《【中学教材全解】2020届九年级英语全册 Unit 3 It must belong to Carla教材听力原文 (新版)鲁教版五四制》

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《【中学教材全解】2020届九年级英语全册 Unit 3 It must belong to Carla教材听力原文 (新版)鲁教版五四制》_第1页
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《【中学教材全解】2020届九年级英语全册 Unit 3 It must belong to Carla教材听力原文 (新版)鲁教版五四制》_第2页
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《《【中学教材全解】2020届九年级英语全册 Unit 3 It must belong to Carla教材听力原文 (新版)鲁教版五四制》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《【中学教材全解】2020届九年级英语全册 Unit 3 It must belong to Carla教材听力原文 (新版)鲁教版五四制》(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 It must belong to Carla Section A1b Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason.Girl 1:Whose volleyball is this?Boy: It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.Girl 1: How about this toy truck?Girl 2: Hmm.that toy truck must belong to Janes little brother. He was the only little kid a

2、t the picnic. And the magazine must belong to Deng Wen. He loves rabbits.Boy: Oh, look, someone left a book.Girt 2: That book must be MarysJ.K. Rowling is her favorite writer.Girl 1: OKand how about this CD?Girl 2: HmmThe CD must belong to Grace. She always listens to pop music.2a Bob and Anna found

3、 a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.Bob: Hey, look! Whose schoolbag do you think this is?Anna: I dont know. Look, heres a school T-shirt.Bob: Well then, the person must go to our school. Oh! Here is a hair band, so the person cant be a boy.Anna: It could be Me

4、is hair band. She has long hair.Bob: Or the hair band might belong to Linda. She was at the picnic, wasnt she?Anna: Yes, she was. But then the schoolbag could belong to Rita. Shes always forgetting things.Bob: Oh, look! Tennis balls.Anna: Then it must be Lindas schoolbag. She has long hair and shes

5、on the tennis team.Bob: Youre right!2b Listen again.Fill in the blanks.Bob: Hey, look! Whose schoolbag do you think this is?Anna: I dont know. Look, heres a school T-shirt.Bob: Well then, the person must go to our school. Oh! Here is a hair band, so the person cant be a boy.Anna: It could be Meis ha

6、ir band. She has long hair.Bob: Or the hair band might belong to Linda. She was at the picnic, wasnt she?Anna: Yes, she was. But then the schoolbag could belong to Rita. Shes always forgetting things.Bob: Oh, look! Tennis balls.Anna: Then it must be Lindas schoolbag. She has long hair and shes on th

7、e tennis team.Bob: Youre right! Section B1bListen and number the pictures 1-3 in 1a.Then write two or three sentences to finish the story.Man: Hey, look at the man running down the street. I wonder whats happening.Woman: He could be running for exercise.Man: But hes wearing a suit. He might be late

8、for work.Woman: He looks kind of afraid. (pause) Oh, no! Whats that?Man: Where?Woman: Theres something in the sky.Man: It could be a plane.Woman: No, it cant be a plane. Its too big. It must be a UFO.Man: A UFO? Whats going on?Woman: Look, now the UFO is landingMan: And theres something strange gett

9、ing out. It must be an alien.Woman: And the alien is running after the man! I must be dreaming.Man: Maybe we should call the police. (pause) Hey, wait a minute. Whats that?Woman: Where?Man: Over there.Woman: Its a woman with a camera.Man: She could be from the TV news.Woman: No, look at all those ot

10、her people. Theyre actors. Oh! They must be making a movie.1c Listen again. Complete the sentences.Man: Hey, look at the man running down the street. I wonder whats happening.Woman: He could be running for exercise.Man: But hes wearing a suit. He might be late for work.Woman: He looks kind of afraid

11、. (pause) Oh, no! Whats that?Man: Where?Woman: Theres something in the sky.Man: It could be a plane.Woman: No, it cant be a plane. Its too big. It must be a UFO.Man: A UFO? Whats going on?Woman: Look, now the UFO is landingMan: And theres something strange getting out. It must be an alien.Woman: And

12、 the alien is running after the man! I must be dreaming.Man: Maybe we should call the police. (pause) Hey, wait a minute. Whats that?Woman: Where?Man: Over there.Woman: Its a woman with a camera.Man: She could be from the TV news.Woman: No, look at all those other people. Theyre actors. Oh! They must be making a movie.


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