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1、2021年高考英语全真模拟预测试卷,(24) 一、单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分) 1(.5 分)Knowledge is weightless, _ treasure you can always carry easily( ) AaBanCtheD不填 2(.5 分)The wedding dress of the Princess is noble and elegant_ is the beauty of this style that it will be popular with young women( ) ASuchBItCWhatDThat 3(.

2、5 分)I am always delighted when I receive an email from you _ the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend( ) AOn account ofBIn response to CIn view ofDWith regard to 4(.5 分)Animals of the cat family are very fierce,and they cant be easily tamed unless _ young( ) AcatchingBhaving caught Ccaugh

3、tDto be caught 5(.5 分)The newlyfounded company is faced with lots of problems , _ the financial problem is the worst( ) AwhichBof whichCto whichDwith which 6(.5 分)_ that it was already the fourth time that he _ abroad( ) ASo lucky was he; had traveled BSo lucky he was; had traveled CSo lucky was he;

4、 traveled DSo lucky he was; traveled 7 (.5 分)After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane _her job as a doctor in the countryside( ) Aset outBtook overCtook upDset up 8(.5 分)September 30 is the day _ which you must pay your bill( ) AbyBforCwithDin 9(.5 分)It is in the village _ we used to

5、live _ the film was made( ) Athat; whereBwhere; that Cwhich; thatDthat; which 10(.5 分)You neednt have been in that hurryThe flight to Wuhan due to the foggy weather( ) AcancelledBwas cancelling Chad cancelledDwas cancelled 二、理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 11(6 分)Depression hurts, Proza

6、c can help Depression isnt just feeling down Its a real illness with real causes Depression can be triggered by stressful life events, like divorce or a death in the family Or it can appear suddenly, for no apparent reason Some people think you can try to get yourself out of a depression Thats not t

7、rue Many doctors believe that one thing that may cause depression is an imbalance of serotonin a chemical in your body If this happens, you may have trouble sleeping Feel unusually sad or irritable easily Find it hard to concentrate Lose your appetite Lack energy Or have trouble feeling pleasure The

8、se are some of the symptoms that can point to depression especially if they last for more than a couple of weeks and if normal, everyday life feels like too much to handle To help fight depression, the medicine doctors now prescribe (开处方) most often is Prozac Prozac isnt a happy pill Its not a tranq

9、uilizer (镇静剂) It wont turn you into a different person Some people do experience mild side effects, like upset stomach , headaches , difficulty sleeping , sleepiness, anxiety and nervousness These tend to go away within a few weeks of starting treatment, and usually arent serious enough to make most

10、 people stop taking it However, if you are concerned about a side effect, or if you develop a rash (皮疹), tell your doctor right away And dont forget to tell your doctor any other medicines you are taking Some people should not take Prozac, especially people on MAO inhibitors (单胺抑制剂) As you start fee

11、ling better, your doctor can suggest therapy or other means to help you work through your depression Prozac has been carefully studied for nearly 10 years But remember, Prozac is a prescription medicine, and it isnt right for everyone Only your doctor can decide if Prozac is right for you or for som

12、eone you love Prozac has been prescribed for more than 17 million Americans Chances are someone you know is feeling sunny again because of it (1)All the following are true EXCEPT A It is easy to get rid of depression through tremendous determination B Sleep disorder is characteristic of depression s

13、ymptoms C Depression can be caused by combination of factors D Depression is a psychological state taking the form of low mood (2)What can we learn about Prozac from this piece of information? A Prozac is a newly developed drug to treat depression B patients who take Prozac can experience severe sid

14、e effects C A medical prescription is necessary for Prozac D Over 17 million Americans have been cured by Prozac (3)This piece of information is most probably A an introduction to a scientific project B a part of prescription drug instructions C a part of a research report in a medical journal D an

15、advertisement of a medicine for depression 12(8 分)A taxi driver taught me a million dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation Motivational speakers charge thousands of dollars to give training to company executives and staff It cost me a 12 taxi ride I had flown into Dallas for the purpose of calling on a customer Time was limited and my plan included a quick


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