朗文国际英语教程1 unit 4 (课堂PPT)

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《朗文国际英语教程1 unit 4 (课堂PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《朗文国际英语教程1 unit 4 (课堂PPT)(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、SBS1 Unit 4Short AnswersPossessive Adjectives 1brushingbr cleaningklin feeding fid fixingfks painting pent washingw readingrid p. 272Possessive AdjectivesPron.我的书他的笔记本她的裙子它的脸我们的老师你的电脑你们的书包他们的字典my bookhis notebookher dressits faceour teacheryour pcyour bagtheir dictionary3Possessive AdjectivesPossess

2、ive adjectives indicate possession. They are alwways used with nouns.我的my, 你的your.男他的his, 女他的her, 它的its不加点.我们的our, 你们的your, 他们的their别记错!4Model Conversationsp.28sink sk n. 水槽clean klin v. 打扫,清扫child tald n. 小孩children tldrn n. (pl.) 孩子们homework homwrk n. (u.) 作业567Expansion Activities cards 53-55 Per

3、sonal belongs Student-Led Dictation8WorkBook p.219Short AnswersIt is common to respond to Yes/No questions with a short answer. A short answer includes the subject and the auxiliary verb (oen called the helping verb). Are you busy? Yes, I am. Im washing my hair.1011busy bzi a. 忙的hair he(r) n. (u.) 头

4、发12Q&A Q&A about the pictures on page 29 clothes kloz n. 衣服 exercise eksrsaz n. 运动;练习;作业 bicycle baskl n. 自行车 tooth tu n. 牙齿 teeth ti n. (pl.) 牙齿 window wndo n. 窗户 e-mail i mel n. 电子邮件13Q&A p. 2914p.3015Expansion ActivitiesBeanbag TossAssociations Verbs: fix, clean, wash, do Nouns: car, sink, desk,

5、chair, TV, apartment, room, kitchen, bathroom, yard, clothes, car, hair, exercises, homework Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, their, our 16Workbookp.22-2517p.3018Expansion ActivitiesCards 36-67 A: Pick a card and mime the action on the card. B: Jackson? A: Yes? B: What are you doing?

6、A: Im. 19Talk About It!Where are they, and what are they doing?New words:parking lot prk lt n. 停车场laundromat lndrmt n. 自助洗衣店health club hel klb n. 健身俱乐部20p.3121Expansion Activities p.31 True or False? Guess who! 22Workbookp.2623Reading New words:river rvr n. 河;江street strit n. 街道;马路neighbor neb n. 邻

7、居;邻国too tu adv. 也;太/很of course v krs 当然2425Questions: Whats Mr. Price doing? Whats Ms. Hunter doing? Whats Picky Gomez doing? What are Mr. and Mrs. Wong doing? Whats Mrs. Martin doing? What are Judy and Larry Clark doing? What am I doing?2627In your own words28pronunciation Deleted h: When the words her and his occur in the middle of a phrase or sentence, the initial h sound is deleted. Shes fixing (h)er car.2930THANK YOU31


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