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1、 全国卷书面表达解析 李晋华真题假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:1. 时间和地点;2. 内容:学习唐诗;3. 课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考范文1Dear Leslie,How are you? Im writing to tell you about your next Chinese lesson.Well still meet at my school, but not on Saturday as usual, since Ill have to par

2、ticipate in a sporting activity that day. So lets make it three oclock on Sunday afternoon.As you know, in order to acquire a good knowledge of Chinese, you should learn more about Chinese culture and history. Therefore, this time I will introduce Tang Poetry to you, which is of great help in learni

3、ng Chinese. I advise you to learn about the brief history of the Tang dynasty in advance. It will surely help you in learning the poems.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Li Hua审题1. 今年的书面表达要求考生写邮件,告知外国朋友汉语课的时间和内容(属学校生活、语言学习范畴),这符合2017年英语高考大纲提出的24个话题范畴,同时在英语学习上重视和突出中华传统价值观,重视语言应用,回归了英语作为语

4、言功能的本质。2. 書信体,一种常见的告知信。3. 具体信件内容:(1)问候语及开头语。如:How are you?How is everything going?How are things with you?I am writing to you about . .I am writing to tell you something about . .Im happy to have received your email.Its nice to have known that you are OK for your Chinese language learning.(2)信件主体写信目

5、的:告知上课时间,内容及课前准备。要点分析:时间。建议时间更精确些,比如下周周几,几点到几点。如:from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.地点。根据人物之间的关系,最好是在学校范围内。如:in the reading room of the library in teaching building。内容。学习唐诗Tang poems/Poetry。比较容易出错的地方就是“唐朝”和“唐诗”的英文表达。前者是因为“朝代”这个词平常用得较少,特别是写得少,会有表达上的难度,而对于“唐诗”,考生容易误写成为Tang poets。补充细节描写。学习唐诗,可增加细节

6、,如唐诗的格律、押韵特点。此外,我们还可谈谈唐诗与唐朝历史的关系,或唐朝有哪些著名诗人等,唐诗的受欢迎程度、难不难学、值不值得学等等,同学们可以根据自己的喜好和熟悉程度挑选其中几点作为补充,但前提是要能与后面的要点联系起来,融为一体。如:The topic of tomorrows lesson is about Tang Poetry. We will discuss the language styles and how to select the words to make Chinese sentences. If you want to understand Tang Poetry,

7、 you have to learn something about Tang Dynasty. So youd better read some books of Tang Dynasty in advance.(4)结束语。如:Looking forward to seeing you again.Looking forward to your early reply.Hope to hear from you soon.Best wishes.4.书面表达总体要求:要点覆盖要全面,文章结构清晰,少犯语法错误,长短句结合并合理运用各种句式。如:主语从句:Its universally ac

8、knowledged that .。endprint强调句型和非谓语结构作状语:Considering our students are preparing for .。定语从句:The context of the next class is about learning Tang poems, which are the solid foundations of our culture .。同时激活话题词汇:take part in, attend, activity, acquire knowledge, advises sb. to do sth., consult, contact等

9、。适当的过渡词语和信息添加也是必要的,如as scheduled, as far as I am concerned等。参考范文2Dear Leslie,How is everything going? I hope you have practiced Chinese fluently.As scheduled, well have a Chinese lesson next weekend. Considering students are preparing for their final exam, I suggest our lesson should be arranged at

10、the park beside our school from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. next Saturday. Because as far as I am concerned, a quiet place can not only make you feel relaxed, but also improve the speed of learning. The context of the next class is about learning Tang poems, which are the solid foundations of our cultur

11、e. Therefore, you can consult some relevant books about the history of Tang Dynasty in advance. Surely you can broaden your horizons and have a better understanding of our colorful culture through this study.Above all, if you have any question you can contact me. Looking forward to your reply!Yours,

12、Li Hua备考建议1. 熟悉书面表达评分规则,知己知彼,百战不殆。2. 模板用熟即是个性,熟读模板以不变应万变。3. 总结各种作文常用句式,做到熟记常用。4. 审题是关键,同时要适当增加细节。5. 训练时注意荤素搭配,营養均衡。(比如“感谢+建议”,“道歉+投诉”等)6. 熟背24个话题相关词汇,让作文不空洞,有血有肉。7. 阅读是输入,写作是输出。只有将两者结合在一起才是最有效的复习手段。8. 积累谚语,做到写作时能自如运用。9. 考试作文练改结合。10. 认真领会老师的作文评讲11. 与同学互相批改,写得不满意的甚至可以重写12. 练字。2017年考试大纲明确表明高考会加大对中国传统文化、优秀资源的宣传和弘扬。建议同学们紧跟考纲,备考时掌握各应用类信件的书写要领,如邀请函、自荐信、感谢信、道歉信等,并熟悉各种相关的体裁和句式,训练体现文明、和谐、诚信、友善等主题的题材,以及传播优秀传统文化的话题,如游览名胜、民俗节日等,并做到会用英文自如表述这些内容。endprint -全文完-



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