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1、人教版八年级上册期中U6-U10重点词组积累Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. 重点词组1.长大grow up2.确信;对有把握 be sure about3. 确保;查明make sure4.能够做某事 be able to do sth5.在开始at the beginning of6.写下;记录下write down 7.关于;与有关系have to do with8. (尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做take up9.同意;赞成agree with 10.编程人员computer programmer11.把发送到 send . to .1

2、2.继续做某事; 重复做某事keep on doing sthUnit Unit 7 Will people have robots? 重点词组1.参与(某事)play a part2.太空站 space station 3.多次;反复地over and over again4.不同意;不赞成disagree with 5.许多;大量 hundreds of6.跌倒;倒塌fall down 7.寻找;寻求 look for8. 处境危险in danger9.搬(家);搬迁move to10.在将来in the futureUnit 8 How do you make a banana milk

3、 shake? 重点词组1.奶昔milk shake2. 打开 turn on 3. 打开add . to . 4.一片;一条a piece of5.用填满fill . with .6. 用覆盖cover . with . 7.把切碎cut . into pieces8. 切碎cut up9.把倒进pour . into .10.把放进put . into .11.做汤make soup12.从带出 / 取出take out . from . 13.挖洞 dig a hole14.逐一地one by one15.另外十分钟 another ten minutes Unit 9 Can you

4、come to my party? 重点词组1.为做准备prepare for 2. 患流感 have the flu3. 看医生go to the doctor4.其他时间;别的时间another time5.闲逛hang out6. 前天 the day before yesterday7.后天 the day after tomorrow8. 照料;照顾look after9.拒绝 turn down 10.去旅行take a trip11.盼望;期待look forward to 12.收到(某人的)信、电话等hear from13.在末尾at the end of14.返回 go b

5、ack15邀请某人到invite sb. to .16.邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sthUnit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 重点词组1.保守秘密keep . to oneself 2. 分成两半 in half 3. 上大学go to college4.周游世界travel around the world5.挣钱 make money 6. 接受教育 get an education7.给某人提建议give sb. advice8. 从某人那里得到建议 get advice from sb. 9.不敢做某事be afraid to do sth.10.最后in the end11.犯错make mistakes12. 躲开;回避run away from13.完成或做了事情的一部分be halfway to doing sth. 3



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