酒店情景英语 1.1 Reservation(课堂PPT)

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《酒店情景英语 1.1 Reservation(课堂PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《酒店情景英语 1.1 Reservation(课堂PPT)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、酒店情景英语酒店情景英语Unit 1 Unit 1 Front desk Front deskLesson1 ReservationLesson1 Reservation1Lesson1 ReservationLesson1 ReservationFront desk2How can I make reservations?reservationface to face柜台预定Telephone(电话预定)Internet(网络订房)Fax(传真订房)e-mail(邮件预定)3ReservationReservation预定预定 Warming-upWatch a video and disc

2、uss: what are the key points in reservation?4ReservationReservation 客人/代订人/团体姓名 Guest Name 联系电话 Telephone Number 所需客房类型 Room Type 价格或折扣 Price / Discount 所需客房数量 Number of Rooms 抵/离店日期&时间 Arrival Date/Departure Date 入住天数 Length of Staying 订房入住当天的保留时间 Cut-off Time订房8大要素5R Room typeoom type单人间双人间single

3、single roomroomtwin twin roomroom6套房suitesuite总统套房presidepresidential ntial suitesuiteR Room typeoom type7三人间triple triple roomroom大床房double double roomroomR Room typeoom type8Deluxe suite 豪华套间Business suite 商务套间Economy room 经济套间sea view./mountain view room 海景房/山景房Beach villa /water villa沙屋 /水屋Extra

4、 bed 加床Face to the south / with a front view朝阳With bath /shower 带浴室/淋浴R Room typeoom type9Service Procedure服务流程1. Greet the guest Hello Sir/Madam, XXX hotel. May I help you? 2. Taking a reservationWhat type of room do you need/prefer? And how many person will there be in your party?3. Referring to d

5、ates and times For what dates? How many nights do you wish to stay?4. Accepting or refusing the booking. Let me see if there is a room available. Well. We have.10Its all right for (date )but not (date )We dont have any (room type), would you mind having (room type) I am sorry, we are fully booked on

6、 those days. Would you change your reservation date?5.Stating the priceItsper night. (we will give you off).6. Asking guests information.May I have your name and your telephone number?How do you spell your last name?117. confirm the details I would like to confirm your reservation. Mr./Ms. XXX, you

7、have booked/reserved room fromto, the price is and your telephone number is. Is that right?8.Thank the GuestnThank you, we looking forward to seeing you.12 Dialogue C:Clerk 职员 J:Jack 杰克C: Good morning. May I help you? J: Yes, Id like to reserve a room for three days, please.C: For which date? J: Fro

8、m September 15th to 18th. C: Which kind of room would you like, a double or a single? J: A single, please. C: May I have your name and phone number? J: Jack Brown and the number is 3626833. 13 DialogueC: What time do you expect to arrive, Mr. Brown? J: Oh, about 6:30 p.m., I suppose. C: Well,Id like

9、 to confirm your reservation. A single room for Mr. Brown at 480 yuan per night for three nights from Sep. 15th to 18th.J: Right. C: Thank you, Mr. Brown.14Reservation CardMr. / Mrs. / Miss: Arrival Date:Departure Date:No. of rooms: Room Type: No. of Persons : Room Rate: Booked by: Tel: Approve by:

10、Taken by: Date:15R:Good morning. This is Xinzhong Hotel Reservations. May I help you?C: Yes, Im calling from the States. Id like to book a room, starting from Sept.22nd.R: What kind of room would you like, sir?C: A double room, please.R: what about a twin-bed room with bath for 90 dollars per night,

11、 including breakfast?C:OK.R: May I have your name, sir.C: My name is John Smith.R: Thank you, Mr. Smith. How long will you be staying here?C: Three nights.(the receptionist repeats the reservation.)Thats it. One more thing, how can I have my reservation guaranteed?R: Ill just need your credit card number and take care of the rest of you.C: Its No.1734-4018-2273-1868.R: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Anything else?C: No, thanks. Good-bye.R: Goodbye16PracticePractice Make a dialogue of reservation, including the 8 key points. 17Thanks!18


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