Unit 1 Listening and Speaking P6-7

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《Unit 1 Listening and Speaking P6-7》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Listening and Speaking P6-7(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Listening and Speaking P6-7新人教选择性必修Book 2 Unit 1 Science and Scientists Have you ever been to the science museum? What can you see there? Warming-upLook at the photos below, and discuss in groups what these activities have to do with science. Pre-listeningSuggested Answers:Pre-listeningA. I think th

2、e dish in this exhibition is related to sound. Maybe the boy is whispering into the smaller circle and the dish can make his voice louder.B. This looks like a piano you play with your feet. Maybe it shows how sound works.C. Im not sure what this one shows, but it must be about light or eyesight.D. I

3、t is a hall of mirrors. Maybe it has to do with the principles of reflection.E. This is probably an experiment involving the composition of light.The photos above are related to theconversation you will hear. Using the photos, try to predict the answers to the following questions.1. Where are the pe

4、ople in the conversation going to go?Predict by using picturesOne way to get more out of your listening is to predict what you will hear. Using the pictures provided and the knowledge you already have, you can guess the kinds of information you should listen for. At times, you may even be able to gu

5、ess exactly what will be talked about. This will help you focus better when listening, making your listening more effective.They are going to a science museum.2. What kind of place is it, and what does it focus on?3. What kinds of things can you do there?It is a science museum that focuses on lettin

6、g visitors experience science through interactive learning exhibitions.You can probably try different activities to learn about sound, light, reflection, and so on. For example, you can go to a room with many mirrors facing each other so it looks like there are many copies of you! Or you can play wi

7、th a big piano on the floor.Listen to the conversation and see if your answers for Activity 2 are correct. Then write down the letters (AE) for the photos in the order that you hear them described. While-listening1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _DCEBAListen again and complete the descriptions of the photos ab

8、ove. Photo A: A giant dish; when you speak into it, it _the sound back and _ _. You can use it to speak in a _ to someone 17 metres away.Photo B: A giant _ that you can use your feet to play. Instead of playing the sounds of a piano, it plays the voices of _.Photo C: You look at a blue screen for a

9、while, and then suddenly you can see reflectsmakes itlouderwhisperpiano keyboardclassical singersListen again and complete the descriptions of the photos above. _ moving around on it. These are our _.Photo D: A _ where you can see yourself reflected thousands of times.Photo E: You stand in front of_

10、, and it casts different shadows of you, in _ _ the rainbow.tiny bright lightsown blood cellshall of mirrorsa white lighteverycolour ofPost-listeningGroup DiscussionGroup DiscussionGroup DiscussionGroup Discussion1. The conversation is about the City of Science and Industry, a museum in Paris. Would

11、 you like to go to this museum? Why or why not?Post-listeningGroup DiscussionGroup DiscussionGroup DiscussionGroup Discussion2. Are there any museums like this in China? What other interesting museums are there?Yes. For example, the China Science and Technology Museum in Bejing and the Shanghai Scie

12、nce and Technology Museum.In groups, choose one of the museum activities on the previous page or brainstorm another scientific research or experiment that you are interested in. Then make a short presentation to the class about your choice. Use the example and useful phrases below to help you. Examp

13、leToday, I want to talk to you about a very strange phenomenon called a non-Newtonian fluid. You can make it easily using equal parts of water and cornflour, like I have here. A non-Newtonian fluid is strange because you can pour it like a liquid, but if you put any pressure on it, it suddenly becom

14、es hard as concrete. In fact, it becomes hard enough to stand on. Then, as soon as you take the pressure off, it becomes a liquid again. This showsthat it is possible that something can exist as a liquid and a solid at the same time.Useful expressionTalking about scientific phenomena1. can / cannot

15、exist in the form of a solid/gas and a liquid/plasma 2. is both a and a at the same time 3. how light / sound is reflected 4. . the existence of other . 5. This occurs when 6. If you , it will become 7. That demonstrates 8. This experiment / research shows 9. Through this, we know that 10. We can prove that 11. This evidence proves Thank you! Thank you!


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