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1、Oral English materials1. How to maintain customer interest in a company.sproducts ?As is known to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers.First, itshould always make sure

2、that it provides its customers withqualitygoods andafter-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible itmay provide some incentives to its old customers. For example,

3、 it can grant a certain discount tothem if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies include product diversification and upg

4、rading.All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies.2. How to fill a key vacancy.In order to fill a key vacancy, a company will usuall

5、y follow the same standard procedure.It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on.Having produced this profile

6、, the company must then decide on the best recruitment methodto capture a candidate with this profile.This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter.Having decided on the best recruitment method, the ad

7、vertisements are then placed or theheadhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through the company s recruitment processes. This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.The com

8、pany will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate and, hopefully, this willresult in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want.3,Career Planning:how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesCareer P

9、lanningEven after a job is offered and accepted, career decisions must be made. On-the-job experience may affect the desired path. Aspiring to achieve a position above the present position is natural.The planned career path to that position may involve either a series of promotions within the firm可编

10、辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载or switchingto a different firm.Whileplanning a career path is a useful motivator, the plans should be achievable. If everyone planned to be president of a company, most plans would not be achieved. This can cause frustration. A preferable career path wouldinclude short-term goals, sin

11、ce some ultimategoals may take twentyyears or longer. The use ofshort-term goals can reinforce confidence as goals are achieved.Career Development: the importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your careerIt is important a person to have a range of skills in the course of his career devel

12、opment. When he has a range of skills, he is obviously more competitive than those who don t and therefore has more chances of promotion. And it will be easier for him to find a job outside hiscompany if he is not satisfied with his present job. In addition, a person with a range of skills is more l

13、ikely to work his way up to the top of the corporate ladder.4,Human Resources: how to provide effective support for new members of staffTraining: The importance of a continuous programme of staff training within a company Staff Management: how to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforc

14、eMotivating Employees: Employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs if they are provided 1 compensation that is aligned with their performance, 2 job security, 3 a flexiblework schedule, and 4 employee involvement programs. Firms should offer job security, compensation that is tied to employe

15、e performance, more flexible work schedules, and more employee involvement programs. To the extent that job satisfaction can motivate employees to improve their performance, firms may be able to a higher production level by providing greaterjob satisfaction.5,Marketing ResearchManagers cannot always

16、 wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of B



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