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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 6 Life in the Arctic一、把下列单词补充完整1.n_ _thern A. or B. ar C . ol D. al2._ _ways A . ao B . al C . el D . ol3.d_ _k A . ur B .ir C . er D. ar 4.in_ _de A. sa B .ai C . si D .ia5.n_ver A . a B . e C . u D . o6.a_oss A . cr B . kr C . gr D . jr7.gr_ _p A . un B ou C . oo D . uo8._ctic A

2、. ar B . ur C . Ar D . Ur9. bu_ _d A . ll B . il C .ei D . ii10.w_ _m A .ur B .or C .ar D .ao二、选择填空1.This is me _the snowmobile.A. in B. on C. at D. over 2.Sometimes we build _.A. a igloo B. an igloo C. a gloo D. an gloo 3.I live in Grise Fjord. I t s _in summer.A. always dark B . always cold C . ne

3、ver dark D .never cold 4._favourite food is seals.A. The polar bears B . The arctic foxs C. The Arctic hares D.The snowy owls5.In winter the Arctic foxes live _.A. in the tunnels B .under the snow C. in group D. in the Arctic 6._are the favourite food of the A rctic fox and the snowy owl.A .Seals B.

4、 Lemmings C. The Arctic hares D. Birds7.The Arctic hare _very fast .A. run B. can run C. can runs D. hide 8. _can make tunnels under the snow .A .The Arctic hare B . The Arctic fox C. The polar bear D. A and B 9.There _a shopping mall.A. is B .am C.are D.10.We _go fishing tomorrow.A . are B . going

5、to C . are going to D. go to 11.Do you like the polar bears?A . Yes ,I dont B . No, I dont C .Yes ,I do12.They _the shopping mall next Sunday.A .will go to B .goes to C .going to D .are going to13._? -Boring.A . How are you? B.How do you do? C .How are you feeling? D .How old are you ?14.There _a pe

6、n and some pencils.A . is B .am C . are D . be15.Li Ming _very fast.A . cans run B . cans runs C . can run D . can runs16._favourite food is lemmings.A . Snowy owls B . Arctic C . The polar bear D . Their17.How are you feeling?A . Yes I do. B . How are you feeling? C . I feel very happy . D . I dont

7、 know.18.Do you like it here? -_.A . And you? B . What about you? C . I dont know. D .No, its very boring.19.Wasnt it boring? -_.A . Yes ,it was. B . No, it was. C . Yes , it wasnt. D . Oh ,I feel not boring.20.Can we go shopping tomorrow? -_.A . Isnt it boring? B . When shall we go? C . Of course.

8、D . I dont want to go。二、连词成句1. white The beautiful arctic hare foxes fur _.2. their What favourite is food _?3.cannot hunt see Other when them animals_.4.also Polar hare hunt bears the arctic _.5.tomorrow we again go fishing Can_?6.What snowy food owls of favourite is the _?7.igloo its and warm nice

9、 always an Inside_.8.he there What is doing over_?9.catch to polar The hare wants a bear_.10.winter dark in It always is _.11.Grise Fjord in Canada In live Northern I_.三、为下列问句找答语( )1 . Where does Howard live? A . Of course( )2.What is the polar bear doing over there? B . Yes very much.( )3.When do t

10、he arctic foxes live in groups? C . It is catching the arctic hare.( )4.Do you like them? D . He lives in northern Canada.( )5.Can I come again next year? E . In winter. Unit 7 Television 测试题一、把下列单词补充完整1.televi_ 2.na_ 3. ro_tic 4. f_m 5. s_ence 6.prog_mes 7.o_en 8.f_m 9.th_k 10. wat_ 11._turday 12.c

11、hil_en13.cart_n 14.in_esting 15.tr_e 二、单项选择1.She_science fiction films. A .like B . dont like C .doesnt like D .doesn;t likes2._I watch romantic films. A .Always B . Often C . Sometimes D .Never3.He is watching the _about football match. A .nature programmes B .sports programes C .detective films D .romantic films4.Tom likes to _TV. A .watch B .watches C .see D .sees5.My fa


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