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1、河南省南阳市油田涧河学校2021年高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. They hit _ truck coming in _opposite direction.A/ ; a B/ ; the Ca; the Da; a参考答案:C2. Most people find that it will never be possible to give _, long-term predictions of when and where serious quakes will strike.A. accurate B. correct C. exactly D. typical参考答案:

2、A3. _ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.A. As B. WhenC. Even though D. In case参考答案:C试题分析:本题考查状语从句,考查方式为辨别状语从句的种类。句意:尽管那个森林公园很远,但是还是有许多游客每年到这里游览。根据题干信息,应该是“即使(尽管)那个森林公园很远,每年还是有很多人去参观。”由此判断,从句为让步状语从句,应选连接词even though。本题选C。In case用于引导目的状语从句,表示“以防”、“以免”。根据句意选C。考点:考查状语从句的

3、连接词【名师点睛】本题考查了状语从句,even though在这里这便是一种与后面应当出现结果相悖的情况,是一种真正意义上的转折,even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”。所以做好此类题要记清楚even though 在句子中具体的应用,才能根据句意选出正确答案。4. We live in an age _ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.Awhy Bwhen Cto whom Don which参考答案:B22. Did

4、 the door-keeper let you in? No. _ I tried to tell him I was your , he just didnt believe me.AWhether BHowever C. No matter DEven if 参考答案:D略6. When I met him the other day, it was the first time we _ each other since we were at school. A. saw B. hadseen C.wereseeing D.haveseen 参考答案:B略7. _ _, he keep

5、 on studying hard in spite of all difficulties. A. To our credit B. To their credit C. To your credit D. To his credit 参考答案:D8. Hearing the news, .A. happy tears came down her face B. she let out a cry of joyC. her eyes were filled with happy tears D. her heart beat fast参考答案:B9. To our _ , Franks il

6、lness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgement参考答案:B10. It was in the supermarket_ he had stolen many times_ he was caught aliveAthat;that Bthat;where Cwhere;that Dwhere;which参考答案:C11. _ by the superstars on television, the young athletes trained hard an

7、d played intensely.A. ImitatedB. ImposedC. InsuredD. Inspired参考答案:D略33. I _ toward the door to go outside when suddenly Jim opened it unexpectedly.A. walked B. was walking C. had walked D. had been walking参考答案:B13. _polite to others and you can get friendship in turn.A. Be B. To be C. Being D./参考答案:

8、A略14. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good_.Aexpectation Bregulation Creputation Ddrawback参考答案:C15. He twisted his ankle in skiing, with the _ that he was unable to take his exams.A. consequence B. conclusion C. preferenc

9、e D. prejudice参考答案:A16. As a _ writer, Janice is not willing to accept new ideas. A. controversial B. contradictory C. contemporary D. conventional参考答案:D17. The girl looked at me with a _expression. Maybe the problem was quite _.A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzli

10、ng; puzzling参考答案:A18. -Hi, Mary! - Oh, its you. Jack! I _ you. You look like a star with the glasses. A. didnt recognize B. dont recognize C. havent recognizedD. hadnt recognized参考答案:A略19. 24In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained_abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.Asticking BstuckCto be stuc

11、k Dto have stuck参考答案:B略二、 翻译20. 完成句子1He is poor but can live on his pension _.他很贫穷,但至少可以依靠退休金生活。2The study of history has value only _ it is relevant to our daily lives.只有当历史和我们的生活相关时,对它的研究才有价值。3Things are not yet carried _.事情还没有发展到那种程度。4She was in sorrow _ wishing to die.她悲伤得要死。5_, you are right.在很

12、大程度上你是对的。6_, we do should learn from South Korea.从某种程度上来说,我们确实应该向韩国学习。7Business declined _ the company had to close up.生意如此清淡,公司只好停业。参考答案:1.to the least extent2.to the extent that3.to that extent4.to the extent of5.To a great extent6.To some extent7.to such an extent that三、 阅读理解21. When we think of

13、leadership, we often think of strength and power. But what are these really, and how do they operate?Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things. If this is even possible, it is short-tern, and tends to backfire. If you order someone to do something against their will, they may do it because they feel they must, but the anger they feel will do more harm in the long-term. They will also experience fear.Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down, mak


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