14. 八年级(下) Units 5~6-冲刺2021中考英语一轮复习教材梳理课件

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《14. 八年级(下) Units 5~6-冲刺2021中考英语一轮复习教材梳理课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《14. 八年级(下) Units 5~6-冲刺2021中考英语一轮复习教材梳理课件(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级八年级八年级八年级( ( ( (下下下下) ) ) )Units 5Units 5Units 5Units 56 6 6 6八年级(下)Units 56重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法1. alarm 2. heavily3. storm4. wind 5. light6. report7. area 8. window9. match10. against 11. asleep12. fallen13. kid 14. passage15. pupil16. date 17. tower18. truth教材词块夯基础八年级(下)Units 5619. stone 20.

2、remind21. bit22. silly 23. object24. tail25. stick 26. excite27. fit28. couple 29. smile30. silk31. nobody 32. cheat33. husband34. whole 35. ground36. voice重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 561. wooden2. icy3. silent4. western5. wives6. began; beginning; end7. beat; beaten8. realized; realizing9. sh

3、ot10. hid; hidden11. married; married; marriage12. shone; shiny13. leader14. suddenly重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 5615. stranger16. recently17. weakness; strong18. stupid;smart/clever19. bravely; bravery20. completely21. golden22. rose; risen23. brighten重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 561. ha

4、ve a look2. die down3. make ones way4. fall in love5. go off6. walk by7. look out of8. call out9. take sth. away10. make a plan to do sth.11. Never mind!12. turn . into.13. once upon a time14. at first15. at that time16. as well重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 561. it was hard to2. will never forge

5、t3. I had trouble thinking clearly4. It was the happiest day5. reminds us;try to make it happen6. anything is possible if you work hard重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 561. (连词when和while引导的时间状语从句)(P 169)(1)He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.(2)While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was

6、helping Mary with her homework.2. 过去进行时(P 192)What were you doing at eight last night?I was taking a shower.重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 563. 连词(unless, as soon as, so.that)(P)(1)He cannot turn himself into a man unless he can hide his tail.(2)As soon as the man finished talking, Yu Gong said t

7、hat his family could continue to move the mountains after he died.(3)Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.重点句式重点单词词块词形词块拓展补充词块语法八年级(下)Units 56教材例句讲考点考点1 Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away. 最后,一位神仙被愚公深深地打动了,以至

8、于他派了两位天神将两座山移走了。(Unit 6 P 42)【考点精讲】so.that的用法(2018阅读B涉及)考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56(1)so that意为“以便;为了”,引导目的状语从句。从句中常使用can/could/may/might/will/would/should等情态动词或助动词来表示目的。(2)such.that.意为“如此以至于”。such修饰名词,that引导结果状语从句。拓展考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56【考点冲关】1. The teacher speaks loud

9、ly that every student in the classroom can hear her clearly.A. soB. veryC. tooD. such2. The physics problem is so _ (difficulty) that no one can work it out.3. There are so many books in the library _ I cannot decide which to read.(盲填)Adifficultthat考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56【拓展提升】4. 【2020 山东滨州市 】I t

10、hink I am the shyest in my class. What should I do?Be more active in class, _ you can improve your ability to express yourself.A. so thatB. unlessC. or D. although5. It is an amazing movie that almost everyone likes it.A. very B. so C. such D. tooAC考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56 This story reminds us th

11、at you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen. 这个故事提醒我们:你永远不知道什么是可能的,除非你努力让它发生。(Unit 6 P 42)考点2【考点精讲】remind的用法考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56【考点冲关】6. These old photos remind the soldiers _ the hard times in the army.A. toB. withC. inD. of7. He reminded us

12、 _ it would rain tomorrow. So we decided to bring umbrellas.A. which B. who C. what D. thatDD考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 568. The sign on the wall reminds people _ the rubbish into the correct places.A. to throw B. throw C. throwing D. throwsA考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56 The new couple were so happy that

13、they couldnt help smiling when they got married. 当这对新婚夫妇结婚时,他们如此高兴以至于一直笑着。(Unit 6 P 44)考点3【考点精讲】marry的用法考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56marry意为“结婚”,常用于以下搭配中:结构意义及用法marry sb.娶某人,嫁给某人be/get married(to sb.)“(和某人)结婚”,时间状语为具体时间,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用have been married(to sb.)“已经(与某人)结婚”,表示状态,可以跟“for时间段”连用marry sb. to s

14、b.表示“把某人嫁给某人”考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56marry是瞬间性动词,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;只有当married与be连用,表示状态时,才可和表示一段时间的状语连用。易失分点考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56【考点冲关】9. Alice in 1987. She lives a happy life now.A. married with B. was marriedC. got married to D. got married10. To our surprise, the old man married his only

15、 daughter _ a doctor. A. with B. toC. forD. inDB考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 5611. Lily _ for five years. She has a lovely son now.A. married B. has been marriedC. got married D. has gotten married12. Jenny Jack last year. Many friends attended their wedding.A. got married B. was marriedC. married D. was

16、 marryingBC考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56 Then they hear an old womans voice from inside the house. 然后他们听到房子里面传出了一个老妇人的声音。(Unit 6 P 47)考点4【考点精讲】辨析voice, noise与sound考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56单词意义及用法示例voicen.指人的说话声、歌声,也可指鸟叫声in a low/high voice低声地/大声地noisen.意为“噪音”,多指不愉悦的吵闹声,如嘈杂声、噪音等make a noise/noises制造噪音s

17、ound 作名词时泛指人所听到的任何声音Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。作动词时意为“听起来”It sounds great. 它听起来不错。考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 56【考点冲关】13. At the foot of the mountain, you can hear the _ of the running water.A. noise B. sound C. voice D. cry14. I couldnt stand the any more. I was almost awake all night.A. voice B. noise C. sound D. headBB考点1考点2考点3考点4八年级(下)Units 5615. A singer is always very careful to keep his or her _ in good condition. A. voice B. noise C. sound D. hearing16. My mother sounded _ (surprise) when I told her the news.Asurprised考点1考点2考点3考点4


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