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1、塞缪尔约翰逊文学理论新说【摘 要】塞缪尔约翰逊主编的莎士比亚集, 有校勘、注释和评论。约翰逊认为戏剧基于想象,各幕之间 在空间和时间上的变异是应该允许的。他认为三一律之中, 只有行动的一致性是重要的,空间的一致性和时间的一致性 是虚妄的。莎士比亚不受这一规则的束缚,正是伟大之处。 本文对莎士比亚的道德缺失,粗俗语言和情节安排混乱进行 讨论。【关键词】塞缪尔约翰逊;莎士比亚全集;个人经 历;社会;宗教1.Introduction to Samuel Johnson and Preface to ShakespeareSamuel Johnson was an English author who

2、 made lasting contributions to English literature as a essayist, poet, moralist, biographer, literary critic, editor and lexicographer Johnson was a devout Anglican and committed Tory, and has been described as “the most distinguished man of letters in English historyv and the subject of “the most f

3、amous single work of biographical art in the whole of literaturev Johnson s Preface to Shakespeare expresses his grounding of critical judgment on morality and his idea that poets should concern themselves with representing general nature than particular experienee. The long-sustained experience of

4、mankind is Johnson s test for older writers and Shakespeare is preeminent because he is the poet of “general nature” Shakespeare? s appeal rests on his ability to portray human nature , not kings or Romans This is Shakespeares “mirror of life” that has stood the test of time and tha/t norrower criti

5、cs have misunderstoodAbove all, Johnson points out Shakespeare s three shortcomings in Preface to Shakespeare-一that is-一 Shakespeare? s lack of morality, his vulgarity and his carelessness in erafting plots and his occasional inattentiveness when choosing words or word order Those who are accus to m

6、ed to the belief that Shakespeare could do no wrong may be surprised by Johnson? s strictly judicial appraisal of the bard s faults and values. In my final thesis, I have collected many materials to plead for Shakespeare I will analyze his shortcomings from Shakespeares personal experience and the s

7、ociety in his times2. Explanations for Shakespeare? s Shortcomings2. 1 Shakespeares Personal ExperienceShakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon and baptized there on 26 April 1564. Although no attendance records for the period survive, most biographers agree that Shakespeare was probably educated

8、 at the King,s New School in Stratford. Grammar schools varied in quality during the Elizabethan era, but the grammar curriculum was standardized by royal decree throughout England , and the school would have provided an intensive education in Latin grammar based upon Latin classicalauthors At the a

9、ge of 13, Shakespeare dropped out his school to help his parents to remain in business after his father had gone bankrupt Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain s Men, later known as the King

10、s MenShakespeare? s early plays weremainly comedies and histories including AlV s Well That Ends Well, As You Like It, Measure for Measure, A Midsummer Night, s Dream and so on. In Preface to Shakespeare , Johnson mentions that the plots in Shakespeare? s plays are often loosely formed, that a very

11、slight consideration may improve them and so carelessly pursued that he seems not always fully to comprehend his own design. In addition, Johnson says that when Shakespeare found himself near the end of his work, he shortened the labor to snatch the profit. Therefore he remits his efforts where he s

12、hould most vigorously exert them and his catastrophe is improbably produced or imperfectly represented.After a fully study about Shakespeare s early life, we can understand his carelessness and vu 1 garity in crafting the plots He lived in such a big family and he was responsible for supporting his

13、family. Shakespeare was interested in plays, so he began to earn money by playing a role on stages Later he had an idea that he can earn money by writing plays also. In my opinion, most of Shakespeares early writings can only represent a common younger s interest in writing plays as well as a tool f

14、or food Money were significantly vital for young Shakespeare , so he dicin t have enough time to revise the writings again and again. Therefore, some loose plots in his early comedies may be neglected by himself. What, s more, occasional loose plots don, t have a considerably bad effect on his comed

15、ies2.2 Social Status in Shakespeare? s TimesTherere three stages in Shakespeares creation of plays. The analysis of Shakespeare s writing st ages can help us to understand the changes of Shakespeare? s characters In Preface to Shakespeare , Johnson mentions that The censure which he has incurred by

16、mixing comic and tragic scenes, as it extends to all his works, deserves more considera.tion. ” I think that after stating the clear partition of Shakespeare? s writing period , I can try to defend Johnson s statement.It is from 1590 to 1600 that Elizabeth s rule reached its prime At that time, all over the UK were prosperous and flourishing which had an influence on Shakespeares tone of creation. We can conclude Shakespeare? s



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