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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中总复习英语定语从句专项练习卷单项填空1I think youre got to the point_a change is needed,otherwise youll fail.A.when B.that C.where D.which2The hours _ the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.A.when B.that C.in w

2、hich D.on which3Many people who had seen the film were afraid to go to the forest when they remembered the scenes_ people were eaten by the tiger.A.that B.by whichC.which D.in which 4There were dirty marks on her trousers _ she had wiped her hands.A.where B.which C.when D.that 5_ is often the case,w

3、e have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.When C.What D.As 6_ is reported in the newspaper,talks between the two countries are making progress.A.It B.As C.That D.What 7There are many people_ only on-line activity is sending and receiving e-mails.A.who B.that C.which D.whose 8EBay,Amazon and Wa

4、lMart are popular websites_people can sell goods to each other.A.where B.which C.when D.whose 9On his 10th birthday.Marty manages to escape from the zoo and gets onto the subway, _he believes that he can go to the wild.A.which B.from whatC.through which D.that 10I hope_the little _I have been able t

5、o do has been of some use.A.that;that B./;by whichC.what;what D./;with which 11The farmers use wood to build a house_to store grains all the year around.A.with whichB.to whichC.whichD.in which 12This was a film_ Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.A.which B.when C.in which D.there13The though

6、t of going home to his family was allkept him happy while he was working abroad.A.that B.what C.those D.which 14A container weighs more after air is put in_proves that air has weight.A.asB.itC.thatD.which 15Can you tell me where Peter lives?Over there.The two storey house, _there is a garden.A.near

7、it B.from which C.in front of it D.in front of which 16Miss Green took up the story at the point_the thief had just made off with the jewels.A.where B.whichC.as D.when 17Why does she always ask you for help?There is no one else_ ,is there?A.who to turn to B.she can turn toC.for whom to turn D.for he

8、r to turn 18The year before last,part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods,from _ effects the people are still suffering.A.that B.whose C.those D.what 19Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, _ as the name suggests,eating doesnt take much time.A.who B.where C.which D.what 20Later

9、I want to return home but couldnt find a company _I could use_I had learnt.A.where;that B.where;whatC.when;what D.that;that 21Government reports,legal papers and most business letters are the main situations _ English is used.A.when B.that C.how D.where 22We hope the measures to control house prices

10、,_ are taken by the government,will succeed.A.as B.when C.since D.after 23The boy the teachers considered _ failed in the final exam, surprised them very much.A.to be the best;which B.as the best student;thatC.to have been studying well;it D.such as a good student;which 24The president,together with

11、 his bodyguards, _ to the nuclear station _ there was an accident 20 minutes ago.A.have come;which B.came;in whichC.has come;where D.come;in which 25Is there a gas station around_ I can get some petrol?A.which B.whatC.where D.that26There was_ time_ I hated to go to school.A.a;that B.a;when C.the;that D.the;when 27It was in the very house _ was built with stones _ he spent his childhood.A.that;that B.that;whereC.which;that D.which;where 28Th


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