八下U4 welcome优质课件

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《八下U4 welcome优质课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八下U4 welcome优质课件(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Welcome to the unitreadcookingnovelGermanyknowledgespareFrenchwriteruglytouchn.读物ri:dn.烹饪,烹调kkn.小说nvln.德国d:mni:n.知识nlidadj.空闲的,多余的spe(r)adj.法国(人)的frentn.作者,作家rait(r)adj.丑陋的livt.感动,触动ttWordspreviewhistorysciencecookingtravelhealthmusicculturefantasyplaynoveleducationcomicDifferent types of books P49A

2、cookingculturehealthnovelsciencetravelAsk and answer A:Haveyoureadthebooksabout? B:Yes./No,butIhavereadthebooksabout A:Whatcanwelearnfromthem? B: Wecan A:Whatisyourfavouritebookabout B:Listen and answer:1.What type of book is Daniel interested in? Why?2. What does Sandy like to read in her spare tim

3、e?He is interested in history books. Because they improve his knowledge of the past.She likes reading novels and plays. What is Daniel reading now? What book does Sandy think is great? Why?A book about Germany in World War II.Read after the tapeThe Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor

4、 Hugo. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched her.hntbk nutrdeim, kw:zi(:)mudu Sandy: What are you reading, Daniel?Daniel: Im reading a book about Germany in World War .Im interested in history books. They improve my knowledge of the past.Sandy: But I think theyre boring.Daniel: What do

5、you like to read in your spare time?Sandy: I like reading novels and plays. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.Daniel: Ive read that book. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me.Sandy: Me too.1 Dont touch the machine, or it may hurt you.2 What he sai

6、d yesterday touched me a lot.触,碰触动Sandy: What are you reading, Daniel?Daniel: Im reading a book about Germany in World War .Im interested in history books. They improve my knowledge of the past.Sandy: But I think theyre boring.Daniel: What do you like to read in your spare time?Sandy: I like reading

7、 novels and plays. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.Daniel: Ive read that book. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me.Sandy: Me too.Do dogs like reading?Questions1.WhydidEddieaskHobotogivehimthebooks?2.DoesEddiereallylikereading?Why?Becausehewante


9、ththesebooks,Hobo?Notyet.Givethemtomethen.Ok!Ididntknowyoulikedbooks!Ohyes.Ihavetousethemtoreachtheboxonthefridge.What do you do with your old books?what to do with 如何处理 = how to deal with=How do you deal with your old books?Haveyoudecidedwhattodowiththesebooks,Hobo?Notyet.Givethemtomethen.Ok!Ididnt

10、knowyoulikedbooks!Ohyes.Ihavetousethemtoreachtheboxonthefridge.1.have to不得不天黑了,我得回家了。2.reach :(1).Eddie is too short to reach the book on the fridge. (2).we finally reach the top of the mountain. 3.useto用什么来做什么We can use knives to cut things.够得着到达Itsgettingdark.Ihavetogohome.Eddie just uses books to

11、 reach the food.1.Thewisemanreadsbothbooksandlifeitself.LinYutang聪明的读者既读书,也亲阅生活的本身。-林语堂 2.Readingistothemindwhatexerciseistothebody.RichardSteele读书养神,锻炼健身。- 理查德.斯蒂尔(英国作家) 3.Readingmakeafullman,conferenceareadyman,andwritinganexactman.FrancisBacon阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。-弗朗西斯培根 (英国作家)4.Theworthofabookis

12、tobemeasuredbywhatyoucancarryawayfromit.JamesBryce一本书的价值取决于你能从书中学到的东西!-詹姆斯布赖斯 (英国法学家)5.Booksarethequietestandmostconstantoffriends;theyarethemostaccessibleandwisestofcounselors,andthemostpatientofteachers.CharlesW.Eliot书籍是人类最宁静和永恒的朋友,是最善解人意和最具智慧的顾问,是最有耐心的良师益友。-查尔斯.威廉.埃利奥特(美国学者) I.按照提示写单词。1.Thebookis

13、agood_(读物).2.Mymotheralwayshated_(烹饪).3.Hehasalimited(有限的)_(知识)of_(德国).4.Haveyougota_(多余的)pen?5.Sheisafamous_(作家)ofchildrensbooks.6.Ifeelreallyfatand_(丑陋的)today.7.Weweredeeply_(感动)bythefilm.readcookingknowledgeGermanysparewriteruglytouchedTranslate the phrases 把它给我 不得不 够得着冰箱上的盒子 他们最爱的书籍 完成一个关于某事的调查 阅读习惯 对历史书籍感兴趣 扩充我对过去的知识 在你的空闲时间 阅读小说和戏剧 打动我 giveittome haveto reachtheboxonthefridge theirfavouritebooks completeasurveyon readinghabits beinterestedinhistorybooks improvemyknowledgeofthepast inyourspare/freetime readnovelsandplays touchme



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