外研版六上 Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming

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《外研版六上 Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版六上 Module 8 Unit 2 I often go swimming(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 8Unit 2 I often go swimming目 录1324Listen and ChantListen and readListen and completeListen and learn to say目 录5Listen and say. Then sing6 Ask and answer7 Read and do8 当堂检测话题导入Do you like swimming?1.Listen and Chant作为一名光荣的少先队员,能生活在这样一个充满活力的大集体中,我感到无比的光荣和自豪。为了能更好的为同学们服务,更全面的为红领巾增光添色,我参加了这次队长竞选活

2、动。课文学习知识精讲never / nev(r)/ adv. 从不知识点 1n + ever(曾经)=never例句:I never play computer games. 我从不玩电脑游戏。形近词: fever 发烧 短语: never mind 没关系加法记忆法:联想记忆法:always 总是 often 经常 sometimes 有时 never 从不2. Listen and read课文学习知识精讲by bus 乘坐公共汽车知识点 2例句: I often go to school by bus.我经常乘坐公共汽车去上学。用法:by+ 交通工具名词,意为“乘 / 骑”,且 by 后

3、一定不要用任何冠词,表示交通工具的名词不加 s。知识精讲例句: My friend goes to school by bike. 我朋友骑自行车去上学。Mr Liu went to work by train. 刘先生乘坐火车去上班了。知识精讲I often go swimming. 我经常去游泳。知识点 3I often read books on the weekend. 周末我经常看书。用法:这是一个描述自己经常做某事的句子。句型结构: I +often+ 动词(短语)原形 + 其他。例句:知识精讲频率副词的用法知识点 41. 频率副词表示频率的高低。请看下面的图示。单词词义图示表示的

4、频率always总是100%often经常60%sometimes 有时30%never 从不0%知识精讲2. 频率副词在句中的位置。都可以放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词后面,行为动词前面。例句:She sometimes goes home by bus. 她有时乘坐公共汽车回家。I always read books at home on Sundays.星期天我总是在家里看书。I never eat with chopsticks. 我从不用筷子吃饭。知识精讲3. 提问频率时用“how often”。例句:How often do you go to the cinema?你多长时间

5、去看一次电影?3. Listen and complete课文学习What do they do on Sundays?alwaysoftensometimesnever1 I play computer games.2 I play table tennis with my dad.3 My family has a big dinner.4 I will remember that day.知识精讲三步两遍听音法知识点 5第一步:快速浏览题目要求与内容,了解题中的信息,做到 心中有数。第二步:第一遍听音,边听边做题,注意捕捉录音中的关键 信息(always,often ,sometimes

6、,never),用自 己熟悉的符号记录所听到的单词。第三步:第二遍听音,边做边检查,得到最后答案。4. Listen and learn to say课文学习5. Listen and say. Then sing课文学习知识精讲make a list 列一个清单知识点 6Im making a list of things I want to buy.我正在列一张我想要买的东西的清单。Make 构成的短语: make a snowman 堆雪人 make friends 交朋友make a cake 制作蛋糕例句:知识精讲have a picnic 举行野餐知识点 7We will have

7、 a picnic tomorrow.明天我们将要举行野餐。Have 的用法小结:1. 表“进行,从事 ” have an English lesson 上英语课2. 表“有,得到”have a computer 有一台电脑3. 表“吃,喝” have some juice 喝一些果汁4. 表“举行”have a party 举行聚会例句:6. Ask and answer课文学习eat bananasgo swimmingvisit your grandmaplay chess clean the classroomgo shoppingsend emailsdrink teago to t

8、he doctor collect stampsDo you eat bananas?Yes, I sometimes eat bananasplay chess 下国际象棋知识点 8I want to play chess. 我想要下国际象棋。用法:play 与棋类,球类名词连用时,中间不加冠词。如:play basketball 打篮球例句:知识精讲知识精讲go to the doctor 去看医生知识点 9The boy is ill. He wants to go to the doctor.这个男孩病了,他想要去看医生。同义短语: see the doctor例句:7.Read an

9、d doComplete the table and write about yourself.Always Often Sometimes Nevergo swimming read bookswatch TVplay basketballgo to the supermarketcook dinnerclean my bedroomplay computer gamesdo my homework课文学习8.当堂检测当堂检测一、单项选择。1. Sam cant ride the bike, so he rides it.A. often B. always C. neverC本题考查频率副

10、词。由“萨姆不会骑自行车”可知,never意为“从不”,符合句意。故选C项。点拨:当堂检测2. My father often goes to work A. by bikes B. by a bus C. by busCby bus 意为“乘坐公交车”,by后不加冠词,bus 不用复数。故选C项。点拨:当堂检测二、变为否定句。He often listens to music.He often to music. ofter listens三、根据汉语完成句子。吉姆, 请帮我列一个清单,我要去购物。Jim, help me , please. I want to go shopping.ma

11、ke a listmake a list意为“列一个清单”,是固定短语。点拨:当堂检测四、选出与其他两个单词不同类的一项。( )(1) A. some B. sometimes C. never( )(2) A. drinking B. picnic C. climbing( )(3) A. running B. sun C. collecting( )(4) A. always B. often C. photoABBC课堂小结 本节课我们学习了以下知识,请同学们一定加强巩固,以便能和同学们进行灵活交流哦!重点词汇:never 重点短语:by bus, make a list, have a picnic, play chess, go to the doctor重点句式:I often go swimming. 频率副词的用法



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