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1、精品教学教案设计 | Excellent teaching plan育人如同春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰老师学科教案20 20学年度 第学期任教学科: 任教班级: 任教老师: xx 市试验学校精品教学教案设计 | Excellent teaching plan新课标下学校英语“任务型”阅读教学设计及其案例新颁发的英语课程标准指出老师应当避开单纯传授语言学问的教学方法, 尽量接受“任务型”语言教学(task-based language teaching)途径。“任务型” 语言教学是指老师依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,制造性地设计贴近同学思想、学习和生活实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们乐观参与。

2、在执行任务的过程中,同学通过思考、调查、争辩、沟通和合作等方式,运用所学的英语基础学问和已经具有的基本技能,完成所设定的任务目标。开展“任务型”的教学活动有利于同学在进展语言力量,强化学习动机,提高学习爱好,形成有效的学习策略,培育合作精神,增进对中西方文化的理解; 同时也有利于同学思维和想像力量、审美情趣和艺术感受、协作和创新精神等综合素养的进展,促进英语学科与其他学科的相互渗透和联系。“任务型”教学活动强调让同学体验学习的过程,充分体现英语学习的交际性、主体性和制造性。在设计“任务型”教学活动时,老师应留意以下几点:(1) 活动要有明确的目的并具有可操作性;(2) 活动要以同学的生活阅历和

3、爱好为动身点,内容和形式要尽量真实;(3) 活动要有利于同学学习英语学问、进展语言技能,从而提高实际语言运用力量;(4) 活动应乐观促进英语学科和其他学科的相互渗透和联系,使同学的思维和想像力量、审美情趣和艺术感受、协作和创新精神等综合素养得到进展;(5) 活动要能够促使同学猎取、处理和使用信息,用英语与他人沟通,进展用英语解决实际问题的力量;(6) 活动不应仅限于课堂教学,而应延长到课堂之外的学习和生活之中;(7) 任务设计要有肯定的系统性和连续性;(8) 任务设计要有层次性,做到由浅入深、层层深化;(9) 任务设计要有启发性创新性。下面是运用“任务型”教学方法设计的人教版初三英语第13 单

4、元第 50 课“Standing Room Only”的教学案例。育人如同春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰任务分析本课为人民训练出版社出版的九年义务训练三年制初级中学教科书(英语)第三册第十三单元第 50 课。本课要求同学能依据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词 multiplyby, hour after hour, at the beginning of 的含义,读懂文章,找出文章的主题,并能依据不同的阅读目的运用阅读策略猎取信息。本课没有新的语法,但要求同学在学习了十亿、百万、千、百等数字的英语表达基础上能对这些数字准时做出应答。初三同学业已把握了简洁阅读策略和技巧,有了肯定的合作意识,但探究力量、

5、解决问题的力量、运用已学学问阐述自己观点的表达力量尚有待提高。因此本课重在提高探究力量、解决问题的力量和综合运用语言学问的力量,并巩固和娴熟把握万位以上数字的表达。教学过程课前预备:1、让同学调查世界人口过多所带来的危害。2、让同学合作拟订解决世界人口过多的方法。一、Lead-in(引入)用椅子围成一个边长约一米的正方形。T: Would you like to play a game, first? Look, I have used chairs to make a square. This side is one metre long. That side is one metre lo

6、ng, too. So how much is the area?Ss: Its one square metre.(引诞生词,板书并让同学跟读生词square) T: (让同学进入到正方形中)Can you move? Can you turn round?S1: Yes, I can.T: (接着让更多同学挤进这一平方米的空间,向同一同学发问) Can you move? Can you turn round?S1: No, I cantT:(同时帮同学回答)I almost cant move, I can hardly move.(板书 almost not=hardly 并跟读 ha

7、rdly)T: How are you feeling?S: Im not feeling well.T: Id like one more student to go into the square. Do you think its an easy jobor a challenge?Ss: Its a challenge.(板书并让同学跟读生词 challenge)T: Can you get one more student to go into the square?Ss: No, we cantT: We can(指着黑板上的生词 hardly)Ss:(接)hardly get o

8、ne more student to come into the square.T: Yes, you can hardly get one more student to go into the square.You can hardly move. You can stand only in such a small space. You can have standing room onl(y. 引出本课题目)二、Debate(辩论)T: Do you think its good to have a small population or a large population in t

9、he world? Would you like to have a debate? Ill give you two or three minutes to prepare for the debate. Please discuss in groups.同学分为正反两方进行辩论预备。 Sa 为正方 (Its good to have a smallpopulation in the world.)Sb 为反方(Its good to have a big population in the world.) T: Well, lets begin to debate freely.Sa: T

10、he fewer people, the less pollution. Sb: The more people, the more power.Sa: Well have more opportunities to find jobs if there are fewer people.Sb: Have you ever heard of this saying? Two heads are better than one. Sa: If there are fewer people in the world, no one will get hungry.Sb: We can have m

11、ore scientists from more people. The more scientists will find out more ways to grow more food and not to let us get hungry.Sa: But the natural resources are limited, the more people will use it up more quickly.T: (辩论结束后总结一下双方观点) Different people have different ideas.What about the writers opinion?

12、Can you guess what the writer is going to tell usfrom the title “Standing room only”?三、Reading(阅读)要求同学阅读课文,老师设计一些有关这篇课文内容的问题叫同学来回答, 以培育他们的阅读理解力量,如:1. How many babies are born in an hour?2. When was the worlds population over six billion?3. How big will the worlds population be in 2010?4. What will h

13、appen in about 600 years?在理解课文的基础上,再叫同学进行操练,直到娴熟为止。四、Inquiring task(探究任务)T: What will happen in the near future if the worlds population goes onincreasing like this?(创设问题情境,小组争辩,培育同学发散思维。) S1: Many people may lose their jobs.S2: Many people will have not enough food or no food to eat. They will be h

14、ungry.S3: Some people will have no houses to live in.S4: Some people will become poorer and poorer. And they cant afford to go toschool.S5: People on the earth will have less and less water/electricity. (屏显链接好的相关图片:失业人群、饥饿人群、缺水情景、环境污染等,让同学视觉上产生冲击波,使他们感到震撼。)T: Does the writer only want to tell us the

15、 seriousness of the worlds population?Why does the author write the article?(创设问题情境,理解文章深层次的含义。)S: No. He thinks the worlds population is too large. We should do so mething to solve the problem.T: Do you have any ideas to solve the greatest problem? (小组争辩,选一发言人向全班报告,以培育同学创新思维和解决实际问题的力量。老师此时可供应新词汇 family planning, one-child policy,老师视同学争辩状况提示:Why do your parents have only one child? Can we live underground? Have you heard of the ET(外星人)? Can we move to their planet?)S1: People should get married



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