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1、2021年内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市清水河县北堡乡中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. On her next birthday, Ann _ married for twenty years.A.is B.has been C.will be D.will have been参考答案:D2. _ is often the case, some British people are not familiar with different cultures.A. Which B. As C. It D. That参考答案:B【命题立意】考查状语从句的用法。句意:情况也是如此,英国人对于不

2、同的文化和其他的行为方式不是很熟悉。先行词为后面的主句一句话,先行词在定语从句中作主语,且该定语从句为非限制性定语从句,故答案为B项。【举一反三】 as 和which引导的非限制性定语从句引导词代替主句一句话的内容的定语从句只能由 which 或 as 引导。两者之间的区别在于: which 引导的定语从句只能位于主句后,但as引导的从句可位于主句前、中、后。如:David, as you know, is a photographer. 戴维是个摄影师,你是知道的。(不可用which)Li Ming is late, as is often the case. 李明迟到了,这事是经常发生的。

3、(不可用which)as在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语通常要有be或别的系动词,但which不受此限制。如:Li Ming was late, which (=and this) made Mr. Zhang very angry. 李明迟到了,这件事使张先生非常生气。(不可用as)as 引导的定语从句只表示一个众所周知或意料之中的事,但 which 不受此限制。如:He married her, which was unexpected. 他和她结婚了,这是出乎意料的。(不可用as)as有“正如”之意,而which则意为“这(件事,一点)”,可用and this/that/it来代替。as多

4、用于固定搭配中:as is often the case(这是常有的事),as was expected(不出所料),as often happens(正如经常发生的那样),as is known to all(众所周知),as has been said before(如上所述),as is mentioned above(正如上面所提到的)等。注:which 代表整个句子,还可用于in which case, at which point, on which occasion等。如:I may have to work late, in which case Ill telephone y

5、ou. 我可能得晚点下班,那样我会给你打电话的。3. . Busy_ he is, he spares some time to study English every day.A. as B. although C. if D. so参考答案:A略4. We dont know who _ for the murder, but the policemen will tell us the truth soon.A. is to blameB. is to be blamedC. is blamingD. is to be blaming参考答案:C5. Lets go to dance a

6、t the Student Center on Friday ,but Im going to a lectureThanks for asking me,thoughAAll right BSounds greatCIts very nice of you DSorry参考答案:B6. - What are you reading, Tom? - Im not really reading, just _ the pages. A. turning off B. turning around C. turning over D. turning up参考答案:C7. Only when ac

7、cording to the directions strictly, work well. A.taking,the medicine will B.to take,will the medicine C.taken,will the medicine D.being taken,the medicine will参考答案:C8. _ the whole society care for children as well as their parents, children can grow healthily and happily AAs soon asBOnceCThe moment

8、DSo long as参考答案:D考查状语从句连词的选用。句意为“只要社会和家庭共同关心青少年,他们就能健康幸福地成长。”,空格处应表达“只要”之意。So/As long as强调某事的发生以另一事件的发生为前提,而once既表时间,又包含条件,译作一旦。A和C表示时间的顺延。9. Only after reaching eighteen join the army.A. have you; you can B. have you; can you C. you have; you can D. you have; can you参考答案:D 解析:在only之后的从句要倒装。10. When

9、 I got into the office, I found Mr. Greenin his work, without noticing my arrival.A.buriedB.buryingC.to buryD.to be buried参考答案:A句意:当我走进办公室时,我发现格林先生正埋头工作,没有注意到我的到来。be buried in是固定短语,表示埋头于,忙于,此处是考查过去分词作宾补的用法。11. Whats the matter with Tim?Oh, Tims cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally, never _ agai

10、n.A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. being found参考答案:B12. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can almost every word her teacher says.A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together参考答案:B13. The book by the psychology expert teaches you how to find is causing the stress in your

11、life.A referring to; which B refer to; that C referred to ; what D referred to ; how参考答案:C14. _ our team seems to lack at the moment is the determination to win the matchAThatBWhatCWhetherDIf参考答案:B15. You look troubled. The director asked me to finish this task by Sunday. How can I _ to?A. attempt B

12、. manage C. decide D. happen参考答案:B 16. In front of me_, where many athletes from all over the world will compete for Olympic gold medals.A. stands the Water Cube B. stand the Water CubeC. the Water Cube stands D. does the Water Cube stand参考答案:A 解析:此题考察特殊句式倒装。表示方位的介词短语提前,主句应该全部倒装。内容概要:人们总是倾向于认为舞台上的演员

13、们把台词背得很熟,事实并不是这样。二、 新的题型17. Someone in the U.S. is diagnosed with blood cancer every three minutes. And although about three in ten blood cancer patients can find a matching donor in their families, 70 percent of patients depend on a stranger to step in. That was enough for me to know I wanted to he

14、lp.I registered online with Delete Blood Cancer.16Four years later I got an e-mail from the organization and it said I had a possible match. To make sure all systems were a go, I had a couple of extra blood tests. I needed to donate bone marrow (骨髓).17And my bone-marrow recipient was a little girl.Four months later, donation day arrived. At 9 a.m., the procedure started. By noon, I was already on my way home from the hospital.18My legs were sore, like I h


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