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1、广东省汕头市集星中学2020年高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ his career in explosives, Nobel was a pacifist and opposed the military use of his inventions.A. In spite B. Although C. No matter what D. Despite参考答案:D2. _ I get home late,Grandma always leaves a light on for me()AWhereverBHoweverCWheneverDWhatever参考答案:C每当我回家

2、晚了,奶奶总是为我留一盏灯本题考查时间状语从句的引导词;wherever无论哪里;however无论如何,然而; whenever无论何时,每当;whatever 无论什么;根据句意,每当我回家晚了,故选C3. One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future _ we can face all the challenges with confidenceAin that Bso that Ceven if Dif only参考答案:B4. Though scientists get closer to unders

3、tanding why we age, the reason for different aging rates among individuals remains only _ understood.A. concretely B. thoroughly C. vaguely D. flexible参考答案:C【详解】考查副词词义辨析。A. concretely具体地;B. thoroughly彻底地;C. vaguely含糊地、茫然地;D. flexible灵活的。句意:尽管科学家对人类衰老的原因有了更深的了解,但对于个体衰老速度不同的原因,人们仍知之甚少。根据句意可知此处表示“模糊地”,

4、故C项正确。5. These years new technology to solving problems in our learning process.A. applied B. has applied C. was applied D. is being applied 参考答案:D6. Im afraid I cant complete the marathon next week. _ ! You have been practicing a lot.A. No problem B. Go ahead C. Cheer up D. Good luck参考答案:C【详解】考查交际用

5、语。句意:恐怕我下周不能完成马拉松比赛。振作起来!你一直不断练习。A. No problem没什么;B. Go ahead请干吧;请便吧;C. Cheer up高兴起来;振作起来;D. Good luck祝您好运。由上文可知说话人担心完不成马拉松比赛,由下文“你一直不断练习”可推断,表示鼓励“振作起来”,故选C。 7. The 8,898-kilometfe-long border between the USA and Canada is the longest border in the world notby an army or the police.A. preservedB. de

6、fendedC. offendedD.challenged参考答案:B8. The old woman carefully sorted out the eggs, _ them in the basket and headed for the market,A. put B. to put C. putting D. having put参考答案:A9. According to the law, all foreigners have to _ with the local police within two weeks of arrival. A. associate B. disput

7、e C. negotiate D. register参考答案:D10. It is the educational system, rather than the teachers, _ is to blame for the students heavy burden nowadays.A. who B. this C. that D. whom参考答案:C11. He is good at a lot of things but it doesnt mean he is perfect. _ Actually no one is.A. Whats going on?B. Lets get

8、going.C. Thank goodness.D. Im with you on that.参考答案:D试题分析:考察交际用语。他擅长很多事情,但并代表他是完美的。根据下文 _,事实上没有一个人是完美的,可知对方是认同前文的说法的, Im with you on that是同意你的说法的意思。 Whats going on?表示“发生了什么事?”; Lets get going.让我们开始吧; Thank goodness谢天谢地。来12. David, are you listening to me?Sorry, sir. I _ of the lecture I attended yes

9、terday.A. have thoughtB. was thinkingC. am thinkingD. thought参考答案:B【详解】考查时态。句意:大卫,你在听我说吗? 对不起,先生。我在想我昨天听的讲座。此处表示刚才正在做某事,所以应该用过去进行时态,故选B。13. Not having enough green food leads to poor health and, _ , sickness. A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. instead参考答案:c略14. MrSmith is on time for everything

10、How he be late for the ceremony?A will Bcan Cshall Dmay参考答案:B15. We had _ really cold December this yearI cant remember _ winter when it was so cold()Athe; aBa; theCthe; theDa; a参考答案:D第一个空为泛指今年的十二月是一个非常寒冷的月份;第二个空也是指没有遇到过像今年冬天这么冷的冬季,也是泛指,两个空均用不定冠词,故选D16. It is a (an) _ occurrence that he should meet

11、the woman in the photo he saw many years ago in such a remote town.A. frequentB. curiousC. regularD. normal参考答案:B二、 完型填空17. I returned home the other night exhausted. Aches in my foot, salty with sweat. My husband asked me how my evening was. “_16_”, I told him.I had spent 90 minutes in a gym full o

12、f 10 Ping-Pong tables and assorted players, all coaxing and smacking a little ball over the net. By 9 p.m., I was extremely excited. I had beaten two _17_ men half my age and lost battles against worthy opponents. To a casual _18_, the night was ordinary. To me, it was a _19_.I had _20_ Ping-pong du

13、ring college, and in my 30s dove in more deeply, climbing the long stairway up to a table tennis center in Westfield, N.J., where I watched Olympic hopefuls and took lessons. Arthroscopy(关节镜检查) for torn knee cartilage(软骨) soon made me _21_. The surgeon did his best to _22_ my crushed knee, _23_ agai

14、nst afternoons of power shopping, and told me never to jog or run again.Three months in a cast(石膏) left my foot floppy(松软) and useless. Standing was _24_. I hunted for _25_ that could cushion my knee and set my _26_ on walking and climbing stairs again. Years later, I tried to play Ping-Pong and limped(跛行) for a week. I put the _27_ out of my min


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