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1、昌平区2020年初三年级第二次统一练习英语试卷本试卷共8页, 共60分。考试时长90分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上, 在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后, 将答题卡交回。知识运用一、单项填空从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选1.Our English teacher, Miss Zhang, is good at telling jokes. We all like_.A. himB. itC. herD. you2.When is the Dragon Boat Festival this year? Its _June 25thA. inB. onC. tD

2、. of3.Jennifer, _makes you so unhappy? I cant go outside or play with my friends.A. whatB. whereC. whenD. who4.Mom, _I wash my hands after coming back from outside? Yes, you must. Its good for you.A. shouldB. canC. mustD. need5.You must spend some time reading English every day, _your English will f

3、all behind.A. forB. butC. andD. or6.Mike is growing fast. Now he is even _ than his father.A. tallB. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest7.Frank goes to school early every day. He always _ the classroom for us.A. cleansB. cleanC. cleanedD. is cleaning8.I am a little heavier than 6 months ago. I _ exercise

4、s since January.A. didnt doB. havent doneC. am not doingD. wont do9.Be quiet and try not to make any noise Your brother _online class now. OK, Mom!A. hasB. hadC. is havingD. was having10.Where did you go during the weekend? I _ at home and watched New World on my iPad. It was really exciting!A. stay

5、B. will stayC. staysD. stayed11.A lot of vegetables _to Wuhan during the 2020 Spring Festival.A. were sentB. sentC. is sentD. send12.Excuse me, could you tell me _? Its hard to say now. It wont reopen until its safe for us to get together.A. when the cinema will reopenB. when did the cinema reopenC.

6、 when will the cinema reopenD. when the cinema reopened二、完形填空阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。The Bread LessonIve been feeling stressed out since I found out I wasnt able to enter the swim team. Now Ill have to_13_ for a whole year to try out again; that might as well be a million yea

7、rs. I think Dad knew I was feeling _14_. He asked me how things were going. I said OK, even though I didnt feel OK at all. He looked at me for a moment, and then he said it was time for me to help. Dad headed to the kitchen and took out his large mixing bowl and told me to stir(搅拌)while he was _15_

8、the materials. He threw in a large handful of flour(面粉). He then put salt into the bowl. Dad isnt big on measuring. He knows exactly how much of each thing to use without thinking, and the bread always turns out great. After we mixed everything and made a dough(生面团), we waited for more than an hour

9、for the dough to slowly double in size. Next, we deflated(放气)the risen dough. We divided it into two and waited for it to_16_ again. Afterward, we put the dough into pans and waited another hour for the dough to double one last time. Dad said the waiting was always the hardest part because of the sh

10、arp, sweet smell coming from the yeast. You cant help putting the dough _17_ into the oven, but if you do, the bread will be small and hard. The most important lesson of all is learning to be_18_, Dad explained. While we waited, we sat and talked. It felt good to open up and share our_19_. I started

11、 enjoying the quiet time with Dad. My father taught me how to bake bread, but I think I learned to appreciate the slow passing of time. I learned to_20_and let the bread rise.13. A. restB. waitC. searchD. race14. A. safeB. stupidC. seriousD. stressful15 A. addingB. countingC. tastingD. touching16. A

12、. dryB. riseC. softenD. change17. A. carefullyB. cleverlyC. directlyD. successfully18. A. honestB. patientC. helpfulD. creative19. A. mistakesB. backgroundsC. dreamsD. thoughts20. A. relaxB. trainC. imagineD. compete阅读理解三、阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。ADo you want to study at a forei

13、gn university? The followings may give you some ideas. Harvard UniversityIt is an American private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Its history, high standard of education, research influence, and wealth have made it one of the most respected universities in the world. It has produce

14、d 49 Nobel winners, 32 heads of state and 48 Pulitzer Prize winners. Set up: in 1636Official Website: http:/ www. harvard. edu/University of ViennaIt is in Vienna, Austria. Its one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the most respected among the German-speaking peoples. Over its six-

15、and-a-half-century history, it has grown large enough to serve 94,000 students, about a third of whom are international students from over 140 different nations. Set up: in 1365Official Website: https: /www. univie. ac. at/en/University of TorontoIt is a world leader in higher education and research, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Students can choose from more than 980 programs for university degrees and above spread over three different schooly


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