ cars _ increasing. A、owns; are B、owns; is C、own; is D、own; are【正确答案】C【答案解析】本句话的定语从句是who own cars. 其先行词是people,因此,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数的own.本句话主句的主语是The number of指“.的数目”,是单数概念。因此,主句的谓语动词要用is。第2题【单选题】In this c

2、ontext, it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit. A、在这种上下文里,这是很重要的,我们两个社会应该寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域。 B、在这种情况下,我们两个社会应该寻求合作领域,那些对我们两国确实互利的,这是很重要的。 C、在这种情景下,对于我们两个社会来说,寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域是很重要的。 D、在这种情况下,我们两个社会应该寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域,这是很重要的。

3、【正确答案】D【答案解析】In this context:在这种情况下;to search for areas of cooperation:寻找合作领域;mutual benefit(双方)共同的利益;it为形式主语,翻译时可以不译,把真实主语不定式提前译。第3题【单选题】The ISU wont finally approve the new system until it meets in June but already UK Sport, the British Governments sports body, has expressed reservations. I remain

4、 to be convinced that the random selection system would offer the guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for, says Jerry Bingham, UK Sports head of ethics.The attitude of those concerned in the UK to the new rules proposed by ISU can be best described as_. A、indifferent. B、

5、reserved. C、enthusiastic. D、positive.【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。根据本段第一句话可知英国对他们提出的新规则是持保留态度的。第4题【单选题】For their own safety, household pets should be confined to their own yard. A、tamed B、regained C、restricted D、contained【正确答案】C【答案解析】confine 限制。restrict限制,约束。参考课文:为了自身安全,家养究物应该关在主人自己的后院中。第5题【单选题】Scientific cons

6、ervatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed, Allen said. We have a lot of work to do to rule out (排除的可能性) possible non-biological explanations. It is more likely that a chemical process, without biology, can explain th

7、ese results.What can be inferred from what Allen said? A、Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan. B、Scientists all agree that there is life on Titan. C、Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable. D、Scientists all agree that a non-biological che

8、mical reaction is a possible explanation.【正确答案】A【答案解析】推理判断题。答题原则:和原文完全一样的选项肯定不是答案,推理判断题是对现象的推断。题目中有绝对词语all must every merely have to barely only一般是错误的,排除B C D,根据Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addresse

9、d。推断出科学家就Titan上是否有生命的的问题观点不同,与A一致。得到答案A。第6题【单选题】In his closing remarks, the chairman expressed his thanks to all those who had contributed to the success of the conference. A、comments B、speech C、criticism D、lecture【正确答案】B【答案解析】remarks 致辞。speech讲话,演说。参考译文:在闭幕词里,主席向所有为大会的成功举办作出过贡献的人士表示了感谢。第7题【单选题】One

10、reason is economic. In a traditional agricultural economy, large families are helpful. Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age. In an industrial economy, the situation is different. Many children do not help a family; instead, t

11、hey are an expense. Thus, industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate. This was the case in Italy, which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the early part of the twentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with a high birth rate. After World War,

12、Italys economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized. By the end of the century, the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman, the worlds lowest.In a traditional agricultural economy, a large family_. A、can be an advantage B、may limit income C、isnt necessary D、is expensive【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案

13、选A。对照本段In a traditional agricultural economy, large families are helpful.大的家庭是有帮助的,选项中最接近意思的是A,成为一个优势,答案是A。第8题【单选题】I am sure that you are asking. How does a rocket fly?If you want to know, get a balloon and then blow it up until it is quite big. Do not tie up the neck of the balloon. Let go! The bal

14、loon will fly off through the air very quickly. The air inside the balloon tries to get out. It rushes out through neck of the ball and this pushes the balloon through the air. It does not need wings like an air plane.A rocket can fly to the moon because _. A、it looks like a balloon B、it is much lig

15、hter than an airplane C、it doesnt have wings D、it works like an untied balloon【正确答案】D【答案解析】本段都在讲述气球的飞行原理,来解释火箭的工作原理,因此选D。第9题【单选题】Congress assembles together in January. A、range B、restrict C、gather D、restore【正确答案】C【答案解析】assembles 集合,聚集;装配;收集;gather 收集;收割;使聚集;使皱起。第10题【单选题】As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for. In her book No Exit: What Parents Owe Their Children and


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