Unit 6 Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练 牛津译林版英语八年级上册

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Unit 6 Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练 牛津译林版英语八年级上册_第1页
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Unit 6 Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练 牛津译林版英语八年级上册_第2页
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Unit 6 Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练 牛津译林版英语八年级上册_第3页
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《Unit 6 Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练 牛津译林版英语八年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 6 Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练 牛津译林版英语八年级上册(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、8AU6: Birdwatching单元复习重点考查词汇专项整理训练根据所给中文、句意或首字母提示,填入单词的正确形式。1. In China most of the supermarkets stopped _(提供) people free plastic bags. 2. There isnt enough _ (空间) in this room for sixty students.3. Can you see the words on the blackboard _ (清晰地)?4. The story will help people understand the _(重要性)o

2、f protecting wild animals.5. Different_(政府) are doing everything they can to improve the bad weather. 6. -Do you know where he lives? -Sorry, I dont know his a_ either.7. My mother says she wants me to buy some vegetables at the_(市场).8. _(记录) the study time every day is a good habit for you.9.We wil

3、l record their types and_(改变) in their numbers.10. Tigers dont have enough_(空间) to live because people cut down too many trees.11. Please _ (介绍) yourself in simple language first.12. He stood there looking all _ (四周).13. Jim _ (覆盖) his face with his hands as soon as he saw that.14. Janet was my firs

4、t suggestion as _ (主席).15. It is _ (自然的) that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl.16. The bags are those_(tour). We should give them back.17. My cousin enjoyed her_(停留) in Shanghai very much.18. This is a_(极好的) place for many rare birds to live during the cold winter.19. Nan tong is to

5、 the _ (东北部) of Nanjing.20. The Birdwatching _ (协会) is very popular among the students.21. There is no need to _ (介绍) yourself. We heard of you a long time ago.22. Ill give you my _ (地址) and my telephone number.23. There are several_(渔民) fishing over there.24. This book can help you_(理解) the differe

6、nces between the two countries.25. Samuel_(数数) fromlto100 andfinallyfellasleep.26. Its said that some farms keep the strange chickens with more than two_(翅膀).27. He was_(描述) what he saw to the policeman at the time we arrived.28. -How much time do you spend reading English every morning?-_(little) t

7、han half an hour.29. Finally, the sudden heavy rains_(导致) to a flood.30. This kind of eagles have even _(宽大的) wings.31. This course _ (包括) all kinds of ways to practise your English.32. I think the red-crowned crane is the_(rare) bird in the world.33. The_(govern) agree to make laws to punish those

8、who sell endangered animals.34. The _(表格) he is filling show us some information about the company.35. The cost of living went up_(然而) most of the workers got less money every month.36. He can always work out Maths problems_(不费力地). How clever he is!37. Snow _ (覆盖) the ground yesterday.38. -Who will

9、be the _ (speak) of the speech? -Mr Green.39. People like to keep_(鹦鹉) as pets because they can learn to speak.40. Some members of our club will go_(观鸟) this Sunday morning.41. There are fewer and fewer_(live) areas for wild animals in some countries.42. The farm_(提供) many restaurants with fresh mea

10、t and vegetables.43. Can you see two_(鹤) dancing over there?44. Bears usually move_(slow) around in the forest during the daytime.45. There were lots of_(fish) living along this river in the past.46. The heavy snow_(阻止) the plane taking off on time.47. Do they_(active) take action to help those wild

11、 birds and animals?48. My aunt has taught_(she) to feed those cranes because shes interested in it.49. What is the_(weigh) of a baby eagle when it is born?50. Our school life is interesting and _ (colour).51. Now there are_(few) living areas for the wild animals than before.52. Toms teacher was unha

12、ppy that he answered all the questions_(correct).53. There are a lot of places of interest to see during your_(逗留) in Nanjing.54. I wont go to her birthday party because I didnt get the_ (invite) letter.55. He often worries too much. Its difficult to see_(happy) on his face.56. It is important for _

13、(speak) to make the audience(观众) interested.57. To our surprise, the shy girl sang_(完美) in the program called The Best Voice?58. Its a pity that we can see fewer and fewer_(稀有的) animals in the wild now.59. Mymotheris_(记录)howmuchmoneyshespentonhernewclothes.60. _(luck), I didnt find my missing wallet in the end.参考答案1.providing2.space3.clearly4.importance5.governments6.address7.market8.Recording9.changes10.space11.introduce12.round13.covered14.chairperson15.natural16.tourists17.stay18.perfect19.north-east20.Society21.introduce22.address23.fisher



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