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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年6月辽宁大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】Central heating became popular only after the Civil War. Typically, coalburning furnaces (火炉) fueled the early systems. Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960.Its acceptance resulted in part from its wide uses. Be

2、cause it comes primarily from U.S. and Canadian fields, natural gas is also less vulnerable (脆弱的) than oil is to War. Oil remains the most important fuel in a few areas, such as New England.What fuel is the dominant fuel in New England? A、Gas B、Electricity C、Wood D、Oil【正确答案】D【答案解析】该题问的是:在新英格兰什么燃料是最主

3、要的?第一段的最后一句话是这么说的:在少数地区,如新英格兰,石油仍然是最主要的燃料。第2题【单选题】All plays are alike to me just as all music is alike to Tony A、所有的戏剧对于我就像所有的音乐对托尼一样。 B、正如托尼喜欢所有的音乐一样,我也非常喜欢所有的戏剧。 C、我对戏剧就像托尼对于音乐一样,非常欣赏。 D、托尼不会欣赏音乐,同样我也不会欣赏戏剧。【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查句子暗示意思和比较的翻译。all plays are alike to me的意思是所有的戏剧对我来说都是一样的,言外之意就是“我欣赏不懂戏剧”,同

4、样all music is alike to Tony的意思也应该是“托尼欣赏不懂音乐”根据句子中的比较结构just as可以得出,他们两个在这方面是一样的,可以翻译为“同样”。所以选D。第3题【单选题】The heat was so _ from the fire that the firemen could not enter the building. A、intense B、tense C、intensive D、violent【正确答案】A【答案解析】intense强烈的/挚热的。tense紧张的。intensive深入的/细致的。violent暴力的。第4题【单选题】Only wh

5、en the war was over _to his hometown. A、did the young soldier return B、the young soldier returned C、returned the young soldier D、the young soldier did return【正确答案】A【答案解析】only+状语或状语从句作状语时主句要进行倒装。本句是only+时间状语从句,所以后接的主句要倒装。这句话的意思是:直到战争结束后,这个年轻的战士才得以返回故乡。第5题【单选题】Unemployment seems to be the _ social pro

6、blem in this area and may undermine social stability. A、prevalent B、primitive C、previous D、premature【正确答案】A【答案解析】prevalent“普遍的,流行的”。根据题意,正确答案应选A。第6题【单选题】Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music. A、widespread B、shallow C、reluctant D、subsequent【正确答案】B【答案解析】superficial 表面的;肤浅的;shallow 浅

7、的;肤浅的。第7题【单选题】Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer. They gather all the data they cannot just predominance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own lavatory experiments with high achievers

8、. Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming are nearly always made, not born.Ericsson and his colleagues believe that _. A、talent is a domin

9、ating factor for professional success B、biographical data provide the key to excellent performance C、the role of talent tends to be overlooked D、high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选 D。推理判断题。作者用了类似“令人震惊的结论”这样浓墨重彩的表达突出了文章的最终结论“Their work makes a rather startling assertion

10、: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way,expert performers whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming are nearly always made, not born.”(他们的研究得出的结论令人惊讶:我们高估了通常称为天赋的特质。或者,换种方式来讲,表现出众的人无论记忆力超群者还是外科专家,无论舞姿优美的芭蕾舞演员还是出色的电脑程序设计员几乎都不是天生的,而是后天造就的。)其中A和C选

11、项和原文主题观点相反;B是支持“出生年月日决定论”是文章开篇所举的反例中的观点,所以均不正确。第8题【单选题】Congress assembles together in January. A、range B、restrict C、gather D、restore【正确答案】C【答案解析】assembles 集合,聚集;装配;收集;gather 收集;收割;使聚集;使皱起。第9题【单选题】Will you find me a pen _? A、to write B、to write with C、writing D、writing with【正确答案】B【答案解析】作定语的不定式如果与其前面所

12、修饰的名词有逻辑上的动宾关系,然而动词又为不及物动词,动词后要加介词或副词,使其成为及物动词词组,所以这里要加介词with。to write with a pen 意思为“用笔写”。 第10题【单选题】We admire her for entering a famous university. A、honor B、appreciate C、prize D、admit【正确答案】B【答案解析】admire 钦佩;赞美;appreciate 欣赏。第11题【单选题】You consider that you cant find your place in your own country, so

13、 you risk the comfortable but modest life with your parents and you go abroad. Maybe there will be moments when you cant stand the loneliness anymore, the strangers around you, or your job. But you remember nobody made you take that decision, so you take a deep breath, and you go on, as you are the

14、only one to be blamed.When you are lonely in a foreign country, you should _. A、change your decision B、blame your parents for it C、stick to your decision and go on D、make more friends【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。根据文章本段中But you remember nobody made you take that decision, so you take a deep breath, and you go o

15、n可知答案。作者认为你出国后可能会面临各种困难,面对周围的陌生人、工作,你可能会感到孤独,但是仔细想想这个决定是你自己做的,于是你不得不深呼吸,然后继续。第12题【单选题】To protect Americas rivers and streams from excessive industrial pollution and to guard wildlife from the depredations of man. A、保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染并保护野生动物不受人类的掠夺。 B、保护美国的河流,使之不受过分的工业污染,并保护野生动物不受人类的掠夺。 C、保护美国的江河,使之受不到过分的工业污染并保护野生动物不被人类掠夺。 D、保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染和野生动物不被人类掠夺。【正确答案】A【答案解析】“protect .from.”和“guard .from .”同


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