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1、中考英语易错单选题精选1.He is never _ of visiting the Great Wall.A. tiringB. tireC. tiresD. tired2.Most Sundays _ we go to help Uncle Wang.A. morningB. morningsC. the morningD. of mornings3.He looked half dead, his eyes _.A. closed tight B. closing tightC. closed tightlyD. shut tightly4.The food _ good and _ w

2、ell.A. tastes, sellsB. is tasted, is soldC. taste, sell D. smell, sold5.There will be vision phones _ the end of this century.A. byB. atC. forD. on6.I have some _ in working out the problem.A. difficultyB. difficulties C. troublesD. difficult7.There is a wire pole along the road _ meter.A. about fif

3、tyB. every fiftiethC. each fiftyD. every 508.Southerners _ rice.A. lives on B. feeds onC. lives by D. feed on9.There is not enough light and _ in this picture.A. dark B. darkness C. blackness D. shade10.They picked leaves from the trees and _.A. fed them to some little white wormB. fed some little w

4、hite worm on themC. fed some little white worm with them D. A and Cc11.She doesnt like _ a red flower in her hair.A. to put onB. to wearC. to dressD. be dressed in12.Have you finished your repot yet?No, Ill finish it in _ ten minutes.A. anotherB. otherC. moreD. less13.She said that she would do _ sh

5、e could _ her daughter laugh.A. what, makeB. that, makeC. what, to makeD. that, to make14.Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _didnt help.A. heB. whichC. thatD. it15.My watch doesnt work well. I _ it _ next day.A. will have, repair B. have, repairedC. will get, repaired D. s

6、hall have, to be repaired16.He has decided to live abroad, so he will _ stay here.A. not more B. mot longerC. no longerD. no more17.We have no secrets _ each other.A. in B. betweenC. toD. from18.Peter is _ with all his classmates.A. a friend B. friendC. the friendD. friends19.This hand book is _ for

7、 us to learn our lessons.A. great valueB. great valuableC. of very valueD. of great value20. The lady bought a new dress _ $500.A. for B. byC. with D. about21.The Great Wall is one of the places of interest _ often visited in China.A. where we B. that is C. which areD. where have22.When the passenge

8、rs came back from their holiday their suitcases were _ by the customs officers.A. guarded B. testedC. correctedD. examined23. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _she could turn for help.A. to whom B. whoC. from whomD. that24. It was in the hall _, we used to have meetings _ the meeting

9、was held.A. that, where B. where, thatC. that, thatD. where, where25. Youre bought a car._.A. So have IB. So I haveC. So did I D. So I did26. You dont believe that I can work out the problem, _?A. do you B. dont youC. Can ID. cant I27. The boy cried _ the glass broken.A. becauseB. asC. forD. with28.

10、The man _ a strange hat is a funny actor.A. dressingB. inC. onD. with29. They _ Tom, our monitor.A. madeB. electedC. choseD. helped30. The film made all the students _ to tears.A. movedB. movingC. moveD. to move31.Where is Mike?He has gone away _ the weekend.A. onB. forC. inD. at32. _ a boy, he used

11、 to help his father on the farm.A. BeingB. AsC. He wasD. His being33._ no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has been settled.A. It hasB. There hasC. It isD. There is34. His failure made his father think him a _ boy.A. disappointB. disappointedC. disappointingD. disappointment35. This

12、 is the best way I can think of _ the problem.A. solveB. to solveC. solvingD. solved36. The days we look forward to _ at last.A. comingB. cameC. comesD. be coming37. I found her eyes _ upon me sharply.A. fixB. fixingC. fixedD. to fix38. Ill tell you _ he told me last week.A. all whichB. all thatC. t

13、hat allD. all39. Its no good _ like that.A. to talkB. talkingC. talkedD. talk40. Havent you heard the news?What news?Some of the workers are _ while others are _.A. on the march, on strikeB. on march, on strikeC. on the march, on the strikeD. on the strike, on march41. What a wonder! Theyve finished _ 30% of the task within one week.A. no more thanB. no less than C. not more than D. much less than42. All the members thought that the plan should be changed, but he still _ his own idea.A. insist onB. insistC. stick toD. kept43. My idea _ to be true.A. turned outB. turned onC. turn


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