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1、2022年广东省梅州市梅县华侨中学高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ the plan many times, but he still didnt understand. A. Having told him B. Having been told himC. Though he had been told D. He was told参考答案:D2. _, the students insist that he _ separated from his desk mate, who is very naughty.A. Avoiding to be affected; be B.

2、To avoid to be affected; would be C. Avoid being affected; should be D. To avoid being affected; be 参考答案:D略3. We havent discussed_we are going to spend our winter holiday yet.A. that B. which C. what D. where参考答案:D4. -Mum, does this dress look pretty on me?-Oh, _ We dont have much time. The Smiths a

3、re waiting for us. A. take careB. come onC. go aheadD. hold on参考答案:B5. Theres no doubt that Ill _ for the trick he played on me.A. pay back B. pay for C. pay off D. pay out参考答案:A6. _ felt funny watching myself on TV.A One B This C It D That参考答案:C略7. Who do you think will get the first prize?Mary, of

4、 course. She _ for the competition for months.A. is preparing B. was preparingC. had been preparing D. has been preparing参考答案:D8. May I speak to your manager Mr.Williams at five oclock tonight? Im sorry. Mr. Williams _ to a conference long before then. A. would have gone B. had gone C. will have gon

5、e D. has gone参考答案:C略9. this is only a small town, it s crowded with tourists who come here all year round.A. Since B. Unless C. Once D. Although参考答案:D略10. I didnt go to the party, but I do wish I _there.A. was B. were C. had been D. went参考答案:C11. _ with her essay, Jane has no time to join in more so

6、cial activities.A. Having occupied B. Having been occupying C. To be occupied D. Being occupied参考答案:D12. Excuse me sir, where is the room 301?Just a minute. Ill get Bob _ you to your room.A. show B. shown C. to show D. showing参考答案:C27.Michael was late for MrSmiths oral class this morning. _?As far a

7、s I know, he never came late to class AHow come BSo what CWhy not DWhat for参考答案:A略14. _ is expected, according to the online survey, is _ prices of houses will not go up an more.A. What; that B. As, that C. It, what D. Which, that参考答案:A15. I should very much like to have gone to the party but I .A.h

8、adnt been invitedB.wasnt invitedC.wouldnt be invitedD.am not invited参考答案:B句意:本来我非常想去参加聚会的,但是我没有被邀请。根据句意可知,聚会已经举办过了,只是当时我没有被邀请,因此应用一般过去时,故选B。二、 新的题型16. How parents can help children with reading skillsMaking sure that your children read well can help them perform better in school and increase their c

9、onfidence in their ability to communicate well. The following ways can be very helpful.Have your children read to you.Have your children choose their favorite book and sit down to read with you each evening. 16 It doesnt matter whether that starts after dinner or around the time your children go to

10、sleep.Stock (储备) your house with reading materials.17 It is reported that children who have different kinds of books and magazines to choose from at home actually score higher on standardized tests.18 Researchers suggest having your children read signs on the road, menus, game directions, movie list

11、ings and other daily things. This will help your children try to understand the importance and applicability (适用性) of being able to read well.Pay attention to reading problems.See how well your children can sound out words, understand what they have read and use reading context (上下文) to understand t

12、he meaning of new words.19 For example, you can take them to reading learning centers.Use other reading tools. 20 Take games as an example, try to use them as much as you can, since they can make children look forward to and enjoy the process of improving their reading ability.A. Read wherever it is

13、 possible.B. Take your children to a library.C. Make reading an important part of each day.D. Keep some reading materials available in your house.E. Games, textbooks and books on tape are good choices.F. If your children have difficulty reading, get them some help.参考答案:16-20 CDAFE17. 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在

14、文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的词。每空一词。 Third-generation mobile phones, known as 3G, are the next big step for the telecom industry. Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker than that in present technology. This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones. “Mobile data is not a dream; its not an option but a requirement,” said Len Lauer, head of


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