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2、brush.HestoppedbythefenceinfrontofthehousewherehelivedwithhisAuntPolly.Helookedatit, andalljoylefthim.Thefencewaslongandhigh.Heputthebrushintothewhitewashandmoveditalongthetopofthefence.Herepeatedtheoperation.Hefeltitwasdifficultforhimtocontinueandsatdown.Heknewthathisfriendswouldwalkpasthimandlaugh

3、.TheywouldmakejokesabouthishavingtoworkonabeautifulsummerSaturday.Noonewouldremaintohelp.Hefeltdiscouragedatthisthought.Atthisdarkandhopelessmoment, awonderfulideacametohimtomakeamanoraboywantathing, itisonlynecessarytomakethethingdifficulttoget.Calmlyhepickedupthebrushandstartedagaintowhitewashthef

4、ence.WhileTomwasworking, BenRogersappeared, eatinganappleashewalkedalongthestreet.WhenhecametoTom, hestopped.Bensaid, “SayImgoingswimming.Dontyouwishyoucould? Butofcourseyoudratherwork, wouldntyou? Ofcourseyouwould.”Tomlookedattheboyabit, andsaid, “Whydoyoucallitwork?”“Why, isntthatwork?”“Well, mayb

5、eitis, andmaybeitisnt.AllIknowisitsuitsme,”Tomwentbacktohiswhitewashing, andansweredcarelessly.“Ohcomenow, youdontmeantosayyoulikeit?”Thebrushcontinuedtomove.“Likeit? Well, IdontseewhyIshouldntlikeit.Doesaboygetachancetowhitewashafenceeveryday?”Tommovedhisbrushbackandforth, lookedattheresultwiththee

6、yeofanartistandaddedatouchhereandthere.Benwatchedeverymoveandgotmoreandmoreinterested.Soonhestoppedeatinghisappleandsaid, “Say, Tom, letmewhitewashthefencealittle.”注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2请按如下格式作答。Tomthoughtforamomentandwasabouttoagree, buthechangedhismind._WhileBenworkedatthefenceinthehotsun, Tomsatunder

7、atree, eatingtheapple, andplanninghowtogetmorehelp._新题型加餐练(一)第一节【范文赏读】Contributions WantedTo share inspiring stories about heroes and let the whole school learn from them, were to launch a new column The Hero Around Me.Everyone is welcome to write articles about a hero, including the heros name, his

8、/her great spirit and heroic deeds that touch you. What you write should be accurate and real. Besides, your contributions are expected to be within 300 words.Please send your contributions to our editorial department or email them to Englishcolumn before April 28.第二节【范文赏读】Tomthoughtforamomentandwas

9、abouttoagree, buthechangedhismind. “I cant, Ben. You know Aunt Polly wants the fence to be perfect. It has to be done very carefully. I dont think you can do it well enough,” he said to Ben, who looked a little discouraged. “Oh, Tom, Ill be careful. Please let me have a try. I would like to give you

10、 my apple if you agree,” requested Ben. In the end, Tom gave up the brush with unwillingness on his face, but joy in his heart.WhileBenworkedatthefenceinthehotsun, Tomsatunderatree, eatingtheapple, andplanninghowtogetmorehelp. Many of his other friends walked past him. Each one came to laugh, but re

11、mained to whitewash the fence because they all got interested in it. One by one, they whitewashed the fence, each giving Tom a reward, big or small. If he hadnt run out of whitewash, Tom would have owned everything belonging to his friends. He had a most wonderful and idle (空闲的) Saturday, sitting in the shade and enjoying the rewards that his friends gave him.



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