《中考英语总复习》最新中考英语语法专题复习 数词

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《《中考英语总复习》最新中考英语语法专题复习 数词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》最新中考英语语法专题复习 数词(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、数词数词 基数词序数词一、基数词 1 1)53 53 2199 2199 的两位数,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成的两位数,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成 2 2) 325 325 101999 101999 的三位数由的三位数由 hundred hundred 加加 and and 再加两位数再加两位数 或末位数或末位数 3 3)五千个学生)五千个学生 基数词基数词 hundred, thousand , million, billionhundred, thousand , million, billion表示确表示确 切数目时切数目时 不能加不能加s s; 但是:在表示不确切数目时,

2、要用复数形式但是:在表示不确切数目时,要用复数形式,如:,如: hundreds of / thousands of studentshundreds of / thousands of studentsfiftyfifty- -threethreethree hundred three hundred andand twenty-five twenty-fivefive thousand studentsfive thousand students巧记基数词 基数词不难记, 找清规律很容易, 十二以内词各异; 十三数到十九数去, 后加-teen莫忘记。 二十 三十至九十, 整十之后有-ty;

3、 要说“几十几”, 中间“-”号别丢弃, hundred是“一百”, 请你记住莫大意。 二、序数词2 2、序数词、序数词 1 1)他跑步得了第一。)他跑步得了第一。 He was He was thethe firstfirst in the race. in the race. 序数词一般由基数词后序数词一般由基数词后 + + thth构成,前面一般加定冠词构成,前面一般加定冠词thethe 2 2)第二十)第二十 the the twenttwent 以以tyty结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把y y改成改成i i,再加,再加etheth 3 3)第)第93 9

4、3 第第149149 “ “二十二十”以上的多位数,个位数用序数词,其余仍用基数词。以上的多位数,个位数用序数词,其余仍用基数词。 4 4)不规则的序数词有以下几个:)不规则的序数词有以下几个: first, second, third, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfthiethy yninety-thirdninety-thirdone hundred and forty-ninthone hundred and forty-ninth三、其他几种数词三、其他几种

5、数词1 1)分数分数由基数词和序数词合成由基数词和序数词合成 1/3 1/3 2/3 2/3 分子大于分子大于1 1时,分母的序数词要用复数形时,分母的序数词要用复数形式。式。 1 1又又 2/3 2/3 1/2 1/2 1/4 1/4 3/4 3/4 注意:注意: 一年半一年半 基数词/序数词a thirda thirdtwo thirdstwo thirdsone and two-thirdsone and two-thirdsone (a) halfone (a) halfone (a) quarter / one (a) fourthone (a) quarter / one (a)

6、fourththree quartersthree quartersa year and a halfa year and a halfone and a half yearsone and a half years2.2.小数小数点读点读pointpoint;“零零”读读o o或或zerozero;小数点后的;小数点后的数字按个位基数词依次读出。如:数字按个位基数词依次读出。如: 0. 62-0. 62- zero point six twozero point six two3.3.百分数百分数由由percentpercent表示:表示:29% -29% -29 percent29 per

7、cent四、数词在句中的作用四、数词在句中的作用 1 1、主语:、主语: Two of them are teachers. Two of them are teachers. The third is green. The third is green. 2 2、定语:、定语: There are fifty students in our class. There are fifty students in our class. They live on the third floor. They live on the third floor. 3 3、宾语:、宾语: Give me t

8、wo. Give me two. Give me the second. Give me the second. 4 4、表语:、表语: Im eighteen now. Im eighteen now. You are the first to speak at the meeting. You are the first to speak at the meeting. 5 5、同位语:、同位语: You may leave it to us two. You may leave it to us two. 6 6、状语:、状语: This room is one-sixth larger

9、 than that one. This room is one-sixth larger than that one. 五、时刻表示法五、时刻表示法 1 1、钟点、钟点 1 1) 1010:20ten twenty / 820ten twenty / 8:36eight thirty-six36eight thirty-six 正读法正读法按时间表上的数字读;先读钟点数,后读分钟数按时间表上的数字读;先读钟点数,后读分钟数 2 2)表示几点过几分在半小时以内(包括半小时),用介词)表示几点过几分在半小时以内(包括半小时),用介词 pastpast,时钟数在介词的后面,采用倒读法。如:,时钟数

10、在介词的后面,采用倒读法。如: 9 9:30 30 7 7:0505 3 3)表示几点差几分,用介词)表示几点差几分,用介词toto,多用在半小时以上(不包括半,多用在半小时以上(不包括半 小时),也用倒读法。如:小时),也用倒读法。如: 8 8:5050 11 11:4545 4 4)表示整点)表示整点 8 8:00eight(oclock)00eight(oclock) 5 5)表示在某个钟点,用介词)表示在某个钟点,用介词atat。如:。如: They begin to work They begin to work at at half past seven. half past se

11、ven. half half past past nineninefive five pastpast seven seventen ten to to nineninea quarter a quarter toto twelve twelve六、时间表示法六、时间表示法 2 2、日期、日期 1 1)年代用基数词,在)年代用基数词,在某年某年要用介词要用介词in in。如:。如: He was born in 1983. He was born in 1983. (19831983读成读成nineteen eighty-threenineteen eighty-three) 2 2)月份首字

12、母要大写,在)月份首字母要大写,在某月某月也用介词也用介词in in,如果有年代出现,如果有年代出现, 在月份名后加年代,中间用逗号。如:在月份名后加年代,中间用逗号。如: It happened in January, 1999. It happened in January, 1999. (这事发生在(这事发生在19991999年年1 1月。月。) 3 3)日期用序数词(序数词前加)日期用序数词(序数词前加thethe),在某日用介词),在某日用介词onon。如:。如: onon the first ; the first ;onon the eighteenth the eighteen

13、th 美国说法:顺序为先月后日。如:美国说法:顺序为先月后日。如: May 4(May 4(thth) )(五月四日(五月四日 读成读成 May the fourthMay the fourth) 4) 4) 年月日同时出现时,年代位于最后,其前加逗号。如:年月日同时出现时,年代位于最后,其前加逗号。如: Mary was born on January Mary was born on January lstlst, 1990. , 1990. 5) 5) 表示表示“在几十年代在几十年代”用用 in + the + in + the + 逢十的数词复数。如:逢十的数词复数。如: in the

14、 1990s / 90s / ninetiesin the 1990s / 90s / nineties牛刀小试牛刀小试1. Five hundred 1. Five hundred yuanyuan a month _ enough to live on. a month _ enough to live on. a. is b. are a. is b. are c. is being d. has beenc. is being d. has been2. _ of the buildings were ruined.2. _ of the buildings were ruined.

15、a. Three fourth a. Three fourth b. Three four b. Three four c. Three-fourths c. Three-fourths d. Three-fourd. Three-four3. The Olympic Games are held _.3. The Olympic Games are held _. a. every four years a. every four years b. every four year b. every four year c. every fourth years c. every fourth

16、 years d. every four-yearsd. every four-years4. As he is not in good health, he goes to his factory only _ just 4. As he is not in good health, he goes to his factory only _ just to learn something about the production. to learn something about the production. a. once a week a. once a week b. one week b. one week c. one time a week c. one time a week d. one a weekd. one a weekThank you!


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