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1、.2018年XX省XX市中考英语试卷一、听力题每题3分,共30分6What color is Cathys schoolbag?AYellowBBlueCGreen7Whats wrong with Miss Li?AShe has a coldBShe has a headacheCShe cuts her knees8Where are the keys?AUnder the chairBOn the sofaCIn the pencil box9What is Peter doing now?A He is playing tennisB He is playing soccerC He

2、 is playing baseball10Who is the boy s favorite teacher?A English teacherB MusicC History teacher11 Which cinema will they go to?ATown CinemaBScreen CityC Movie World12、How much is the ticket for a student?A.20 yuanB.30 yuanC .50 yuan13、How often does Wang Hai exercise?A Sometimes B Every morming C

3、Hardly ever14、What time does Wyng Hai play sports?AAt 6:30 BAt 7:30CAt 6:1515、What kind of noodles does Wang Hai like?AChicken noodlesBMutton noodlesC Beef noodlesSeasons Weather Outdoor activites 16 Warm and windy Flying kites Summer 17 18in the pool Autumn Cool Going to the mountains and 19 Winter

4、 20Making snowmen and fighting with snowballs雪球二、选择题第21-40题,每小题1分,共20分21Its such lovely panda that we all love itA/BaCan22Is this your dictionary?Yes itsAmeBmyCmine23The little girl over there is cousinATomBTomsCthe Tom24I have to study too much I don t get enough sleepAbutBsoCor25Everyone knows tha

5、t China is gettingAstrong and strongBstrongest and strongestCstronger and stronger26They asked their son the bed last weekendAto makeBmakingCmade27My grandmother is going to a hobby like shopping on the InternetAtake upBlook upCget up28Excuse me, do you know?It closes at 9: 00 PMAwhen does the books

6、tore close todayBwhen the bookstore closes todayCwhen will the bookstore close toda, afternoon29Our classroom by students every aftemonAis cleanedBwas cleanedCcleans30Could you please help me do the dishes? I cut my finger and Im trying not to get it wetAyes, sureBsorry,l cantCyes,here you are三、完型填空

7、There is a village in America, and in this village everyone is 31 They all have beautiful houses and nice clothes They are good at32 One day a a young lady came to the village She talked with a man,Look! You are all good businessmen Whats the33? The secret is that we eat a lot of fish answered the m

8、an, The fish is good for our brains It makes us 34 I see, said the young lady, And whats the name of the fish? I dont know, but if you give me 50 dollars, I can35you some The young lady thought this was a good idea,Then she gave the man 50 dollars and told 36her address Soon the young lady got a box

9、 In the box, there were three37 After a month, the young lady38the businessman again Thank you for your fish she said,But listen! 50 dollars is very39for just three fish! Ah, you see! the businessman smiled, The fish is40to have an effect效果You are becoming clever!31ApoorBrichCserious32A businessBdre

10、amC culture33A secretB planCquestion34A foolishBbadC clever35A sendBlendCinvite36AthemB himCher37AmoneyBboxCfish38A metB didCforgot329A cheapBexpensiveC beginning40A stoppingB writingCbeginning四、阅读技巧A.判断正误,阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的填涂T,不符合的填涂F。People around the world were shocked by the death of Ste

11、phen Hawking this year They respect 尊敬 the British scientist not only because of his achievements in physics but also his great spirit Hawking was bom in England on January 8th, 1942 When he was a child, he was interested in science In 1959, he entered Oxford University牛津大学 to study natural science

12、However, he got a very serious illness in 1963 He couldnt move or speak He had to sit in a wheelchair 轮椅and he could only communicate with others by computer In the face of these difficulies,Hawking didnt give up He wen on to study at Cambridge University剑桥大学 and did research on space and time He wr

13、ote many great books The most famous one is A Brief History Of Time时间简史 Hawking was invited to China to give speeches several times His selfconfidence 自信andhumorous words impressed留下印象 us deeply Hawkings unusual life encourages many people Lets not worry about our problems Lets face the challenges i

14、nstead As he once said, Life is not fair, you just have to do the best you can inyour situation41Hawking was born in England判断对错42A computer helped Hawking communicate with others判断对错43Hawking entered Oxford University to study science in 1963判断对错44A Brief History Of Time is Hawkings most famous book判断对错45People respect Hawking only because of his achievements in physics判断对错五、选择答案A survey about transportation in Sunshine Middle School46Whats the most popular transportation in Sunshine Middle


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