(广州版) 六年级 英语上册教案 Module6 Unit17

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1、中小学课堂教学精品资料设计广州版六年级英语上册教案Module 6 FestivalsUnit 17 Its the Spring Festival Soon一、教材内容分析本节课集中安排了复习节日名称、节日特点和节日活动,教学内容比较贴近学生的实际生活。目前学生已学完了四种基本时态,即一般现在时、现在进行时、一般将来时和一般过去时。四种时态的准确区分和综合运用是一个重难点,学生比较吃力,特别是一般过去时态。本节课以“节日”为主题,贯穿运用一般过去时,一般将来时和一般现在时,对它们进行复习巩固。二、教学对象分析我们的学生对节日的名称、节日的特点和节日的活动掌握得还不错。在本单元的平时教学中,根

2、据学生的特点和他们的接受能力,我们渗透比较多书本以外的有关节日的知识。比如:涉及到春节的词汇和活动,我们教给他们:Spring Festival couplet,dragon dance,lion dance,lantern,firework,firecracker,New Year cake,give the New Years greeting等等。因为贴近学生的实际生活,学生学习兴趣浓厚,积极性很高,就算增加词汇给他们记也不觉是一种负担。至于时态方面,目前学生已经比较系统地学了一般现在时、正在进行时、将来时和过去时。学生对单个时态的独立运用比较好,但各种时态的综合运用却容易混淆,需要通过

3、大量的操练来区分、强化和巩固。本节课我创设了多项活动来激发学生综合运用英语的兴趣,更加系统地掌握所学到的知识。三、教学目标1.语言知识: (1)能较好地掌握各种节日的名称、描述节日特点和活动的句子,如: A. Before Spring Festival, people buy some orange trees. At Spring Festival, adults give children lucky money. People eat dumplings and New Year cake. B. At Christmas, people clean the house and dec

4、orate the Christmas trees. Father Christmas gives good children presents. C. At Halloween, children wear masks and go from door to door to ask for sweets and cakes. D. At Easter, people give each other Easter eggs.等等。(2)能就“节日”的话题主动进行交流运用。(3)能较好地掌握一般现在时、一般将来时和一般过去时各种句型。2.语言技能: (1)能通过节日活动,对已学的时态进行比较,能

5、听、说、读一般现在时、一般将来时和一般过去时的句型和文章。(2)复习形容词比较级和最高级。(3)综合运用英语对节日进行描述和对比。3.学习策略:听说领先,演练巩固。让学生积极参加课堂活动,认真观察、分析、对比和归纳所学知识。以节日为主线,通过复习一般现在时、一般将来时和一般过去时,培养他们对各种语法知识的运用能力。4.情感态度:学生学会主动学习,突破难点,增强学习的信心。5.文化意识:了解外国学生的活动与我们的异同以及中西方节日风俗习惯的某些异同。四、教学重难点:正确地综合运用各种已学时态对节日进行描述和对比。五、教学媒体:课件,课堂练习纸。六、教学过程I. Leading-in1. Chan

6、t.2. Greetings and daily talk.II. Pre-taskIntroduce the Alien(Billy):以Alien(Billy)为主线,他从外星来,想了解中西方节日,给同学们提出四个问题,通过上课,希望同学们能帮助Billy解决所提的问题。(1). What are festivals? Can you name some festivals?(2). What do people do at those festivals?(3). Which festivals are more interesting/popular, Chinese festival

7、s or western festivals?(4). What is the most important festival in China and in western countries?Task 1 Lets guess.复习学过的节日名称。要求学生快速地看幻灯片,说出节日名称,并拼写出来。Task 2 Lets listen and judge.听力练习,复习节日的特点和节日的活动。要求全体学生认真听老师读句子,如老师所读句子是正确的,全班说“Bingo”,并起立全班重复句子;如不对,请个别同学纠正。III. While-taskTask 3 Lets talk. 让学生综合运用三

8、种学过的时态对六个节日活动进行描述。IV. Post-taskTask 4 Lets compare and write. 让学生分组对三种中方节日和三种西方节日进行相互对比,综合运用比较级,并把各种节日的某些异同写下来。Task 5 Lets read and do. 学生阅读来自Jiamin写给Billy的信,信的内容为“Spring Festival”,让Billy知道Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.让学生根据字母开头填空,完成信件内容。V. Check1帮助学生归纳各种节日的异同;以及学生在信件填空时对一般

9、过去时的运用。2出现Billy给予大家的评价:All your festivals are interesting and important. I like them so much. Thank you!3总结:Every festival has its strong and weak points. We should learn from each other. And we have to try our best to let the whole world know more about our Chinese traditional festivals. Do you agr

10、ee with me?4评价学生的表现。VI. Homework1读、背U16、17单词和课文,并且默写U16、17的单词。(1号本)2 写一封信给Billy,主题:今年圣诞节的计划。(创新本)(提醒学生告诉Billy:Christmas is most important festival in western countries.)附:自创诗歌:January 1st is the New Years Day.February 14th is the Valentines Day.March 8th is the Womens Day.April 1st is the April Fool

11、s Day.May 1st is the May Day.June 1st is the Childrens Day. July 1st is the Party Day.Lunar August 15th is the Mid-autumn Day.September 10th is the Teachers Day.October 1st is the National Day.The fourth Thursday of November is the Thanksgiving Day.December 25th is the Christmas Day.部分上课练习资料1小组对比节日的

12、异同(请写动词短语)。Chinese Festivals(Mid-autumn Festival)Western Festivals(Halloween)Something Similar(相同)Something Different(不同)1232根据字母开头填空(注意时态)。21st December, 2007Dear Billy, I am Jiamin. I want to tell you my last Spring Festival. Spring Festival is the m important festival in China. It is on lunar(农历)

13、 J 1st. My last Spring Festival w great. In the evening, my family g together and h a big meal. There w some vegetables, meat, fruits and drink. This was a good and d dinner. After dinner, we w TV New Year progammes. On the first day, we children wore new clothes and all g up e and said “Happy New Y

14、ear!” to each other and g money from a . For breakfast, we a d and baozi. After breakfast, we p cards and games. People e the Spring Festival. Everyone was h . I l Spring Festival! Yours,Jiamin根据字母开头填空(注意时态)。21st December, 2007Dear Billy, I am Jiamin. I want to tell you my last Spring Festival. Spri

15、ng Festival is the m important festival in China. It is on lunar(农历) J 1st.My last Spring Festival w great. In the evening, my family g together and h a big meal. There w some vegetables, meat, fruits and drink. This was a good and d dinner. After dinner, we w TV New Year progammes. On the first day, we children wore new clothes and all g up e and sa



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