考点14 过去进行时-备战2022年中考英语考点一遍过 (解析版)

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《考点14 过去进行时-备战2022年中考英语考点一遍过 (解析版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《考点14 过去进行时-备战2022年中考英语考点一遍过 (解析版)(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点14 过去进行时常见考法:对于过去进行时的考查,多以单选、词语运用或完形填空的形式考查学生在具体语境中灵活运用时态的能力。在考试中,会让大家判断是否该用过去进行时。过去进行的结构肯定句:主语+ was / were + 现在分词.I was doing my lessons then. 那时,我在做功课。We were cleaning the house. 我们在打扫房子。否定句:主语+was/were not + 现在分词.I wasnt walking down the street when a UFO landed.疑问句:Was/Were not + 主语 + 现在分词?Wer

2、e you walking down the street when a UFO landed?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + was/were not + 主语 + 现在分词?What were you doing when a UFO landed?过去进行时的标志词at 8 oclock last night, this time yesterday等。I was having lunch at home this time yesterday.昨天的这个时候我正在吃午饭。At that time she was writing a book.那阵子她在写一本书。(表示她在那段时间里一直在做

3、那件事情。)过去进行时的用法详解(1) 表示在过去某一时间正在进行的动作,此时句中往往有表示过去的时间状语then, at that time, this time, yesterday等。I was doing my homework when my mother came to home.(2)叙述在过去的同一时间都在进行的几个动作,通常用While。I was studying at college while my brother was teaching at university.(3)表示在过去某一段时间内一直持续进行的动作。They were expecting you yes

4、terday, but you didnt turn up.过去进行的特殊用法1. 表示临时性即表示在过去短期内正在进行的动作或存在的临时情况,这种情况通常不会长期如此。It happened while I was living in Paris last year. 这件事发生于去年我住在巴黎的时候。2. 表示计划即表示为过去的将来计划或安排好的活动。这类用法在没有明确上下文的情况下,通常会连用一个表示将来时间的状语。He said that his sister was getting married next December. 他说他妹妹12月结婚。用arrive, come, go

5、, leave, take off等动词的现在进行时描写行程安排,也通常含有将来意义。He said he was leaving for home in a day or two. 他说他一两天之内就动身回家了。She knew the plane was taking off in five minutes. 她知道五分钟后飞机就要起飞了。3. 表示委婉语气动词hope, wonder等的过去进行时常用来表示提出要求,虽然表示现在的内容,但语气比一般现在时或一般过去时要委婉。I was hoping you would give me some advice. 我希望你给我出点主意。Goo

6、d morning. I was wondering if you had two single rooms. 早上好,我不知道你们是否有两个单人间。一般过去时也有类似用法,相比之处,一般过去时通常表示主语的行为是经过认真考虑的,而过去进行时则多表示一种较随便或没有进行仔细考虑的行为。4. 表示重复过去进行时有时可以与always, constantly, continually, forever等表示动作屡次发生的副词连用,强调动作的不断重复的。They were always quarrelling. 他们老是吵架。She was always thinking of others. 她老

7、是想到别人。She was forever complaining. 她老是抱怨。注意:现在进行时也有类似用法,但过去进行时是表示过去不断重复的动作,而现在进行时是表示现在不断重复的动作。过去进行时与一般过去时的区别区别一:过去进行时强调动作在过去某时刻正在进行或持续,而一般过去时表示动作的完成。He was writing his composition last night. 他昨晚在写作文。(不一定写完)He wrote his composition last night. 他昨晚写了一篇作文。(已经写完)区别二:表示过去的状态、感觉及心理活动的静态动词(如be, like, love

8、, hate, fear, own, hear, see, know, want, notice)可用于一般过去时,但通常不用于进行时。I hated it when a man spoke with his mouth full of food. 我讨厌人们说话时口里含着食物。区别三:一般过去时与 always, constantly, forever, continually 等连用,表示过去经常性、习惯性的动作;而过去进行时与 always, constantly, forever, continually等连用,表示动作的重复,常带有感情色彩。He always got up at s

9、ix. 他过去总是六点起床。He was always thinking of his work. 他总是一心想到工作。区别四:有时过去进行时可以用来替换一般过去时,但一般过去时表示主语的行为是经过认真考虑的;而过去进行时表示一种较随便或没有进行仔细考虑的行为。I thought that he would agree with us. 我原以为它会同意我们的。I was thinking of persuading him to follow my advice. 我想到了要说服他接受我们的建议。1. I called you last night, but nobody answered.

10、 Where were you then? Oh, I _ my pet dog in my yard. A. walkedB. was walking C. am walkingD. will walk【答案】B【解析】句意:我昨晚给你打电话了,但是没有人接。那时你在哪里?哦,我在院子里遛我的宠物狗。考查动词时态辨析。根据句意语境可知,昨晚你打电话时我正在遛狗,需用过去进行时“was/were doing”结构,故选B。2.Peter with his classmates _ for the bus when the earthquake happened. A. is waitingB.

11、 was waiting C. are waitingD. were waiting【答案】B【解析】句意:地震发生时,彼得和同学正在等公共汽车。选项A/C是现在进行时;选项B/D是过去进行时。根据when the earthquake happened. 地震发生时。彼得和同学正在等公共汽车。这一动作正在发生,因此句子Peter with his classmates _ for the bus应该用过去进行时,排除A、C;又因为Peter with his classmates中的with表示伴随,因此本题的主语是Peter,为单数,所以be动词用was。故选B。3.I went to s

12、ee you yesterday evening. But you werent in. Where were you then? I a walk by the lake with my father. A. was havingB. am havingC. have had D. have【答案】A【解析】句意:我昨天晚上去看你,但是你不在,你那时在哪里?我正在和我的父亲在河边散步”。A.过去进行时;B.现在进行时;C.现在完成时; D一般现在时态。根据句意可知,昨天你去看我的时候,我正在和我的父亲散步,且根据yesterday evening可知,用过去进行时,故选A。4.Amon _

13、his ship in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea. A. will sailB. is sailing C. was sailingD. has sailed【答案】C【解析】句意:阿蒙驾船在暴风雨中航行时,一条大鱼从海里游了出来。考查动词时态辨析。本句是when引导的时间状语从句,时态遵循主过从过;根据when a giant fish came out of the sea.可知遇到大雨时阿蒙正在航行,主句需用过去进行时,故选C。5.-How did the accident happen?-The girl _ W

14、echat(微信)while walking across the streetAreads Bis readingCwas readingD.read【答案】C【解析】句意:-事故是如何发生的?-女孩过马路的时候,正在看微信while 引导的从句在事情同时发生的情况时,主句和从句都用进行时;根据句中信息The girlWechat(微信)while walking across the street可知主句和从句表示的动作是同时发生的,根据上句How did the accident happen?可知该句描述的是过去发生的动作,故主句要用过去进行时态表达;其形式为was/were+现在分词

15、故选C6.My sister with my parents _dumplings when I got home yesterday eveningAare makingBis makingCwas makingDwere making【答案】C【解析】句意:昨天晚上当我到家的时候,我妹妹在和我父母正一起包水饺根据when引导的时间状语从句用了一般过去时,判断设空处的动作在过去某个时刻,即当我到家时正在进行着,且动作在一段时间内持续进行,所以用过去进行时,过去进行时的构成是:主语+was/were+动词的现在分词,另外主语后面跟with短语时,谓语动词由with前面的主语来确定,My sister是第三人称单数形式,故选C7.-Could you tell me where you found Miss Gao just now?-GertainlyIn the principals officeThey _ happily at that timeAare talkingBhave talkedCwere talki



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