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1、2021年安徽省合肥市中国人民解放军七四一O工厂子弟学校(高中部)高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.A. Translated B. Translating C. To translate D. Having translated参考答案:A2. The parking tickets within two months; otherwise, you will be fined $200 for delayed payme

2、nt. A.must pay B.shall pay C.might be paid D.should be paid参考答案:D3. I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just _.A. by nature B. in return C. in case D. by chance参考答案:C略4. There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something _.A. being improvedB. to be improve

3、dC. improvedD. to improve参考答案:B5. Ann looks hot and dry.So _ you if you had a high fever.A. did B. were C. will D. would参考答案:D6. Mr Smith isnt like my first boss so I have to adapt to a new person. A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing参考答案:A7. The hungry boy kept his eyes _ on the cake on th

4、e table for quite a while before he finally noticed my presence. A. to fix B. fixed C. fixing D. being fixed参考答案:B略8. Sometimes parents control of young kids will be thought to be such an invisible rope, with which to tie them tightly, that they _ tried to cut it.A. thoroughly B. visually C. despera

5、tely D. appropriately参考答案:C略9. 22What time did he come back yesterday? It was not yet twelve o clock _ he arrived home Auntil Bthat Cwhen Dbefore参考答案:C略10. It is difficult for one to _ the manners of another world when he doesnt know what they are. A. see to B. tend toC. amount to D. subscribe to 参考

6、答案:D11. - How I regret making the stupid mistake! - Yes. I your doing it another way, but in vain.(原创 考查动词时态)A. have suggested B. suggested C. would suggest D. had suggested参考答案:d略12. Only _as an English teacher_how important it is to teach students how to learn English A.when did I work; did I real

7、ize B.when did I work; I realized C.when I worked; did I realize D.when I worked; I realized参考答案:C13. China is a wonderful land _ minerals.A. is abundant in B. abundant in C. in abundant D. is in abundant参考答案:B略14. Are you still busy? Yes, I_ my work, and it wont take long.A. just finish B. am just

8、finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish参考答案:B略15. Some top American universities are accused of _ Asian-American applicants using race as a factor.A. deleting B. removingC. denying D. restoring参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. deleting删除;B. removing去除;C. denying否认;D. restoring恢复。句意:一些顶尖的美国学府被

9、指控将种族作为一个因素拒绝亚裔美国人的申请。根据句意可知此处表示“拒绝、否认”,故C项正确。16. Walking exercises _ be boring at times, but on a clear sunny morning nothing could be betterAmay Bwill Cmust Dshould参考答案:A略17. _ in the classroom are the people who are attending the parents meeting ASeating BSeated C. To sit DHaving seated参考答案:B略18.

10、 -Im more than happy to go out this weekend. - _. Weve got so much work to do at that time.A. Dont worry B. Forget it C. Dont say so D. Dont mention it参考答案:B二、 书面表达19. 你校昨天举行了年度校园“科技节” (Science & Technology Day)。请你写一篇日记,内容包括:1. 科技节的主要内容;2. 你所参加的活动及原因;3. 你的感想。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考答案:Ma

11、y 15th, SunnyDear DiaryOur school held the annual “Science & Technology Day” yesterday and I found it to be a hugely rewarding experience. Activities included technological knowledge quizzes, student research exhibitions and advanced technologies lectures. My classmates and I really enjoyed it all a

12、nd deeply appreciated the efforts of the organizers. I took part in the “create your own robot” competition, which was a great learning opportunity. The hand-on experience really helped me to better understand the theory behind robotics. Thanks to the festival, I have a much clearer understanding of

13、 technology and its applications than before. It has motivated me to focus on science as a career, and hopefully make a meaningful contribution to our society. I cant wait for the next festival.【分析】这是一篇应用文写作。【详解】第1步:根据提示可知,要求写一篇日记;你校昨天举行了年度校园“科技节” (Science & Technology Day)。请你写一篇日记,内容包括:1. 科技节的主要内容;2. 你所


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