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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载高考英语对话填空专项训练一(一)W: Codfrey Davis. Can I help you.M: I want to 1 h a car、 please. How much would that cost.W : It2donthetypeofcaryouwantandthe3 a of time you want it for.M: I want it for a week.W: We could let you have a Ford Fiesta or an Austin Metro for 84 a week or a Triumph Accla

2、im for 96.25、 both allowing unlimited mileage.M: Are these cars4 a .W: No. If you want an automatic、 we can let you have a Ford Cortina、 but that would be rather more 5 e 189 a week.M: I think I ll have the Triumph Acclaim. W: 6 W do you want to collect it. M: On Monday morning.W: If you will call i

3、n this office at any time after nine o clocc some forms and collect the car. Have you an International 8 D permit.M: Yes、 I have.W: Very good、 sir.We look9ftoseeing youon10M morning.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载(二)M:Now we have five-day 1 c every week、 so we have more spare time than before.W: Yeah. How d

4、o you spend your spare time、 Timmy.M:I have an 2 i in playing the violin and I ll conti p playing it.W: Do you often go to a concert.M:Yes 、 I like 4 l to music. At present my major objective is to learn from others.W: Do you like classical 5 m or pop.M: I like both. How do you spend your spare time

5、 then、 Lily. W: 6 P the piano is my favorite activity.M:Our hobbies are 7 s to each other. I hope we can often 8 e experience together.W: So do I、 but I m weak in the theory of music.M: Me、 too. Would you liketo go withme tomy uncle .sHe sa 9 p at the Institute of Music.W: I d be glad to go with you

6、. I will ask him for his 10a .(三)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载M: Today、 I m 1 i n-yineear-old Alex about her feelings onhow people can help save the environment. So、 Alex、 how can we save the environment.W: By saving water.M: Well、 2 h can we do that.W: By not using too much water when we wash dishes、 tak

7、e a bath、 and when we do other things、 like watering the plants outside.M: Oh、 I think I can do that. What 3 e .W: Whendrinkingoreating something outside、 youshouldkeep thegarbage untilyou finda trashcan to putitin becauselitteringmakes our planet 4 d . Do you like seeing trash all over the ground.M

8、: No、 I don t. Do you have any final 5 s .W: Yes. We shouldn wtaste paper becausetrees are being cut down tomake the paper. By6r paper、 wesave the forests where animals live.M: So、 how can children recycle paper、 I mean、 everyday.W: Well、 for example 、 when I was in kindergarten、 I 7 u to save the n

9、ewspapersso that Icould make things out ofthem、 likepapertrees、 instead of just 8 t them away. Now、 the children inourneighborhood 9c newspapers once a monthtotake them to a recycling center.M: That s great. Well 、 thanks Alex for your 10 i .(四)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载W: Myra Adams、 1 s of Mr. Smith

10、here.M:Hello、 Ms. Adams. This is Grant Morrison of Time Stationary Company. I d like to know the 2 d date of our order.W: Could you be more specific on the date the contract was made、 Mr. Morrison.M: Let me see. The 3 d of your sales contract was February25th.W: May I ask who signed the contract on

11、your behalf. M: I did.W: Thank you. Just a moment 、 please. I ll get the 4 i foyouHello. I ve got the file before me. Did you wish to kntohwe deliverydate.M: Yes. We re in great need of this 5 o .W: I m sorry、 sir. As you ve been informed、 the delivery was put off owito some transportation 6 p .M: I

12、 know that、 but I d like to know 7 w we couldhetake t delivery.W:I ll 8 c our Transportation Division and let you know theinformation as soon as 9 p .M: Well、 I ll be 10 e your call. Thank you. Goodbye.W: Thank you for calling. Goodbye.(五)精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载W: Professor Smith、 may I see you for

13、a 1 m . M: Of course. Come in and have a 2 s .W:I ve come to talk to you about my 3 g on my last paper. I want to know why I was given an “ F” .M: Well、 4 y was so similar to that of another student in theclass that I seriously doubted that you d done it 5 y W: I did work closely with my roommate Je

14、an、 but let me explain why. Aweek before the 6p was due、 Iwas toosicktodo my research. Jean agreed to help me. But it was really my own.M: Well、 you d been given a month to work on the paper. Wouldnbetter to get ahead start 7 r than to wait until the last minute. Each student was 8 s to prepare it individually. I mafraid my decision 9r the same. 10 H 、 ifyou rewilling to make an oral presentation about the government s rothe economy、 I ll give you extra credit.W: Thank you. I ll do that.(六)M: Uh、 Professor Douglas、 I saw a notice on the bulletin


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