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1、2021-2022学年浙江省绍兴市东湖中学高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. No single word _ over the talk. He was too shy, I think. A. said he B. he said C. did he say D. he did say参考答案:C2. Not until the heavy snow blocked the express _ how serious the weather was. A. the villagers did realize B. the villagers realizedC. did the vill

2、agers realize D. didnt the villagers realize参考答案:C3. Can you think of a case in which the ecology of an idea is in balance? - Sure. You see, _ an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of the area is in balance. A. unless B. as C. though D. where参考答案:D略4. If a person has not had enough sleep, his a

3、ctions will give him _ during the day.A. away B. upC. in D. back参考答案:A 解析:本题考查有关give 的几个短语的辨析。give away 泄露(秘密等),出卖,这里做“显露出”的意思. give up 是放弃的意思,give back, 归还,恢复;give in,投降。5. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun参考答案:

4、D略6. _, hes honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he C. Poor as he is D. Poor as is he参考答案:C7. How do you find _ Marys birthday party ?I should say it was _ complete failure. A. a; a B. /; a C. a; / D. the; a参考答案:B8. You can eat food free in my restaurant you likeA. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D.

5、 however参考答案:A9. - Could I have a word with you,Mr. White?- OK_ you make it shortIve got a meeting in five minutes Aas far asBif only Cso long asDnow that参考答案:C10. The suspect to the police that the hammer still where he had it.A. lay; lay; lain B. lay; lied; laid C. lied; lay; laid D. lied; laid; l

6、ain参考答案:C11. Dad, can you write a note and tell the teacher why I _ the exam?A. missedB. was missingC. would missD. had missed参考答案:A12. George returned after the war, only _ that his wife had left him. A. to be told B. telling C. being told D. told参考答案:A略13. The joy of living comes from _ we put int

7、o living()AwhatBthatCwhereDhow参考答案:A由语境与句子分析,_ we put into living是充当介词的宾语,而宾语从句中put后缺少宾语,that引导宾语从句不充当任何成分,where充当地点状语,how在宾语从句中作状语,指方式和状态故选A14. We wouldnt take action_ we were not sure of our security completely.A. though B. where C. if D. whenever参考答案:C15. In many countries in the world, breakfast

8、 is a snack _ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than Dless than参考答案:C句意:在世界上很多国家,早餐是小吃而不是一顿饭,但是传统的英国早餐是一顿正餐。rather than“而不是”,符合句意。other than“不同于;除了”;more than“不仅仅;超过”;less than“不如;少于”。16. -Ive invited Jim and Lucy to go with us._people? I _you

9、 planned the trip only for us two.A_ Other two; thoughtB. The other two; had thoughtC. Another two; thoughtD. Two more; am thinking参考答案:C17. All of us are pleased to see the problem _ so quickly.A.solve B. solving C. to solve D. solved参考答案:D18. Finally, we were on top of Omei Mountain. To our happin

10、ess, we it in time to watch the sun slowly rising from the horizon. A. had B. made C. managed D. afforded参考答案:B 二、 书面表达19. 目前,许多学校高三英语学习的现状是学生在教师的指引下大量做高考模拟练习题。假设你班就这一做法展开了一场讨论。请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇报道给校刊,呈现正反双方观点并表达自己的看法。赞成者观点1. 具有针对性,有利于学生取得高分2. 做练习题也是语言学习反对者观点1. 做试卷不是学习如何运用语言,而是学习如何考试2. 教师应当授人以渔,而不仅

11、仅授人以鱼你的观点及理由请根据自己的实际感受答题无论赞成、反对或是折中,请至少呈现两点与所给要点不同的理由支撑自己的观点注意:1. 对所给要点都要涉及,可以适当发挥。不要简单翻译。2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。4. 参考词汇:高考NMET;针对性pertinenceSince we entered Grade Three,instead of learning from textbooks and other language sources, students in my class have been guided by the

12、 teacher to practice a large amount of test papers over and over again.Opinions are divided in our class._参考答案:Since we entered Grade Three, instead of learning from textbooks and other language sources, students in my class have been guided by the teacher to practice a large amount of test papers o

13、ver and over again.Opinions are divided in our class. To those who agree, this practice can help students achieve high scroes in NMET due to its high pertinence. They also believe students can get knowledge about English by doing exercises. However, many others argue that doing test papers is not learning how to use English but leraning how to pass exams. They strongly hold teachers should teach students how to fish, not just give them fish to feed on.To me, it is not worthwhile to do so many test pape



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