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1、高中英语语法主谓一样教学设计教学内容高中语法主谓一样任课老师:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学内容分析和处理高中语法主谓一样(Subject-Verb Concord/ Agreement )部分主要介绍什么是主谓一样,以及主语和谓语相一样的三大语法原就,仍有用单数,复数的特殊情形,课堂通过老师对语法学问点的讲解,同学做好笔记.课堂利用多媒体组织同学看名师如何讲解(大致15 分钟的视频,详见教学视频),让同学明白不同老师的教学风格.为了让同学学更好的把握主谓一样的用法,老师在课堂上呈现习题,让同学活学活用,老师遵循教 材的“题材 - 功能 -结构 -任务”的编写原就,课后布置同学做一些练习

2、,让同学在网上看名师如何讲课,探究适合同学英语学习的途径和方法.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学目标( 一)语言学问目标: 把握英语主谓一样的一般规律,娴熟运用人称和数上与主语保持一样的原就.从而加深对主谓一样的明白,对其熟识更系统化.(二)语言技能目标: 听懂对老师特点及其风 格的描述并猎取信息. 运 用 主 谓 一 致 原 就 造句,描述熟识的人和物. 懂得介绍老师风格的举 例和练习题,猎取信息 并把握和懂得主谓一样 的用法.简洁用几句话 描 写 自 己 身 边 的 人 和事,并能够在书面表达 中杜绝主谓一样方面的 错误.(三)学习策略目标:搜集和运用所

3、学词汇,短语.对介绍教学内容的材料进行懂得,分 析,比较和总结.表达自主合作探究相结合.培养同学的学问归纳 才能及灵敏的语言运 用的才能.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教程学时共 2 课 时重点 :1 谓语动词用单数的种种情形.2 就近原就.3 定 语从句中的主谓一样.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学难点与重点难点 :受母语(汉语)的影响,对语法现象中的三大原就无法辨论,口语,写作等实际运用中往往分不清主谓一样的情形,造成误用.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学预备本节课的课件,以及教学相关视频.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学方法依据高中英语课程标准及当前教学改革,课程改革的先进

4、理念,为达成上述教学目标,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务.开展自主性学习的小组活动,使合作,探究与独立摸索相结合,最大程度地优化同学的学习方式,提高课堂学习成效.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载课时 1教学Lead-in 导入话题 T: The weather is nice, isn t it.(天气很好,莫非不是吗?)S: Yes.(是呀,很好。 )T: The teaching building was built in 2021.And the food in the dinning hall is very delicious. ( 教学楼是2021 建成的.饭堂的东西

5、真好吃. )S: No, it isn t.(不,不是的呀. )(见 PPT 2)T: 上面我们谈论的句子都用单数,那么什么时候用单数,什么时候用复数呢?大家先看看一下习题,并填空.Step 1: 老师呈现生活中的例句,同学填空或翻译1. The adventures of Tom Sawyer very interesting.2.已经过去五分钟了.Five minutes passed.3.教你们英语是一件欢快的事.Teaching you English a pleasure.(见 PPT 3) Step 2:同学分组争辩,归纳总结谓语动词用单数的情形Conclusion: The ve

6、rb should be singular if the subject is a singular noun or an uncountable noun.(见 PPt 4)Step 3: 老师连续呈现生活中的例句,同学翻译T: 这两个同学都很认真.S: Both the students are very careful .T: 去年我们学校建了很多楼房.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载过5)S: Many buildings were built last year.T:我们食堂的面条和大米都很好吃.S: The noodles and rice in the dinning hall

7、are very interesting.(见 PPT可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载程Step4: 同学分组争辩,归纳总结谓语动词用复数的情形 Conclusion:The verb should be plural if the subject is a plural noun ,ormade up of two or more words or phrases linked by and. 见 PPT 6Step5: 老师呈现例句 ,同学找出它们的区分可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载1. All of us are listening carefully in our English l

8、esson.2. Our class is the best in our school.3. Every means has been tried.4. Either you or I am going there.5. Both the teacher and students are working hard.1. All of the lesson is about the Grammar: Subject- Verb agreement2. Our class are Listening carefully.3. My new clothes are very expensive.4

9、. Either I or you are going there.5. The teachers as well as students is working hard.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载(见 PPT 7)可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载Practice: 练习error correction纠错1. The readers are very popular in China.2. Not only Mathematics but also Physics are not easy to learn.3. Lots of damage were caused by fire.4

10、. Three years have passed since then.5. Either you or he are to go.6. The number of students have gone home.7. The police is searching the thief.8. Neither his parents nor his teacher are pleased with his study.9. Our class was attending a lecture by the famous professor in the hall at this time yes

11、terday afternoon.10. John, as wellas his two brothers, are to go to Europe forthecoming summer holiday.(见 PPT 8)完成以上任务,同学开放争辩.再次总结主谓一样的使用情形. 在此基础上使同学基本明白主谓一样的用法.然后布置课后作业,巩固所学学问. (见 PPt 9)课后作业 : 1.写一篇关于自己参加一项体育运动的经受,字数 80-100.2. 完成以下习题:1 His Selected Poemsfirst published in 1965 A wereB wasC has been

12、D have been 2 Twenty dollarsenough for the coatA isB areC hasD have3Learning about Travel News and Sports News in China Dailyhis great interest A isB areC causeD gives4 His familyvery big and all of his familymusicA are. 1oveB are.1ovesCis. haveD is. 1oves 5 ItJack and Frank whobeen murdered(见 PPT 1

13、0 )A are. haveB is.areCis. haveD is. has 6 Writing storiesandarticleswhatIenjoy most A isB have beenC wasD were 7 The poor woman with her two childrenin a street cornerA was seen begB were seen begCWas seen baggingD were seen begging 8 Is there anybody in the classroom.No, the teacher as well as the

14、 studentsto the playground A goB wentChas goneDhave gone9 Three-fourhs of the landby forest and grassA has coveredBhas been coveredChave been coveredD ,are to be covered 10 Have you heard about the new school.No, when and where to build the new oneA is not decidedB aren t decidedChas not decidedD haven t been decided参考答案 :1-5 BACCC6-10 ACCBA 见 PPt 11可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载第 2课时进行语法讲解 :介绍语法概念概念:英语中的一样主要包括主语和谓语在人称和数上的一样,时态的一样,名词和代词的一样.主语和谓语保持一样叫主谓一样,即谓语动


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