《中考英语总复习》作文10 海南卷-三年(2017—2019)中考英语满分作文解析

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《《中考英语总复习》作文10 海南卷-三年(2017—2019)中考英语满分作文解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《中考英语总复习》作文10 海南卷-三年(2017—2019)中考英语满分作文解析(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、作文10 海南卷2019年文段表达据悉,我国青少年的近视率居全球第一,70%的学生有视力方面的问题为引起广大青少年的重视,某英语报刊正在开展以 Saving Our Eyesight为题的征文活动请根据以下提示写一篇短文投稿,分析造成青少年近视的原因并提出保护视力的合理建议要求:1语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范2所有提示须全部用上,并作适当发挥3文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名4. 80词左右(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Saving Our Eyesight As the saying goes, Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵 ) H

2、owever, 70% of us have poor eyesight What has caused this problem?_In a word, lets take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future2019年海南中考英语作文以“保护视力”为话题,话题贴近学生生活。现在学生视力下降已经成为一个比较严重的问题,同时也受到了社会的关注,是一个常见的话题。学生在写作时可以联系自己的生活实际,使学生可以有话可说,本话题难度较低。学生在写作时一定要注意表达逻辑清楚,思路清晰,注意语言生动,多用有亮点的句型。Saving O

3、ur Eyesight As the saying goes,Eyes are the window to the soul(心灵 ) However, 70% of us have poor eyesight What has caused this problem?The main reason is the bad habits of using eyesFor example, many of us read in wrong positions,such as reading in bed or keeping our eyes too close to the bookBeside

4、s,taking less exercise can also cause poor eyesight Whats more, some of us spend too much time playing computer games or watching TVIts bad for our eyes So how can we protect our eyes?Here is some advice on how to protect our eyes First,we should be cautious on the health of using eyesWe should not

5、keep our eyes working for a long time While reading ,we should keep the book about a foot away from usAfter reading for an hour or two,we had better have a rest by looking at the plants in the distanceSecond,using less electronic products is a good way to protect our eyes Besides,we should see green

6、 plants as often as possibleFinally, remember to do eyeprotecting exercises or do more outdoor sports, which will help us keep good eyesight In a word,lets take care of our eyes so that we can see our bright future【名师点评】2019年海南中考英语作文,要求介绍保护视力的重要性和方法,文体为说明文;说明介绍类文章主要用一般现在时;本文要求谈谈如何保护视力,所以主要使用第一人称; 词数

7、不少于70词,开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数,文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。整体逻辑清晰,有条理;让人读起来思路很清晰。为提升作文的整体水平,应注意使用一些高级词汇、短语以及复合句、非谓语动词等复杂结构。同时语句之间使用恰当的连接成分,使文意上下连贯,表达流畅。【写作亮点】这是一篇优秀的作文,学生能联系自己的实际生活,展开合理的论述。短文作者根据题目要求以保护我们的视力为主题,采用一般现在时态,作文对学生视力下降的原因做了分析,“The main reason is the bad habits of using eyesFor example.kBesides. Whats more,.”

8、条理清楚,语言生动,第二段,给出了具体的建议,语篇内容完整。文中多处使用连接词,高级词汇、句型。如【高分句型一】 Besides,we should see green plants as often as possible【高分句型一】Finally, remember to do eyeprotecting exercises or do more outdoor sports, which will help us keep good eyesight结尾:表达愿望呼吁大家保护好视力。2018年2018 年 5 月 5 日上午,第十届海南省“书香节”启动仪式在海南省图书馆举行。为响应 “

9、书香节”活动,你校校刊英文版正在开展以“I Like Reading”为主题的征文活动。请根据下表提示内容写一篇短文,介绍你对阅读的看法及个人的阅读情况。要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2. 必须包含所给提示内容,并做适当发挥;3. 行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;4. 不少于 80 词。(短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Reading makes a full man. Its important and necessary for everyone to read._2018年海南中考英语作文与以往的作文形式相比大致相同,要求学生写出阅读的优点以及自己的阅读习

10、惯等内容,契合学生生活实际,体现了核心素养下的实践创新,具有时代特色。旨在培养学生的学习能力以及充分、合理安排自己业余生活的能力。培养学生爱读书的良好习惯。学生在写作时,要注意把握文章的体裁/人称和时态。 Reading makes a full man. Its important and necessary for everyone to read. Reading can open up our minds and help us get more knowledge. As for me, I like reading a lot. In my spare time, I not on

11、ly go to bookstores to buy books but also borrow books from the library. Before going to bed, I always spend some time reading. That really makes me feel relaxed. On weekends, I enjoy reading some novels. Journey to the West is my favorite book. And Monkey King is my super hero. The summer holiday i

12、s coming, I am going to read Harry Potter which is a very popular magic book. Reading is a lifelong journey. I hope everyone can read as much as possible in the future.【名师点评】2018海南中考英语作文以“ I Like Reading ”为题目的夹叙夹议的命题作文,难度等级属于适中,是常见的中考作文话题之一,用一般现在时叙述,人称为第一人称。要求介绍你对阅读的看法及平时的阅读情况,有参考提示语,可适当发挥,学生在写作时要注意围绕全文主题安排文章结构,不能逐词翻译,语言准确。合理使用连词,使得文章逻辑清晰,尽量使用熟悉且有把握的单词和句式,保持卷面整洁。【写作亮点】本文是一篇优秀的作文,围绕主题展开论述。本文开篇即点明观点,引出话题,阅读开阔思维,丰富知识 Reading makes a full man . it s important and necessary for everyone to read . Reading can open up our minds and help us get more knowledge. 接下来写了自己


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