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1、2022年贵州省遵义市习水县三岔河乡中学高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. -I had a very boring weekend at home. -Why did you stay at home? You _ with us. A. might hike B. could have hiked C. should hike D. must have hiked参考答案:B2. Happiness isnt getting all you want but enjoying you have.A. what B. which C. that D. how参考答案:A3. The Th

2、inker, head in hand, resting his right arm on his left knee, gained its current title when _ in Paris in 1890. A. exhibiting B. exhibited C. was exhibited D. being exhibited参考答案:B4. Word came from Jane our manager would held a meeting to discuss the matterAwho BthatCwhichDwhether参考答案:B5. What is the

3、 price of your shirts here, sir?It depends on which fashion you want to buy , and the prices from 100dollars to 50 dollars.AincreaseBrangCreachDdifferent参考答案:B略6. The lawyer advised Tom to drop the _ since he had little chance to win.A. affair B. case C. incident D. event参考答案:B7. So seriously _ in t

4、he accident that the driver was sent to hospital at once.A. was he injuredB. he was injuredC. did he injureD. he did injure参考答案:A试题分析: 句意:司机在事故中受伤非常严重,被立即送完往医院。So引导的倒装句结构是:So +adj /adv+ 助动词+S。故选A项。8. -The light is so weak that I cant _ the words in the article.-Maybe your eyesight is failing.A. leav

5、e out B. make out C. check out D. figure out参考答案:B9. Are you going to Toms birthday party?_. I might have to work.A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sound great D. Dont mention it参考答案:A10. Mr. Black is a careful and experienced engineer, so he is often _ to finish some challenging tasks. A. appreciatedB.

6、 approachedC. appointedD. agreed参考答案:C11. After the operation,you should do suitable exercise to recover your . A. power B energy C. strength D force参考答案:C 12. After a fortnights _, the doctor successfully _ me of my headache.A. cure; treated B. treatment; cured C. cure; treats D. treat; cures参考答案:B

7、13. -Did they move into the new house? -Yes, but he _ such a large house. His wife would have been quite happy in a cottage.A. neednt have bought B. didnt need to buyC. mustnt have bought D. cant have bought参考答案:A14. His success at _ first attempt didnt satisfy him. Instead, he went all out to try _

8、 second time.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; theD. a; a参考答案:B句意:他第一次尝试取得的成功并没有让他满意,反而,全力以赴尝试下一次。the first attempt第一次尝试,第一是特指,故应该用定冠词the;a second time又一次,再一次,a+序数词+time表示又一次。故选B。15. Why did you _ the fourth paragraph of your rewritten composition?Because I think it was not necessary and off the point.A. sw

9、eep up B. put forward C. take up D. leave out参考答案:D16. Robert is indeed a wise man. Oh, yes. How often I have regretted _ his advice! A. to takeB. takingC. not to take D. not taking参考答案:D二、 完型填空17. When youre willing to ask for what you want but dont insist on getting it, there are some potential hi

10、dden benefits as well. For example, you sometimes _21_ the sympathy and generosity in others.Several years ago, I arrived in Mumbai very late one evening. _22_ having a confirmed reservation, the hotel was overbooked and was _23_ people away. The man in front of me was angry and became very _24_.He

11、insisted on getting his way-but there were no _25_. he stormed out, defeated and angry. He was totally _26_ to the fact that it wasnt the receptionists _27_. It wasnt personal.I walked up to the receptionist and said _28_, “I really understand your _29_ and dont blame you a bit. I would _30_ it so m

12、uch if you would help me. I know you dont have any rooms here, but could you help me find another _31_, close by?” I thought it was wise to ask-as long as I didnt _32_.Hearing my words, she was _33_. Remarkably, she said she had some great news, She had completely _34_ that fact that one of the gues

13、ts had to leave in an _35_ and wouldnt be back. It turned out the most expensive room! Because I had been so _36_, she gave it to me at lower rate.The question is, why didnt she _37_ this empty room and give it to the angry man in front of me? I think the answer is pretty _38_. His insistence pushed

14、 her away and may have even _39_ to her “forgetfulness”. When I was talking to her, however, she relaxed and felt less _40_. Her memory returned and I ended up getting a few hours of much-needed sleep.So be sure to ask for what you want, but dont insist on getting it.21. A. give away B. bring out C. break up D. carry on22. A. Upon B. For C. Within D. Despi


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